Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
DIEZ is a respiratory-based therapeutic technique for improving esophageal clearance thus helping to eliminate the sensation of food sticking, regurgitation of undigested food, and non-pathologic globus sensation. This course will fully describe how to determine who is appropriate for this therapy, how to evaluate these patients, provide instructions in how to teach the DIEZ technique to adults and children, and offer tips for making the technique habitual. ... more+
"The description of the technique was beneficial. Clear explanation, lots of examples." D.P. (Feb. 2025)
"The entire topic was beneficial. I work in a nursing home and have many physician referrals for globus / sticking materials. I liked that the information was concise and the use of VFSS." J.P. (Feb. 2025)
"I liked the thorough breakdown of the theoretical reason for the technique, and the examples of case studies and MBSS films." A.H. (Feb. 2025)
"It was beneficial to discuss neuromuscular anatomy of esophagus. I liked the video examples and uses from other colleagues." S.P. (Feb. 2025)
"Helping patients with stuck feelings. I liked the applicability to my practice." C.P. (Feb. 2025)
"The use of this technique will be invaluable with my globus sensation patients. I loved the new to me information, the videos, the research." J.D. (Jan. 2025)
"Specific instructions for DIEZ technique were helpful. I liked the VFSS videos to show comparison of the baseline swallow vs swallow with DIEZ." M.R. (Jan. 2025)
"The technique was beneficial as well as the case studies." R.R. (Jan. 2025)
"The overall knowledge about respiration, esophagus, and swallowing was beneficial. I liked that I could pace myself, I could go back to parts I needed to review." D.C. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the range of client types this method can apply to and importance of esophageal evaluation during vfss." M.O. (Jan. 2025)
"The actual Diez maneuver and how it was applied during modified barium studies was beneficial. The presentation was clear and had good use of case studies." J.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Description of the cues provided during the Diez technique was helpful." K.A. (Dec. 2024)
"I really appreciated the emphasis on respiratory coordination with esophageal function and the clear explanation of the procedures being used and why. I am sure that a number of the children I have taken for swallow studies would have benefitted from better analysis of the esophagus. So often backward flow of material is immediately called GERD when it must have been intra-esophageal backward flow. Very well organized and presented. So excited by the total emphasis on the impact of respiratory function on the esophageal function." R.A. (Dec. 2024)
"Very informative, lots of examples. We receive several MBS orders for "food sticking" and pt's who have GERD." K.P. (Dec. 2024)
"I gained a deeper understanding of normal and disordered esophageal function, and deeper understanding of how respiration impacts esophageal transit. Great cases, clear description of concepts, and thorough explanations." J.H. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the steps for completing the DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked seeing multiple examples of the technique in MBSS." B.K. (Dec. 2024)
"The physiologic explanations are useful for instructing this technique. Clear descriptions and many videos and manometry/impedance charts." N.B. (Dec. 2024)
"The technique itself for patient's complaining of globus was beneficial. The course was very informative and interesting to know one technique can make a difference." G.D. (Dec. 2024)
"I found the entire course to be beneficial to my daily practice. DIEZ will allow me to treat so many patients I previously thought I had nothing to offer as help. The pace of the course was good. The instructor had an excellent ability to explain and teach this topic." T.O. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the steps to swallowing with esophageal issues was beneficial. I liked the video format." T.G. (Dec. 2024)
"This is a helpful technique for esophageal dysphagia. I thought the handouts were very helpful." E.A. (Dec. 2024)
"VFSS examples and DIEZ implementation were beneficial. I enjoyed that many examples were offered." J.R. (Dec. 2024)
"It was beneficial listening to all the different cases of people this method helped. I liked learning how to perform the DIEZ maneuver and watching the MBSS of the strategy in real-time." K.S. (Dec. 2024)
"I see patients for OP videofluoroscopic studies and the complaints mentioned throughout this course are the ones that I routinely hear. I will definitely try the DIEZ technique on these patients going forward. I appreciated the video examples and the background information re: the esophagus, crural diaphragm." M.K. (Dec. 2024)
"Learning the DIEZ method will be life changing for my outpatients who have already had full GI work ups. This course was comprehensive and informative." M.D. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the practical application of the technique." C.G. (Dec. 2024)
"I have experienced GREAT results implementing the DIEZ method with clients. Clients are so thankful and compliment the simplicity and efficiency of this maneuver." P.P. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the diagrams, MBSS videos shown, research background provided, thorough anatomy and physiology provided in relation to esophageal stasis/clearance." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the rationale for this new technique, slides, and clear instructions." A.N. (Nov. 2024)
"This course really opened up my eyes to a technique that may help people who complain of Globus, food sticking, and excess mucous. I perform multiple OP swallow studies per week, where I tend to meet people with these complaints. I used to refer them back to their GI, but now have a new tool to try that may help! Very clear and organized presentation of the material." C.L. (Nov. 2024)
"I definitely found the information very interesting and helpful. The presenter explained everything in a concise manner, making it comprehendible." A.G. (Nov. 2024)
"Absolutely a game changer! The best part is patients know and report relief immediately once they get the technique down and it’s not hard to train." R.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Learned how to do the DIEZ technique. Informative course about esophageal anatomy." M.I. (Nov. 2024)
"Patients who are aware of their bodies have excellent outcomes. Yes, it works! My 97-year-old patient who'd been practicing yoga most of her life was my best case. I wish The Diez Method could be a required CEU for all medical SLPs." M.W. (Nov. 2024
"The technique is effective on patients and self." A.H.T. (Nov. 2024)
"I have trained 10 patients on this technique and 6/10 state that it has helped them tremendously. It is so exciting to see someone experience an immediate improvement of symptoms when using this technique." D.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I did use the technique with my husband and it worked!! He was suffering from a constant cough, hiatal hernia, and GERD. Making him do the DIEZ technique with liquid wash helped greatly. The coughing immediately decreased." R.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I like the technique in itself. How practical it is and how thorough the research citations were." M.P. (Nov. 2024)
"The videos of swallow studies as well as the other images were very helpful to understand the connection of breathing/swallowing and affects on esophageal phase of swallow. Course was very comprehensive, and presented in an easy to understand format." T.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the explanation of the relationship of respiration and esophageal pressures and how this can be manipulated to improve esophageal clearance and reduce pts symptoms. Instructions to provide patients regarding respiration to potentially reduce esophageal stasis." M.T. (Nov. 2024)
"Anatomy and physiology relating to globus sensation / esophageal stasis, the benefit of the technique, research results, and how to complete the technique effectively." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Very interesting topic presented in an easy format. I like that a technique is available for patients with continued complaint of globus when all tests have been negative." T.B. (Nov. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked all of the information." K.G. (Oct. 2024)
"The mechanics of the technique were helpful to discuss. The course was very clear and informative." L.B. (Oct. 2024)
"I felt like I couldn't help my patients with esophageal problems. Now I feel like I have something for them. I liked the explanation of anatomy and physiology." J.C. (Oct. 2024)
"I liked the organization and honesty by the presenter." K.M. (Oct. 2024)
"Actually having a treatment technique for non-pathological esophageal dysphagia will be beneficial. I enjoyed learning about the complex relationship between breathing and swallowing." C.K. (Oct. 2024)
"Step-by-step instruction for the patient and rationale for how it works. I liked the MBSS videos showing esophageal clearances, description/images of physiology, and handouts to give to patients." C.W. (Oct. 2024)
"The DIEZ is the first technique or intervention I've seen in which SLPs can actually address patient complaints of globus sensation. The presenter was very informative and provided evidence-based research to educate." A.T. (Oct. 2024)
"It was beneficial discussing how intricate respiration and swallowing are involved with each other. I liked the video examples." M.V. (Oct. 2024)
"The handout of instructions for patients is excellent. I love how it provides a rationale. Course had very functional information that you can go back and use with patients immediately." C.L. (Oct. 2024)
"Discussing how the technique benefits patient's c/o specific symptoms was beneficial. Very practical information. Can use almost right away. The speaker provided clear instructional videos/examples and provides when this technique is helpful and when it may not be." K.S. (Oct. 2024)
"This was an excellent presentation on clinical findings that have been adapted into practice for specific problems presented by patients with esophageal-related issues, i.e., belching and Globus when no other pathology is present. The course was thorough, and presented logically. I learned a lot about esophageal disorders, testing methods, and research about respiration and esophageal pressures, as well as the Diez technique." N.R. (Oct. 2024)
"Everything was beneficial because we always get patients complaining of Globus sensation. I liked all the examples." L.M. (Oct. 2024)
"I have not heard about any possible treatments for esophageal clearance, so I'm very excited to try this with my patients. I thought content was practical and will easily translate to clinical practice." K.L. (Oct. 2024)
"I work in the acute setting and encounter so many patients who complain of Globus sensation and esophageal issues, but symptoms are not reflected in diagnostic testing. I am so grateful for another strategy to promote comfort and symptom relief for these patients! I enjoyed the handouts, video of the speaker, PowerPoint slides." A.C. (Sep. 2024)
"Very practical information and readily able to be implemented. I liked the discussion on the esophageal and lung relationship." C.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Treatment options were beneficial. I liked the examples shown." R.K. (Sep. 2024)
"I loved the handouts describing DIEZ for both the patient and PCPs." L.G. (Sep. 2024)
"Use of the DIEZ approach for patients who complain of excess mucus and Globus sensation (which is almost EVERY PATIENT I SEE). It is nice to have a tool in my toolbox to try with these patients. Excellent presentation of the early literature/research behind this technique. I am sold, and I can't wait to read more about new research that looks into this very promising approach." C.A. (Sep. 2024)
"I liked the practicality and ease of reviewing this information." R.H. (Sep. 2024)
"Explanation of pathophysiology and how this technique can help to address globus. I liked the combination of data and real case scenarios." H.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Use of the DIEZ technique for those with c/o excess mucus, globus sensation, and throwing up after meals despite VFSS and GI reports being unremarkable. I liked the pacing; well thought out; good dispersement of videos throughout. I have already recommended this course to the SLP who does the VFSS at the local hospital." R.A. (Sep. 2024)
"Breathing techniques and case studies were helpful. I liked the time flexibility." V.H. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussing the technique & rationale behind it was beneficial. The presenter was engaging/interesting." P.P. (Aug. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique was beneficial as I have been looking for something to help my patient status post UPPP surgery in 2007 and has to cough out residual mucus repeatedly every day. I liked the video demonstrations and the step-by-step way you have justified why and how it makes a difference." P.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The handout was exceptional, and presentation was very good." T.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The presenter was fantastic and I loved all the visualizations and case studies to help me understand and apply. The entire presentation was great." J.M. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked the video examples, and the use of Kaypentax to measure respiration along with VFSS, HRM impedance testing for added information." K.M. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked discussing the importance of completing an esophageal screen on patients especially those who complain of dysphagia in the absence of any obvious pharyngeal difficulty. Taking it at my own pace." C.F. (Aug. 2024)
"Since I work in an adult outpatient clinic that gets a lot of referrals for voice and swallow issues, I see a LOT of patients with globus sensation. This is an invaluable strategy for me! I loved the real case examples, the MBS videos, and Roxanne's communication & teaching style. I really appreciate courses from practicing clinicians - it's so much more realistic." E.W. (Aug. 2024)
"I have already used the technique with 5 participants in our program and one staff member. All report improvement! Watching the videos was very helpful." D.H. (Aug. 2024)
"It was beneficial understanding the relationship between the pulmonary system and the esophagus. I liked the case studies and review of HRM and impedance measures." J.K. (Aug. 2024)
"I gained a better understanding of how lung volumes interact with esophageal pressures and esophageal emptying. It gives me another tool for evaluating and treating patients who complain of Globus. I liked the real world examples and step by step for how to teach the technique!" R.G. (Aug. 2024)
"I enjoyed watching and listening to SLP "in action" performing the technique during MBS! I liked all of the information! It was amazing." E.N. (Aug. 2024)
"Everything! The course was very practical with an excellent source of references." J.A. (Aug. 2024)
"The entire lecture will benefit my practice that is embedded within a laryngology clinic. We have many patients with breathing dysfunction and "GERD" that does not get better with PPIs or has been ID via instrumental testing. This gives me further motivation to spend more time on diaphragmatic breathing. RDG's presentation was one of the strongest offerings I have seen in many years. The foundation was beautifully laid, the anatomy reviewed, and the case studies each had a point!" K.D. (Jul. 2024)
"Physiology of the DIEZ technique was helpful. I liked the rate of presentation and some redundancy to drive the points home." L.K. (Jul. 2024)
"The entire presentation was beneficial! I liked the immediate usefulness of information with my current patient caseload." L.J. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked everything in this course." J.S. (Jul. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique will hopefully bring relief for many of my nursing home and short-term rehab patients. All the information was presented in an easy-to-use format. Plenty of science/research to back up the efficacy. Dr. Gross is a very good speaker and explains things well. I am excited to use this technique tomorrow at work!" G.S. (Jul. 2024)
"Using the DIEZ technique during a VFSS to assess its usefulness as a compensatory strategy was beneficial. I enjoyed the in-depth rationale as to why this technique works." B.D. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked all the information about pressure dynamics and the specific instructions for the use of the technique." C.H. (Jul. 2024)
"Implications of technique were beneficial to discuss. Good examples." B.E. (Jul. 2024)
"Everything in this course was beneficial." A.K. (Jul. 2024)
"Finally, something effective to offer patients with phlegm issues that interfere with their swallowing." L.L. (Jul. 2024)
"Pre-made patient handout was beneficial. The detailed, evidence-based nature was much appreciated." C.F. (Jul. 2024)
"Discussing the Globus sensation and providing patients with another tool was helpful. I liked how the course was logically laid out." A.T. (Jun. 2024)
"I tried it on myself when swallowing pills, and it works! I will definitely be using this with my patients who complain of a Globus sensation and have a diagnosis of GERD!! I liked the relevance and positive, practical aspect of this course!" A.V. (Jun. 2024)
"The relationship of esophageal physiology to respiration as well as the DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked everything. Another outstanding course by Dr. Roxann Gross." R.A. (Jun. 2024)
"Viewing the MBS and the DIEZ protocol in action was helpful. I liked the explanation of the HRM." J.S. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked both the DIEZ technique and the underlying support/rationale for it working for stated clients." M.M. (Jun. 2024)
"I have many people who complain of Globus. I appreciate the explicit instructions about this technique and the extensive review of the research/evidence; this might be another option or "tool" in my toolbox for how to go about helping patients with symptom mgmt." R.Z. (Jun. 2024)
"This is a fascinating topic and I can't wait to try on my patients specifically during outpt mbs - majority are patients with c/o globus. I liked the case studies." L.E. (Jun. 2024)
"I like that this is a new horizon in dysphagia management and something possible that we can offer to the appropriate patient to potentially provide them some relief from their symptoms." K.F. (Jun. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss how respiration affects esophageal clearance. The course was easy to follow." M.W. (Jun. 2024)
"Excellent offering in a new technique/strategy to help clients manage their issues." K.W. (May 2024)
Presenters: Cheri Fraker, CCC-SLP, CLC & Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC
This treatment course demonstrates the how-to’s of PreChaining and Food Chaining over time. Learn fun and creative strategies for successfully implementing PreChaining and/or Food Chaining therapy for the child with severe to extreme feeding aversion. Detailed case studies are used to demonstrate from week to week how to help the child and their family make rapid and lasting gains, eat safely, lower anxiety, expand the diet, improve nutritional status, and eat with joy.... more+
"The child's case with GI issues was beneficial to discuss. I liked the various given treatment ideas." A.M. (Feb. 2025)
"This course made me want to work with this population, though I currently do not. I thought the case studies were a great way to teach the information. Examples and videos were super helpful." M.C. (Feb. 2025)
"Discussion of the steps in chaining was beneficial. I liked the case studies." C.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Eating Profile details were helpful. I liked the topic on parent involvement and responsibility." M.B. (Jan. 2025)
"The intensive detail explained when discussing food chaining was beneficial and it helped give me practical ideas for therapy sessions. I liked the overall approach. I also liked the case studies chosen." R.F. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked hearing about all of the different case studies and the different therapy treatment programs for each child. I liked the different food ideas and creative suggestions that were presented." J.H. (Dec. 2024)
"It was all very interesting and informative! I appreciate all the resources, ideas and websites provided to assist with Food Chaining. I do not do feeding in my setting, but I have students who have definite aversion, and sensory challenges with foods. This information will provide me the opportunity to dive a little deeper into the possible whys of their fears and give some guidance to parents. Everything was beneficial….from presentation of information to examples and the use of the case studies!" R.G. (Dec. 2024)
"I can use many of the concepts discussed in daily practice. The presenters were great. The content was useful." K.S. (Dec. 2024)
"Food chaining, how to explore food through a sensory experience without even having to taste it first was helpful to discuss. I enjoyed hearing about specific food-chaining foods that were offered, case studies." A.P. (Dec. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss different ways to food chain and ways to decrease anxiety. I really liked the case studies." S.G. (Dec. 2024)
"Doing a thorough overview of medical and nutritional history was beneficial. I enjoyed the variety of tips offered for helping children explore new foods." E.S. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked covering the basics of the food chaining steps and the case studies were very helpful." S.S. (Nov. 2024)
"Food chaining, the case studies, and the sensory play were beneficial. The presenters were very knowledgeable." S.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the videos with real cases. Considering areas to explore to get adequate comprehension of what is happening with children about feeding concerns." S.J. (Nov. 2024)
"I appreciated the diversity of the case studies - especially the last one. I would not have thought to apply food chaining strategies with a child with a neuro hx and limited oral intake. It was very helpful." K.B. (Nov. 2024)
"Provided practical ways to organize and plan for your sessions. I also liked that course provided printable tools that I can use to measure performance and progress when completing evaluations / progress monitoring." K.R. (Nov. 2024)
"This was a great course." M.D. (Nov. 2024)
"Practical ideas that can be used right after the course. The Can't Won't Don't concept was beneficial. By making a scale for the child it will assist in introducing new food and adding them to the food profile." T.G. (Nov. 2024)
"How to implement evaluations for children with feeding disorders and how to implement food chaining based on conditions, ability to tolerate and safely consume meals, and based on aversions." K.R. (Nov. 2024)
"All topics were interesting. Good presentation and examples." R.G. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the food chaining ideas." B.R. (Nov. 2024)
"The role of oral motor development and tools to facilitate the hierarchy of steps was beneficial. I liked the case studies and sharing of available resources to share with families." B.T. (Nov. 2024)
"Chaining liquids was a beneficial topic of discussion. I liked the real-life examples." M.C. (Oct. 2024)
"The whole concept of food chaining was helpful. I liked the convenience of taking the course at home." E.K. (Oct. 2024)
"Sensory forward approaches to treating children with food aversions not related to medical needs. Very applicable to my current position." K.H. (Oct. 2024)
"I liked all the examples provided." K.J. (Oct. 2024)
"I enjoyed the case studies." C.E. (Oct. 2024)
"Food chaining steps and examples were helpful. I enjoyed the video examples." R.G. (Sep. 2024)
"Discussing the importance of removing anxiety during meals with placement of the foods was beneficial. I liked all of the information, and I can even use it with my child at home." J.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Food chaining ideas and sensory play strategies with food incorporated were helpful. I enjoyed the case studies." M.Y. (Aug. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked the course format." J.D. (Aug. 2024)
"The Food Chaining rating scale was helpful. Building oral motor skills necessary for chewing and swallowing more textured foods, supporting the child's ability to handle a broader range of textures and flavors." L.G. (Aug. 2024)
"More ideas on how to chain foods that are related to each other was beneficial. I liked that I could complete at my own pace." S.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The entire course was relevant to my daily practice. I enjoyed the straightforward content as well as case study examples." V.S. (Jul. 2024)
"The concept of food chaining and the practical steps for using it in daily practice was beneficial. The course was easy to follow and implement." K.W. (Jul. 2024)
"Learning how to best reduce anxiety centered around new foods was a helpful topic. I liked the number of case studies that allowed different views on how to address food aversions and feeding disorders." M.T. (Jul. 2024)
"Discussing how to do Food Chaining was beneficial. The course was easy to follow." N.W. (Jun. 2024)
"Beneficial activity examples used during food chaining exercises. I liked the amount of information and real-world examples through case studies." A.S. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked the review of the 6 steps that must be considered when analyzing can't, won't, don't. The self-pacing option was great. The case studies were very helpful." J.T. (Jun. 2024)
"The information on food chaining was beneficial." S.M. (May 2024)
"Discussing ratings was helpful. I liked the online format and videos." C.W. (May 2024)
"Adams case study is similar to the patients on my caseload at my outpatient feeding clinic. All of the case examples and the case history at the beginning is going to change the way I practice. It was helpful to know in detail about your tx plan to expand what I am doing in practice for new ideas." A.F. (May 2024)
"I liked the concrete therapy ideas and detailed case studies." M.H. (Apr. 2024)
"I enjoyed the specific case studies and video of therapy." J.V. (Apr. 2024)
"Discussing the basics of food chaining was beneficial." K.G. (Apr. 2024)
"The specific evaluation and treatment examples were helpful. I enjoyed that I could complete it at my own pace and that the speaker was very knowledgeable." M.S. (Mar. 2024)
"Feeding in general- picky eaters was a beneficial topic." D.C. (Mar. 2024)
"Discussing food chaining and how it can apply to children with complex feeding disorders was beneficial. I liked the case studies and videos." B.P. (Mar. 2024)
"Chaining for children with sensory issues was beneficial. The information was relevant and useful. I can start working with students this week." H.M. (Feb. 2024)
"I liked the discussion on food chaining therapy and evaluating thoroughly." S.W. (Feb. 2024)
"Following the child's cues and making sure foundational feeding skills are worked on. I enjoyed the presentation and videos!" S.A. (Feb. 2024)
"It was beneficial gathering intake data and tools for the development of TX. I liked the examples of implementation of the tool." S.G. (Feb. 2024)
"I appreciated suggestions for using crumbs as a way to introduce tastes and textures. The case studies were very helpful." W.F. (Feb. 2024)
"I liked the therapy tools & clear explanations of how to implement food chaining." T.B. (Feb. 2024)
"Ideas for food chaining and real-life case studies." D.A. (Feb. 2024)
"I liked the case studies and practical ideas for treatment." K.H. (Jan. 2024)
"The nutritional aspect of feeding issues was a helpful topic. The information was provided in a clear and understandable way." K.S. (Jan. 2024)
"The comprehensive feeding history, differential diagnosis, and red flags were beneficial to discuss. I liked the strategies to decrease anxiety." N.H. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing the chain order was beneficial." E.P. (Jan. 2024)
"Remembering to take it slow and build up trust and that it's not a race was beneficial. There were several case studies which were great to see different clients." K.M. (Jan. 2024)
"Beneficial case studies for application of food chaining and evaluation materials. I liked that this course was a self-paced online option that had applied information in the form of case studies." J.J. (Jan. 2024)
"The tools provided and examples used were helpful. The case studies were very applicable." N.B. (Jan. 2024)
"The case studies, examples of chaining, and products used to introduce foods were beneficial. I liked the fact I could go at my own pace." K.R. (Jan. 2024)
"Meal-time can be a very frustrating experience for both children and parents. I was surprised to learn how many factors can play a role in whether or not a food or liquid can be tolerated. This course was well organized, and I thought the presenters did a great job explaining the material." M.B. (Jan. 2024)
"I learned what I should be assessing before I start treating. This course was easy to listen to and watch while learning about helping children with eating resistance." N.L. (Dec. 2023)
"Ways to chain liquids, use of Duospoon and other tools to facilitate improved chewing and oral motor skills, ways to make food exploration enjoyable and fun. I love the divided plate with food for "looking" to provide exposure to new foods. Thorough course and provided multiple ways to address feeding skills. The case studies are very helpful." P.T. (Dec. 2023)
"The discussion of the case history, what to look for in the first year of life regarding feeding, as well as keeping a keen eye out for specific difficulties that show a 'can't' that is important to know about the child's feeding profile. I loved all the case examples that served as a basis to go through the food chaining steps." E.T. (Dec. 2023)
"The videos and the examples shown during the sessions were very helpful. The case studies showed a good variety of reactions the kids had to different foods and steps/techniques the SLPs took to help the kids." L.H. (Dec. 2023)
"This course was easy to follow. I enjoyed the food chaining techniques." L.L. (Dec. 2023)
"Food chaining and home training were beneficial topics." K.M. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked how the presenters can use one preferred food item and expand that one food item to additional types of food that use the preferred food item. The presenters were very detailed. I liked that they used actual clients to explain the food chaining process." E.V. (Nov. 2023)
"The anxiety portion was a beneficial topic. I liked that I could finish the course on my schedule." P.M. (Nov. 2023)
"This course was easy to listen to, and presenters provided great ideas to implement right away. I liked the specific case studies where the presenters gave detailed steps and ideas that they used in therapy. This made it easy to think of new ideas to try in my practice." H.F. (Nov. 2023)
"The individualized eating profile and food chaining examples were beneficial." C.L. (Nov. 2023)
Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis to the medical community. This course will discuss the definition and symptoms of ARFID, additional diagnoses that can occur with a diagnosis of ARFID, and describe several screening and assessment tools that have been utilized and studied for diagnosing. Possible therapeutic, medical, and pharmacological interventions are discussed. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric client populations.... more+
"The topic in general was helpful. I liked the case studies." M.C. (Jan. 2025)
"Definitions and co-morbidities were beneficial topics. I enjoyed the case examples." T.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Food intake was beneficial to discuss. I liked the clarity of the information." Q.X. (Dec. 2024)
"Defining ARFID vs comorbid disorders was helpful." C.S. (Dec. 2024)
"All of the information will benefit the treatment of my clients. I liked the quantity of information." S.K. (Dec. 2024)
"Case studies were beneficial for understanding different cases and being able to compare to my own caseload." L.S. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the courses specificity regarding the progression of ARFID as a diagnosis." E.S. (Dec. 2024)
"The case studies were beneficial. I liked the research-based information." B.R. (Nov. 2024)
"Differentiating ARFID from other disorders. Great deal of info on studies conducted." M.L. (Nov. 2024)
"Understanding what ARFID is and how to assess it and treat it was beneficial. It is important to engage the entire family in order to help my clients. I especially loved the fact that the course was recorded and that I was able to access it at my convenience." K.B. (Nov. 2024)
"Extensive review of literature. I liked how the course was broken up into sections." S.N. (Sep. 2024)
"Differential diagnosis was beneficial to discuss. I liked the flexibility of completion and testing." C.S. (Aug. 2024)
"I found the ICD10 information very valuable for future as coding could be more direct. Also, the information relating to ASD & PICA. Information regarding parents having some similar food issues and the need for more interviews with parents." N.R. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked the recommendation to use a multidisciplinary approach with medical providers, mental health providers, etc. Very thorough review of the literature." A.L. (Jun. 2024)
"The ways that ARFID can affect adults was beneficial. I liked that this course presented detailed info on the topic." A.M. (Jun. 2024)
"ARFID and how it relates to Autism was helpful to discuss. The information was very detailed in explaining the similarities and differences between ARFID and other diagnoses." M.L. (Jun. 2024)
"Beneficial research into treatment techniques. I liked the ability to refer back to new information." E.E. (Jun. 2024)
"It was beneficial for me to learn this new DSM V "definition" of ARFID and all that it encompasses. The course was outlined well; the information was well researched and diverse." A.H. (Jun. 2024)
"The specific description of diagnosis was beneficial." J.C. (May. 2024)
"I enjoyed the wealth of information." B.M. (Apr. 2024)
"The case studies were helpful. I liked that the information was research-based, and had lots of relevant articles." M.S. (Mar. 2024)
"The extensive review of the literature on ARFID was helpful. I liked the case examples. I also appreciated the extensive handout." S.S. (Mar. 2024)
"Beneficial discussing general knowledge of ARFID and how it manifests. I liked the research provided." B.P. (Mar. 2024)
"The topic that I found most beneficial for daily practice was comparing ARFID with anorexia nervosa. I really appreciate the various studies that were presented. It helped to further my understanding of ARFID." L.A. (Feb. 2024)
"Good information to consider when assessing and treating feeding disorders. I liked that I could do the course at home." E.H. (Feb. 2024)
"I enjoyed the case studies at the end of the course." A.F. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing the coexistence of ARFID with other disorders was beneficial. I liked the extensive discussion of how to identify this disorder within the pediatric population." C.B. (Jan. 2024)
"I liked the discussion on the background and the explanations." N.S. (Jan. 2024)
"I liked the detail and the use of examples to delineate differences. With some of my elderly clients, I believe there is a component to their eating disorder that is not purely dysphagia but food avoidance." C.S. (Dec. 2023)
"Real and relatable dx. I liked the differential dx." S.C. (Dec. 2023)
"The reference with Autism was beneficial. I liked the new information." R.C. (Dec. 2023)
"Everything was good. I liked that this course used videos." M.P. (Dec. 2023)
"The information about the research was beneficial. I liked chart comparing all the possible diagnoses." R.E. (Dec. 2023)
"It was beneficial to discuss ARFID as it relates to anorexia and ASD. The case studies were most helpful." R.F. (Oct. 2023)
"Learning how complex ARFID really is and that referrals to other disciplines may be necessary. I liked learning about the origin of ARFID." P.W. (Oct. 2023)
"Discussing the definition of ARFID and its existence as a diagnosis was beneficial. Lots of information in this course." S.C. (Sep. 2023)
Presenter: Joan Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-NCD, BCS-S, ASHA Honors & Fellow
Presented by pediatric dysphagia expert, Dr. Joan Arvedson, this course provides comprehensive coverage of assessment and treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia in infants and children. Participants will learn to describe findings on VFSS, to interpret findings related to underlying physiology, and to make management decisions for intervention strategies. Course includes 20 patient VFSS cases of varied ages and underlying etiologies.... more+
"Anatomy changes as the child develops were beneficial to discuss. I appreciated the treatment planning portion of this course." T.V. (Feb. 2025)
"The diagrams of anatomy of infant and child compared to adult were beneficial." C.H. (Feb. 2025)
"Discussing anatomy and physiology was beneficial." E.N. (Feb. 2025)
"The case studies were beneficial. Excellent instructor!" A.B. (Feb. 2025)
"How to conduct pediatric VFSS. Informative presenter." C.C. (Feb. 2025)
"I liked the videos at the end of the course to show real life examples." H.P. (Jan. 2025)
"All was beneficial. Great case studies." B.D. (Jan. 2025)
"I do not practice in this area on a daily basis, but the information will be useful when I do complete VFSS studies. I particularly enjoyed the sections on the findings. I learned better ways to provide documentation and to interpret the results. I liked the videos that were reviewed. That was very helpful." J.T. (Jan. 2025)
"Guided self-study portion was helpful. I liked the ability to complete at my own pace and was able to return to test." E.Z. (Dec. 2024)
"Videos of VFSS were helpful." S.M. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the discussion on key considerations for special populations." S.Q. (Dec. 2024)
"Excellent course! I liked the way it was presented online and how in-depth the instruction was. The videos at the end are crucial and so helpful." C.C. (Nov. 2024)
"I found the case studies with the impressions, recommendations, demographics, etc., the most helpful. I really enjoyed the case studies the best! I also liked that "what to write" in a progress note/evaluation report was provided to help guide documentation." S.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I enjoyed learning the standards of practice. I liked the before and after interpretation of the 20 VFSS cases." K.A. (Nov. 2024)
"Large number of video case studies, with case history presented separately to answers." E.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Reviewing studies and seeing findings and results was beneficial." C.B. (Nov. 2024)
"I found the discussions regarding describing the VFSS most helpful. I liked the case studies and supplemental materials." C.G. (Oct. 2024)
"A helpful explanation of aspiration during the swallow and clinical implications. I liked the video examples." K.E. (Oct. 2024)
"I liked the review of anatomical and physiological difference between adults and children. Ways to modify normal procedures in order to meet the needs of the child/family. " S.M. (Oct. 2024)
"Decision making for referring for further evaluation of VFSS was helpful. I liked the interactive case study portion." A.H. (Oct. 2024)
"The flexibility of decision making based on VFSS results - not just thinking black and white about the presence of aspiration. I enjoyed the case studies." S.M. (Oct. 2024)
"The case studies were great as they showed "real world" situations, including limitations. I loved that the course included case studies." K.M. (Sep. 2024)
"Both lecture and VFSS examples were beneficial. I appreciated the ability to pause and review." V.O. (Sep. 2024)
"Anatomy and physiology were helpful. I liked the course flexibility." J.R. (Sep. 2024)
"Infant feeding was a beneficial topic. It was helpful to understand the ins and outs of when to request a VFSS and why." K.M. (Sep. 2024)
"I liked being able to have case studies for review." A.L. (Sep. 2024)
"Topic on critical thinking to determine feeding recommendations based on VFSS findings was helpful. I liked the ability to self-pace and review sections as needed. I also liked the case studies that were made available with example documentation." J.H. (Sep. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked the opportunity to revisit materials - both the presentations in video form, the slides, and the self study section." L.B. (Sep. 2024)
"The anatomy review and self-guided VFSS reports were beneficial. I liked the self-study videos with the presenter's reports/interpretations." C.J. (Aug. 2024)
"All of the information was helpful! I frequently have patients referred to me in outpatient post-VFSS. I enjoyed the case studies." E.A. (Aug. 2024)
"The infant-to-child transitional anatomy refresher was very helpful. I liked the examples." K.D. (Aug. 2024)
"Beneficial practice of VFSS. I liked that the course was self-paced - could go back to areas I was unsure about." T.H. (Jul. 2024)
"I really enjoyed the variety of the case studies to see a variety of different ages, diagnoses, and feeding histories. I really enjoyed the content being online and self-paced. It was so helpful to replay things, pause as needed, and review multiple times." K.P. (Jul. 2024)
"Reviewing VFSS studies along with understanding general differences in infants vs adults. Easy to follow and understand." S.M. (Jul. 2024)
"I enjoyed the case studies." J.T. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked being able to pause the course and think about different aspects as I went along." S.P. (Jun. 2024)
"Beneficial interpretation of VFSS. I liked the ability to go back and re-watch videos." L.W. (Jun. 2024)
"Management considerations for infants were beneficial. I enjoyed the example studies during the lecture." H.W. (May. 2024)
"Swallowing and Feeding were beneficial topics. Good presenter knowledge and paired up with case studies." M.L. (May. 2024)
"Learning what we see versus the deficits was beneficial. I enjoyed the information and the way it was explained." D.J. (May. 2024)
"All of the information was helpful. I liked that the course was broken into set modules which enabled access when I could." N.S. (May. 2024)
"The discussion of HRM was beneficial. This is something that I would love to bring to my facility. I enjoyed the self-paced study." M.P. (May. 2024)
"The case studies were amazing!!! I liked the thoroughness of the responses and clinical observations in the case studies. Truly, so very, very well done!" O.J. (May. 2024)
"I liked the amount of practice videos to analyze/review and learn from." C.W. (Apr. 2024)
"I liked the case studies and detailed anatomical explanations." A.H. (Apr. 2024)
"Interpretation and findings of VFSS were beneficial, and I liked the practical examples." M.M. (Apr. 2024)
"Discussing how to describe the findings was helpful." P.T. (Apr. 2024)
"Self-paced VFSS review on multiple studies. I enjoyed walking through findings and interpretations." I.H. (Mar. 2024)
"Research articles and the standardization possibilities were beneficial. I liked the case studies." A.B. (Mar. 2024)
"The explanation of detailed objective descriptions in order to paint a picture for a clinician as if they were viewing a study was beneficial. I enjoyed the video case studies and recommendations based on the study." A.H. (Mar. 2024)
"I liked the case studies." M.L. (Mar. 2024)
"Beneficial practice interpreting MBSS. I enjoyed the self-guided practice and thorough details." S.R. (Mar. 2024)
"I appreciated the information regarding esophageal function and the visualization of esophagus during the case studies. Often overlooked in clinical practice. I really enjoyed the case study portion." K.V. (Mar. 2024)
"I liked the access to 20 self-guided case studies." A.M. (Feb. 2024)
"Treatment planning techniques for OP and medically complex feeding patients. I liked the interactive videos." C.B. (Feb. 2024)
"The steps of a VFSS and the case studies at the end were helpful. I enjoyed watching the videos and seeing the notes of observations." M.K. (Feb. 2024)
"I loved the self-led case studies and more practice of reviewing studies (and less passive receiving of lectures)." K.M. (Feb. 2024)
"Decision-making on VFSS for pediatric patients was a helpful topic. I liked the self-guided practice of applying the content from the course." M.C. (Feb. 2024)
"It was beneficial to describe specifics of what is exactly happening. The course was concise and meaningful." C.I. (Feb. 2024)
"Reviewing studies and evaluating them together was beneficial." K.H. (Feb. 2024)
"Beneficial case examples to review with findings to check my work in identifying structures and function, including instances of aspiration. The video case studies were exactly what I needed to practice." P.G. (Jan. 2024)
"The VFSS case studies were beneficial, and I liked having access to them." J.L. (Jan. 2024)
"The comparison of infant/pediatric anatomy to adult was helpful. I enjoyed the ability to review case examples." L.K. (Dec. 2023)
"The variability in bolus presentations in peds versus adults was beneficial. I liked the way Joan presented actual case studies." K.D. (Dec. 2023)
"Joan is a great speaker and breaks things down very clearly. Beneficial discussion on preparing the child and family for the VFSS to obtain the best results. I liked the explanations." M.H. (Dec. 2023)
"I found the discussion of how to write reports more descriptively and specifically to be quite helpful. I appreciated the examples of written segments of reports." E.H. (Dec. 2023)
"The interpretation of anatomy and physiology and how to take function and make recommendations was helpful." M.M. (Nov. 2023)
"Learning more about the physiologic reasons for aspiration was beneficial. I enjoyed the lecture part that discussed recommendations when in radiology." A.C. (Nov. 2023)
"The review of how to correctly word assessment findings in a truly descriptive manner was beneficial. I liked the case studies!" K.W. (Nov. 2023)
"Practical information that is immediately applicable to my practice. The video examples and report write-ups at the end were helpful." A.J. (Nov. 2023)
"I enjoyed the guided self-study section." E.C. (Nov. 2023)
"I found the discussion on decision making at the moment for order of presentation of materials most beneficial." M.D. (Oct. 2023)
"I liked the video examples. Interpretation of VFSS section, including report writing, was beneficial." L.A. (Oct. 2023)
"There was so much great information! The practical parts of decision-making and findings, as well as the case studies, really helped with conducting VFSS in the pediatric population." K.M. (Sep. 2023)
"The entire course was great and all the information was beneficial for my daily practice. I liked the pace, the delivery of the content, and the overall content was appropriate." M.B. (Sep. 2023)
"Discussing the anatomical differences between infants, children and adults was helpful. I liked watching the VFSS case studies." C.H. (Sep. 2023)
"Learned reasons for VFSS and considerations before, during, after study. I liked that course was self-paced." J.I. (Sep. 2023)
"Interpretation and recommendations were beneficial." T.S. (Sep. 2023)
"Scoring, summarizing, considering other components, and how to summarize were all beneficial topics of this course." B.C. (Aug. 2023)
"The guided practice that included the findings and recommendations was helpful. I liked that the findings and recommendations are separate from the case history." E.H. (Aug. 2023)
"Very thorough with current research." W.H. (Jul. 2023)
"Great information and case studies and example VFSS. I liked all the details to look at during the swallow of a Pedi with a shorter time frame due to smaller structure." J.P. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked the actual case videos to watch with outlined history and recommendations and findings." E.J. (Jul. 2023)
"Decision-making and findings were beneficial. I liked the case studies and videos." T.C. (Jul. 2023)
"Lots of case studies!" C.G. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked the analysis of the domains of swallowing and correlated impairments and risks." M.O. (Jul. 2023)
"Wonderful information about pediatric dysphagia. The speaker was so AWESOME!! Easy to access course and loved that I could work on it at my own pace." B.T. (Jun. 2023)
"The self-study section was most useful. The theoretical component confirmed already possessed knowledge, as well as added to it." F.A. (Jun. 2023)
"Gained a better understanding of what to expect from a neurotypical infant to better understand differences. I liked the self-paced VFSS. I appreciated that I could watch the videos multiple times to ensure I saw all that I needed to." L.B. (May 2023)
"Everything was very informative and allowed me to compare practices at my hospital. I liked the format of this course. It was engaging and easy to pick back up when breaks were needed." Y.M. (May 2023)
"The practice with the recorded swallow study cases was beneficial. I liked the way course was broken into sections and the wording/feedback of the recorded swallow studies." K.R. (May 2023)
"I am currently being trained to perform inpatient VFSS at my acute care facility. The checklist of signs and physiologic findings will be very helpful for my daily practice. I liked the checklist, and the self-guided video studies." T.R. (May 2023)
"I appreciated that recommendations were included with each self-study VFSS. I liked the self-study VFSS section." A.D. (May 2023)
"Review of findings, interpretation, and recommendations during case studies were beneficial." E.I. (May 2023)
"The case studies and associated videos were most enlightening across the board." W.F. (May 2023)
"I liked the discussion of what VFSS is and is not, and the examples of helpful report descriptions. The videos and case studies were beneficial." E.T. (May 2023)
"Joan is the key in this course. Her knowledge is priceless. I liked the organization and ample real-life examples." J.K. (May 2023)
"Neural anatomy and pharyngeal swallowing findings and interpretation were beneficial." S.F. (Apr. 2023)
"Discussion of VFSS in relation to pediatrics was beneficial - I currently perform adult studies, and it was helpful to learn the technicalities. I liked the case studies to review at the end - solidifies the information learned." H.B. (Apr. 2023)
"The format for efficiency and thoroughness will be applied to my future reports. I liked the functional MBS videos with audio and documentation." R.S. (Apr. 2023)
"Actual video of VFSS and interpretation was beneficial. I liked the many video examples which helped visualize structures and the sequence of swallow." N.S. (Apr. 2023)
"I appreciated the copious information to begin my journey with VFSS in the pediatric populations. I have extensive adult VFSS experience, so the contrasts of VFSS to pediatric were beneficial. I enjoyed the large amount of video examples with explanations for exposure to various anatomical and functional things I may encounter. I enjoyed the variety of patients and disorders that we were able to view." R.L. (Apr. 2023)
"The anatomic and physiologic differences between pediatric and adult patients were beneficial. I liked the examples of VFSS." E.H. (Apr. 2023)
"I found the case studies most helpful in learning. I liked the course format of both lectured material, as well as self-study material." C.M. (Apr. 2023)
"I currently work in pediatrics and complete instrumental evaluation, so this course was a great overview of the procedure and how best to describe findings and recommendations. I liked having the instructor talk through the video examples and discuss how she would describe her findings." A.V. (Mar. 2023)
"Interpretation of the VFSS and implication to recommendations. I liked the mix of videos and case studies." N.L. (Mar. 2023)
"Dr. Arvedson's expertise in interpreting findings was extremely helpful; what she would consider normal vs. delay, recommendations she would make and a rationale for them. Good pace, great information, good sequence for presentation of information. The case studies with interpretation are really beneficial to have." P.T. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked the case studies. The explanations and real-life discussions were beneficial." T.A. (Mar. 2023)
"Relevant information that is easily applied to practice. Overview of anatomy as well as case studies were beneficial." M.S. (Feb. 2023)
"Interpretation and recommendations for treatment planning. I liked the ability to work through case studies and check my work." M.B. (Feb. 2023)
"Reassuring that I am doing the right thing when making decisions about when to continue some small p.o. trials with aspirators if medically stable. I liked being able to do course on my own time." E.H. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the review of anatomy/physiology and all the case studies." M.S. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the self study portion that allowed me to make my own conclusions and then compare to the presenter's. And the explanations on how to best characterize swallows in a chart." J.H. (Feb. 2023)
"I loved everything about this course! The most beneficial topics to me were: educating me about the correct terminology use, sample VFSS reports and videos, understanding VFSS findings, etc. I loved the case studies and sample reports." A.F. (Feb. 2023)
"The lectures and videos were great." G.M. (Feb. 2023)
"All of it was beneficial. I liked the video case studies to work through." B.L. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the flexibility of self-study." A.A. (Feb. 2023)
"This course will lead to real, immediate changes in my practice. I liked the case studies with documentation examples. Amazing!" M.M. (Jan. 2023)
"Joan, you're a star. Well presented. Honest and critical. I liked the videos - I love when a speaker presents a case study, from how they picked up the file to how they transferred the child back to community." A.C. (Jan. 2023)
"Knowledge that I can apply tomorrow when returning to work. Very practical and functional. I've spent almost 30 years performing MBSS daily on adults. I found this lecture on the A&P differences between adults and children very helpful." M.S. (Jan. 2023)
"Decision making and findings. Notes that accompanied the VFSS studies were really helpful." A.M. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the review of anatomy and watching the videos." T.K. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the self guided section with the videos of the interpretation and results. Helped me to see better what was occurring during the VFSS, what the results mean, and if my recommendations matched. I enjoyed the information in the lecture in combination with the self guided section to help apply what was learned." L.B. (Jan. 2023)
"Dr. Arvedson is enjoyable to listen to and extremely knowledgeable about this subject. She shares her experiences in clinical practice, proving her competence in the subject matter." M.S. (Jan. 2023)
"I work with preschool children in a school setting who have feeding problems, and while I do not perform or interpret VFSS, it was very interesting to observe the videos and consider the treatment/management decisions. It was all very interesting and observing case studies was most interesting." S.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Discussion regarding procedural guidelines for improving pediatric compliance during VFSS was beneficial. I liked the videos." K.A. (Dec. 2022)
"The lecture was extremely informative as well as all the practice VFSS videos. In general, an amazing class! I liked the template and example reports." A.C. (Dec. 2022)
"The infant feeding information and examples were beneficial." L.B. (Dec. 2022)
"Defining and discussing specific components of the swallow was a really helpful part of this course. Self-study section was helpful for direct application of information as well." C.R. (Dec. 2022)
"Good video/case presentations." L.T. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the videos with interpretation and findings." A.L. (Dec. 2022)
"The videos and slides are great tools for enhancing learning. For the VFSS self-guided section, I really appreciate that the cases are varied when it comes to patient age and diagnoses." N.O. (Nov. 2022)
Presenters: Cheri Fraker, CCC-SLP, CLC & Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC
This course instructs professionals in the treatment of children with complex feeding aversion. Learn six vital steps of food chaining intervention and foundational concepts of PreChaining and Food Chaining. This course focuses on diagnosis and setting up a team care plan. Includes discussion of red flag medical, nutritional, oral sensory, motor and emotional issues that impact a child and family struggling with a pediatric feeding disorder.... more+
"It was helpful to discuss what red flags and information to look for prior to starting the food chaining plan. The rating scale and the food chain examples were also helpful. I liked the structure and specific approach to treat children and increase their food repertoire." A.M. (Feb. 2025)
"How to chain foods and signs of medical difficulties were beneficial topics." D.F. (Feb. 2025)
"Case studies showing what types of foods were used to expand the diet were helpful. I liked the practical ideas to use in treatment." M.H. (Jan. 2025)
"Love the Princess (or other liked item sequence) for food rating scale." M.B. (Jan. 2025)
"Beneficial discussing the signs to look out for regarding a milk allergy, helping a child and family know how to increase appetite (i.e., omit grazing, reduce milk intake, natural consequences for when they are not hungry etc.) and learning about collaborating with other professionals PRIOR to starting food chaining (i.e., ENT, pulmonologist, OT etc.). Also, I appreciated an overview of the feeding tools (i.e., bottles, spoons, cups, tethers etc.) that aid with oral motor skills. The case studies. Although they were very thorough, it helped to solidify all of the information presented and to think critically." D.N. (Jan. 2025)
"The use of the rating scale and the ideas for stretching foods in the chain was beneficial." T.G. (Dec. 2024)
"This entire course will be beneficial for me! Fantastic examples and explanations of the reasons behind food chaining and examples of how to do it." M.R. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the case studies and the rating scale. This is helping me in my practice. I found the ability to rewatch things helpful." V.M. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the ways to explore foods through the sensory process was helpful. I liked the organization of material presented." A.P. (Dec. 2024)
"Food chaining with sensory progression was beneficial. I liked the case studies." A.A. (Nov. 2024)
"I found the descriptions of medical consideration extremely helpful, the considerations of family counseling, and the case examples of food chaining were all such beneficial pieces. I look forward to implementing this in my practice. I really enjoyed the medical considerations. It was enlightening to really think about all pieces of a child's diagnosis and how it may affect their feeding wholistically." A.B. (Oct. 2024)
"All of the information was helpful, especially how to use food chaining. I liked the specific examples and case studies." P.G. (Oct. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked the course format." C.L. (Oct. 2024)
"This course gives very clear, specific strategies for therapists to implement." S.H. (Sep. 2024)
"The ten steps of food chaining were helpful to discuss. I enjoyed the expertise of the presenters." A.P. (Sep. 2024)
"Food chaining and sensory input were beneficial topics." M.P. (Sep. 2024)
"The case studies were very helpful, and honestly, everything was important from the beginning to the end! I liked the specific food-chaining examples. Information about needing to assess the 5 other areas before moving into food chaining." L.G. (Aug. 2024)
"Beneficial review of medical issues to look at more closely prior to trying new foods. I liked all the food examples that were tried in the case studies." J.B. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussing how to expand child's food repertoire but keeping it child-led was beneficial. I liked the organization and progression of the course." R.K. (Jul. 2024)
"Steps to modification of currently tolerated foods was beneficial to discuss. I enjoyed the detailed explanations...from start to finish." H.C. (Jul. 2024)
"Everything was beneficial especially the masking and ideas for how to food chain." A.H. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked all of the information. The rating scales and breaking down case studies were helpful." M.S. (Jun. 2024)
"Addressing sensory needs for food chaining was helpful to discuss. The course was quick and easy to navigate." M.T. (Jun. 2024)
"Sensory modification was a helpful topic. I liked the ease of following the information." N.W. (Jun. 2024)
"Learning about food chaining was beneficial and I enjoyed the examples." M.A. (Jun. 2024)
"The use of rating scales and modifications to accepted foods was helpful." J.B. (Jun. 2024)
"Discussing food chaining was beneficial." S.D. (May 2024)
"The Rating Scale was helpful. The course was easy to follow along with." L.S. (May 2024)
"I loved this training! It was filled with so much useful information. It’s hard to choose which bit of information was most helpful. If I had to choose, I’d say the examples of how to chain different foods. I loved the examples, the questions asked at the end of each section, and just all of the information presented. It all was so helpful!" J.G. (Apr. 2024)
"Use of the Rating Scale was helpful. A very thorough discussion of the topic." W.D. (Apr. 2024)
"Steps for Food Chaining were beneficial. The course gave in-depth and detailed case studies." J.S. (Apr. 2024)
"Food chaining techniques were helpful. Very informative and practical." S.D. (Mar. 2024)
"The rating scale and case studies were the most helpful. Content I can immediately apply to practice." M.S. (Mar. 2024)
"The information in each section was important to know. I believe that the first section about all the medical issues that could interfere with feeding was really important. I really liked the food chaining part of the presentation because it will help myself and my parents look at feeding in different way. I liked learning about the different products and what they're best used for. I liked learning about the different medical issues that can interfere with feeding." L.M. (Mar. 2024)
"Discussing how to chain a specific food and how you can gather similarities in a child's diet to understand their sensory preferences was helpful. I liked how informative this course was and also how it was self-paced and I could do it on my own time. I am a mom and work full time so this was very helpful for me." L.P. (Mar. 2024)
"The 6 steps of the food chaining program were well explained in this course. The case studies certainly helped with my learning." X.J. (Mar. 2024)
"It was beneficial learning about everything that needs to be assessed and all the different professionals that may need to be involved before considering any dietary changes. Learning how to implement a food chaining program. I liked how the rating scales and strategies were broken down and applied to specific clients." D.K. (Feb. 2024)
"Learning how to use a scale with food chaining was helpful. I enjoyed the detailed information on food chaining and how it is incorporated into the treatment of this pt population." M.D. (Feb. 2024)
"The examples of expanding foods were beneficial. I liked the general information regarding food chaining." H.L. (Feb. 2024)
"Discussing portion size and rating scale was helpful." K.C. (Feb. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss that evaluation of a child's reaction to a new food should be rated to determine progress, and that food chaining is not linear. I enjoyed the case study and example of food chaining used with actual clients." N.H. (Feb. 2024)
"Food chaining concept was helpful. I liked that I was able to repeat parts that I couldn’t catch well and able to view the course according to my time." O.K. (Jan. 2024)
"All of the course was beneficial, especially the chaining process. Very knowledgeable speakers." M.G. (Jan. 2024)
"The specific examples, like the case studies, were helpful. Kept to the topic at hand and gave several examples." K.M. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing general guidelines on how to establish a chain was beneficial. I liked the examples of food chains." L.R. (Jan. 2024)
"Loved the rating scale. I liked the presentation organization of: Introduction of what would be discussed, delivery of new information, summary of new information discussed in each section, and short assessment with explanation. Excellent course." J.B. (Jan. 2024)
"I enjoyed the case studies and the overall layout of the course." C.Y. (Jan. 2024)
"All the clinical implications were beneficial. Many feeding CEUs are hospital-based or focus on infants, while this course pertained more to my caseload of toddlers and school-aged children. I liked the pace of the course and the way in which it was broken up. In addition, I thought the case studies were helpful and a good way to apply learning." M.K. (Jan. 2024)
"The Evaluation and Food Chaining sections were helpful. All of the examples!" B.N. (Jan. 2024)
"I get a lot of kids who are on a liquid diet. Info about reducing liquid consumption to increase hunger sensation was beneficial. Easy course to understand and follow. I like how the presentation was divided into sections." T.J. (Jan. 2024)
"The examples of food-chaining foods were beneficial. I liked how the course was broken into sections. The third section was most beneficial to me." M.C. (Dec. 2023)
"The case studies with videos were very helpful. I liked the photo comparisons and case studies." L.H. (Dec. 2023)
"Helpful information regarding the negative effects that mouth breathing has on all aspects of feeding. Implementing a chewing program and using specific feeding utensils to facilitate chewing. I enjoyed the case studies and the food progression examples." A.R. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial topics included breathing considerations; taking preferred foods and making slight modifications (to texture / flavor / presentation); ideas for modifying pasta / rice; and reasons why a child might accept food in one situation and refuse it in the next (e.g., due to pressure). I liked that there were many practical examples of children similar to the ones I treat." K.K. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the examples and case studies and rating scale. I use a sensory hierarchy scale to get to items in mouth and this will be the next level of data that I can collect. Thank you. I liked examples of how to modify the different groups (bread, cheese, etc)." S.F. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the breakdown of all aspects of picky eating as well as the examples of the scale. It made course easy to understand. I liked the facts and how everything was on a PowerPoint to follow along and take notes." E.L. (Dec. 2023)
"Helpful case studies to see examples of using the food chaining program. I liked that there was information about the whole process (eval, caregiver training, developing treatment)." C.C. (Nov. 2023)
"All of the topics were overall very helpful and beneficial to my daily practice. I enjoyed learning about food chaining." K.H. (Nov. 2023)
"I loved this course. It kept me engaged and gave me TONS of useful information. I especially loved the case histories where I could see the chaining therapy being implemented." F.J. (Nov. 2023)
"The rating scale and methods of diet expansion techniques were helpful. I enjoyed the presentation of the material." T.C. (Nov. 2023)
"The process of food chaining was beneficial to discuss. I liked the range of examples provided." P.L. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the details provided for the implementation of a food chaining system. Great examples of how to implement it." K.B. (Nov. 2023)
"Provided specific examples of food chaining and explanation of how physiological deficits impact munching/chewing patterns. I liked the clarity of presenters and how they explained how liquid intake (water and milk) impacts intake of solids." S.Y. (Oct. 2023)
"The examples of real clients were beneficial. This course helped me relate to my current clients. I liked the multiple examples of food chain sequences." T.K. (Oct. 2023)
"I loved all the strategies mentioned to expand food choice. Liked how the rating scale helps to track progress." C.L. (Oct. 2023)
"The case studies regarding medically complex food chaining were helpful." M.P. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked all of the suggestions for which foods to go to next given a child's current preference and the emphasis on looking at the whole child. The discussion on different bottles/considerations for each and the difference between the parent and child rating scale was beneficial." S.M. (Sep. 2023)
"This course was informative and provided examples from real cases. I liked discussing the importance of using rating scale." M.S. (Sep. 2023)
"The information about recommended intake for toddlers and strategies to increase eating at meal time was helpful (e.g., reduce amount of milk, reduce grazing, etc). I liked the product recommendations and the rating system." A.K. (Sep. 2023)
"I loved the real life examples and case studies. It really helps put things together. I liked the flexibility to pause and resume when needed." K.S. (Aug. 2023)
"I found the topic of food chaining and how to implement it to be most helpful. I enjoyed the rating scale examples and case studies." G.D. (Aug. 2023)
"Concrete examples and case studies. I liked the rating scale." S.B. (Aug. 2023)
"I thought the rating scale was helpful to use consistently with a child, and it's easy to use with caregivers. I liked the explanation of how to refer and complex needs vs. children with less needs. The case studies brought the program to life, giving real problems/concerns and solutions that happen over time." M.E. (Jul. 2023)
"Framework to consider/organize food and their experiences were beneficial. I liked the case studies." I.L. (Jul. 2023)
"The case studies were helpful! I loved that there was a variety in the severity. This course was very easy to follow along with!" H.N. (Jul. 2023)
"I found the case studies helpful as well as talking through how to food chain. I liked the real life examples." A.A. (Jul. 2023)
"The whole approach seems like it will be an effective way to help expand upon a child’s limited food repertoire. I liked how course was divided into sections, had lots of helpful information in addition to the slides, and had practical information that can be used immediately." K.S. (Jul. 2023)
"Explanation of the food chaining steps was beneficial. I liked the case studies." K.P. (Jun. 2023)
"I plan to encourage my staff to take this course. The evaluation portion of the presentation was a very complete overview and very concise. Personally, I really liked the specific recommendations for spoons, bottles, and cups. I liked the pace and how thorough course was - the case studies were really great." L.H. (Jun. 2023)
"Food Chaining 101, including the specific 6 steps (food chaining is the last step!)" N.E. (Jun. 2023)
"Presenters provided an abundant amount of examples to help relate to clients. Learning what foods can be chained together based on textures was beneficial." C.S. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the food chaining rating scale and the case studies at the end." M.C. (Jun. 2023)
"I enjoyed the thorough breakdown, examples, and ideas. I liked the case studies and seeing real life examples." M.M. (Jun. 2023)
"The case studies were particularly helpful." S.I. (Jun. 2023)
"This can be immediately applied to therapy. I liked the depth of knowledge presented. Milk-protein allergy was a beneficial topic." M.M. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked all aspects r/t the Food Chaining to assist with the feeding therapy with my clients." S.P. (Jun. 2023)
"The case studies were the most helpful part of the training! They showed real life examples of food chains that could be models for current clients." G.S. (Jun. 2023)
"Rating scales were beneficial (and the recommendation to make one with the child). I liked the practical examples." C.A. (May 2023)
"Discussing the 5 steps to consider before changing foods was beneficial. This course was concise, informative, and visual." S.W. (May 2023)
"This course is clear and to the point. I liked the recommended eating tools/products, and all the examples of food and how it can be modified or expanded as one progressed through therapy." J.C. (Apr. 2023)
"Discussing methods of food training with parents. Easy to comprehend course, good pace." N.L. (Apr. 2023)
"I appreciated the examples of how to chain the food together. I liked the examples." B.B. (Apr. 2023)
"Medical and nutritional considerations, equipment to trial, and case studies to understand examples of chaining were beneficial. I liked the case studies, and being online allowed me to pause and re-listen to ensure my understanding." A.M. (Apr. 2023)
"The feeding strategies to try in therapy were the most beneficial. I enjoyed hearing the case study information." B.M. (Mar. 2023)
"The integration of the child's sensory preferences when determining what food to chain was beneficial. I liked the case history section." R.M. (Mar. 2023)
"Simple food chaining ideas: pulling apart pop tarts, adding 1 tbsp sauce to another sauce, and using flavored broth for rice. I liked the practical pieces and examples, and the rating scale." D.L. (Mar. 2023)
"Learning importance of food education - how effective it can be in daily practice with families of children with picky eating to understand their children better and moreover make mealtime fun rather than stress." C.M. (Mar. 2023)
"Each topic was well explained. I liked the case studies." E.P. (Feb. 2023)
"All the information presented in this workshop was very beneficial. I loved the way presenters linked the red flags in aspects of health history. These are a key piece to implementing the appropriate technique; not just observed feeding skills. The steps to use the therapeutic approach were beneficial." I.V. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the food chaining technique itself and rating scale." B.M. (Feb. 2023)
"Good overview of expanding food choices. I liked the rating scale." J.H. (Feb. 2023)
"It was a new concept to me so overall course was very helpful. The instructors were clear and concise." M.S. (Feb. 2023)
"The medical and oral motor factors to consider prior to food chaining and the practical examples of food chaining were beneficial." C.M. (Jan. 2023)
"Absolutely everything!! Seriously, the best course I've ever taken! Thank you!" D.E. (Jan. 2023)
"All six steps were helpful. Learning the specific ways to modify foods in the chaining program." H.R. (Jan. 2023)
"The oral motor ideas, such as using tools like the duo spoon, crumbing, and cutting food into rectangles to work on chewing were beneficial. I liked all the examples." J.S. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the rating scale. Handouts, sectioned material were beneficial." M.R. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the examples of food chaining specific foods. And the ease of course access." E.O. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the discussion of food chaining and mapping. And the specific case studies that shared real ideas on how to modify preferred foods." M.D. (Dec. 2022)
"All of this was beneficial. Our dysphagia class in grad school did not offer an in-depth section for treating feeding disorders, especially in the pediatric population. The amount of information given, and the recommendations for treatment were great." A.W. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the Meal Modification Plan. The topics covered were relevant and everything was explained in a simple way." Z.R. (Dec. 2022)
"The rating scales for food chaining and specific examples of food chains were very informative. Vast amount of information and specific examples given to supplement the information." A.L. (Dec. 2022)
"There were excellent ideas for ways that children can interact with food. Also, the rating scale will be a great way to monitor my kiddos. The presenters were clear and concise. The knowledge checks were great." C.P. (Dec. 2022)
"The structure and information was presented clearly and in an organized way. I liked the ideas presented for chaining different foods." M.R. (Dec. 2022)
"The presentation was simple and easy to follow. The rating scale is helpful. And learning medical reasons a child will not accept foods." M.V. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the case studies." A.D. (Dec. 2022)
"Course was very specific and explained in detail the concepts." Y.R. (Nov. 2022)
"Understanding how medical problems such as congestion and breathing problems impact feeding. I liked learning how Food Chaining works and the use of the rating system." V.N. (Nov. 2022)
"There are practical suggestions of where to start and how to chain specific foods." S.H. (Nov. 2022)
"Easy to understand course." M.S. (Nov. 2022)
"The case studies were very helpful. Great examples." A.B. (Nov. 2022)
"Food chaining examples, recommendations, tips and tricks, as well as visuals, were very informative. Handouts were easy to follow along with the presentation. Presenters were very knowledgeable and provided fantastic resources, recommendations for actual treatment practice, and case studies/example situations to better achieve learner outcomes." K.W. (Nov. 2022)
"Feeding for craniofacial children under 3 - how to encourage parents in early intervention was good." B.B. (Nov. 2022)
"I found the examples of how to initiate food chaining extremely helpful. I liked that course gave a descriptive overview of food chaining as well as example case studies." K.B. (Nov. 2022)
"The content was easily integrated into clientele examples." D.J. (Nov. 2022)
"I did not know much about food prechaining or chaining. I liked all of the topics. The information was excellent. I liked that I could stop and go and come back where I left off. I liked how I could re-listen as needed." K.H. (Nov. 2022)
"There was a good amount of quality information." A.F. (Nov. 2022)
"A lot of practical usable suggestions! Love the ongoing offering of examples. Just what I need to liven up and change my current sessions." P.B. (Oct. 2022)
"Everything discussed is very important to know when you are working with children that have feeding problems. I liked how the modifications in the foods are helping the kids to expand diet core." R.P. (Oct. 2022)
"Everything was beneficial. Comprehensive and extremely practical course." J.B. (Sept. 2022)
"The presentation was clear." N.U. (Sept. 2022)
"The format was helpful for understanding the material." S.P. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the clear info that i can use in my cases." J.N. (Sept. 2022)
"The course was very informative." A.B. (Aug. 2022)
"How to practice this feeding chain and step by step, and the videos helped a lot." M.R. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked all of it. New ideas on chaining methods." A.L. (June 2022)
"The order of presentation of information and topics addressed were good. I liked the specific examples of food chaining." C.F. (June 2022)
"I found that the evaluation process as well as changing the flavor rather than the texture of foods will be very beneficial." W.B. (June 2022)
"I liked the layout and the video presentation. Learning the food chaining process and food rating." K.M. (June 2022)
"I liked the direction it provided for completing a proper case history and learning the detailed technique for food chaining." H.L. (June 2022)
"I work with a lot of kiddos in Early Intervention with feeding/swallowing issues. I read the book by the presenters in my first year as an SLP and loved it. I think they have some great ideas that work with the kiddos I serve. I think the rating scale will be most beneficial, especially for some of my older 6-8 year old outpatients who come just for feeding. The presenters explained everything so well. I enjoyed the pictures and hearing the case studies." T.N. (May 2022)
"Everything was great. I'm very interested in feeding therapy and have a child with ASD. Their use of examples helped a lot." (May 2022)
"Information was very clinically based with a lot of good takeaways to use right away." S.B. (May 2022)
"Helped me to know when to refer patients for feeding consultation." P.B. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the discussion of food chaining and how to implement strategies." S.S. (Apr. 2022)
"I believe the deep specifics on the steps of food chaining and the examples of different foods and liquids that could be incorporated was beneficial" J.T. (Mar. 2022)
"The explanation of food chaining and case studies were helpful for my understanding. Course expanded my knowledge and understanding of what food chaining is and what foods to try with my feeding patients." J.V. (Mar. 2022)
"The case studies combined with the in-depth explanation of food chaining (by food groups) was helpful in understanding the general concepts and how to put them into practice. I enjoyed the pace and real-world examples presented in the course." K.O. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked the hands on examples of how to chain." D.D. (Mar. 2022)
"Rating scales and how to modify foods was beneficial. The case studies helped me piece things together." J.P. (Mar. 2022)
"Course provided good information on how to assess and begin a food chaining program, and also provided examples." J.R. (Feb. 2022)
"EVERYTHING!!! I'm an SLP and I'm new to feeding therapy. New student on my caseload has feeding goals, however, he's 12!" A.A. (Jan. 2022)
"The rating scale will be most helpful in my daily practice when treating children with feeding disorders. The scale will be helpful in creating goals and monitoring progress. I liked how the course was broken up into different segments. It helped me stay focused on the topic and helped me better retain information when I had to pause the course after each section." D.O. (Jan. 2022)
"The presentation was easy to follow, and there were many practical examples of therapy for a variety of infants and children with different feeding needs." J.B. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the background information about health issues causing picky eating. I'm wondering when EOE came on the radar. My son, now 16, was an extremely picky eater with the associated health issues. We went to so many doctors (pediatricians, allergists, 3 ENTs, immune system doctors). Nobody caught the EOE, despite what I know now to be classic symptoms. We finally figured it out at age 12. We tried more testing, diets, and medications to no avail. At age 14, he went on Neocate and no food for 6 weeks and finally saw remission. At age 14, he was 4'11" and 90 pounds. 18 months later, he was 5'7" and 135 pounds. We still struggle with picky/slow eating. This will be helpful." (Jan. 2022)
"I really enjoyed this course. It really helped me understand how to expand children's diets using their current food preferences. The entire content was wonderful, as well as the case studies and examples. So helpful!" A.C. (Jan. 2022)
Presenters: Maureen Lefton-Greif, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow & Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors
BaByVFSImP™ establishes a standardized swallowing assessment protocol for bottle-fed babies. Course participants will learn to apply a standardized scoring metric to profile and quantify physiologic swallow impairment in bottle-fed babies. The training format provides ample opportunity for interactive practice in interpreting videofluoroscopic swallow studies. Participants may work at their own pace and have unlimited time to complete this training.... more+
"The training section was beneficial. I liked the clear information regarding scoring." E.R. (Feb. 2025)
"Standardized testing/results and reporting amongst clinicians. I liked the printable resources." S.W. (Feb. 2025)
"I liked the learning and training zones. I also liked the ability to flip back and forth between zones and access all the information when needed was really helpful." N.S. (Feb. 2025)
"Everything was amazing. I needed this course so badly since we do not have a reliable test like BabyVFSImP in the Middle East." R.A. (Jan. 2025)
"Functional scoring methods (i.e. the protocol allows for changing bottles/nipples). I love the ability to save and go back again while not losing progress. After watching so many video clips so intently, eye strain kicks in, so taking breaks is a must!" M.P. (Jan. 2025)
"It’s helpful to have the content of this course for pediatrics." N.M. (Jan. 2025)
"It was helpful that the domains of swallowing were more complex than simply "oral phase" and "pharyngeal phase." I liked the ability to practice scoring." C.A. (Jan. 2025)
"All the information was helpful. I liked the training module." A.W. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the different clinical examples of videos." J.B. (Jan. 2025)
"This is an excellent course that is beneficial to clinicians interested in elevating their MBSS skills and practice to include more comprehensive and objective assessment of oropharyngeal physiology." H.M. (Jan. 2025)
Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
A hyper-responsive gag reflex with food intake can negatively impact the full feeding experience and requires specific techniques for a smooth progression with oral intake. This course will overview gag reflex descriptions, discuss research on hyper-responsive gag reflexes, and provide therapy techniques, including tools to desensitize the gag reflex.... more+
"Nomenclature regarding gag was helpful, and how to incrementally advance patient and measure progress." S.B. (Feb. 2025)
"Strategies to use in therapy were helpful." S.P. (Jan. 2025)
"Clinical examples were helpful. I liked reviewing preferred terminology." A.E. (Jan. 2025)
"Reminders to consider speed, pressure, and type of input were helpful." B.D. (Jan. 2025)
"The discussion all about normalizing a gag reflex was beneficial. I liked the different cases at the end." G.C. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked discussing specific words to use in my reporting such as negative tilt, positive tilt, and oral hyper-responsiveness." S.H. (Dec. 2024)
"Well-paced and informative. Good case studies. Terms to use in an evaluation and resources on gagging." M.T. (Dec. 2024)
"Case examples and discussions were beneficial." K.W. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the case studies and examples." L.V. (Nov. 2024)
"The reminder to start where the child is able to tolerate input is helpful. Explanations are very thorough." E.H. (Nov. 2024)
"It was beneficial discussing the system and responsiveness. I liked the terms." Y.W. (Sep. 2024)
"The signs of distress in therapy were helpful to discuss. I liked the case studies." S.A. (Sep. 2024)
"Considering the sensory system as a whole and working with a distal to proximal strategy was beneficial. Having cases was incredibly helpful." T.A. (Sep. 2024)
"How to introduce new changes in texture or foods was helpful. I liked how quick and straightforward the course was." M.Y. (Aug. 2024)
"The feeding treatment was beneficial. I enjoyed the case studies." S.A. (Aug. 2024)
"Beneficial progression of how to slowly improve the gag hyper-responsiveness. All good information." B.P. (Jul. 2024)
"Signs of gag and hierarchy were beneficial to discuss. The course was short and concise." K.M. (Jul. 2024)
"Techniques for food introduction were helpful. I liked the case histories." S.D. (Jul. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial, and I would like more courses like this one. I enjoyed the length of the course, and the information provided was so helpful." W.R. (Jun. 2024)
"Strategies I can use in my sessions, and the case studies were beneficial. Easy to access, affordable pricing, great information." A.T. (Jun. 2024)
"The moment where there was a notation of how to introduce appropriate foods. The presenter was easy to listen to and explained things well." J.T. (May. 2024)
"Ideas for reducing hyperresponsiveness without food were beneficial. The course was short and easy to absorb." K.G. (May. 2024)
"Definitely starting with toys/objects that are familiar to the child. The terms positive and negative tilt will be great terms to use with families to describe a child's movement toward or away from a stimuli. I liked that all the information was clearly presented and was thoroughly explained." K.H. (May. 2024)
"The discussion of specific therapeutic interventions and how to appropriately progress in a sequential, safe manner was beneficial. I enjoyed being able to take the course on demand on my own time." M.P. (May. 2024)
"General background information was helpful. Easy to follow, well organized." K.B. (Apr. 2024)
"Discussing more on feeding was helpful. The course was short and informative." N.L. (Mar. 2024)
"It was helpful talking through slowing down when a child shows an adverse response to a food/object. The course confirmed that what I have been doing is on track for my patient." K.P. (Mar. 2024)
"The course was well structured and to the point." A.V. (Feb. 2024)
"The case studies were helpful, and the course was easy to follow." J.O. (Feb. 2024)
"The entire class was beneficial." K.P. (Jan. 2024)
"The hierarchy of exercises and where to start with therapy was beneficial. Good examples." E.B. (Jan. 2024)
"I really enjoyed how the presenter discussed where to start and how to gradually increase the stimulation to decrease the hyper-responsive gag reflex. I enjoyed the case studies." J.P. (Dec. 2023)
"Distinguishing hyper-responsive gag and hypersensitive (response), measuring this, and using it in my goal writing was beneficial. I liked the application of theory in case studies." K.K. (Dec. 2023)
"I work with young clients with hyperresponsive gag reflexes. All of this information will be beneficial, especially when explaining things to parents. The course was short but rich with learning content." A.R. (Nov. 2023)
"The entire topic is so important. I liked the case studies and strategies." C.S. (Nov. 2023)
"This course was easy to follow. It was helpful to discuss kids with hyper-responsive gag." M.C. (Nov. 2023)
"The therapeutic techniques were beneficial. I liked the case studies." A.I. (Nov. 2023)
"Clear, easy tips. I liked the case studies." N.W. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the discussion of the hierarchy of treatment approaches." A.M. (Oct. 2023)
"This course was brief, succinct, and covered a lot of material." M.M. (Aug. 2023)
"Hyperresponsiveness and trust of the therapist, caregiver, and activity were helpful topics. The case studies included examples of appropriate activities to target in session when hyperresponsiveness is observed." C.S. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked the practicality of implementation, real-world theories, and steps that I can use immediately in therapy." K.W. (Aug. 2023)
"Learning positive and negative reactions to look for in seeing the receptiveness of a child to the activity as well as the different elements of speed, pressure, etc. that will help in progressing therapy." K.W. (Aug. 2023)
"Well organized and easy to follow course. I liked the techniques on how to normalize a hyper-responsive gag." E.V. (Jul. 2023)
"This course was a great length with a lot of useful information. It recognizes the physiological signs of intolerance." J.S. (Jul. 2023)
"The types of activities we can use for a hyper-responsive gag reflex were beneficial. The case studies helped me think about what steps I would take if working with these children." M.R. (Jul. 2023)
"Loved the specific examples of hyper gag reflex. Lots of examples." C.S. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked the explanation of hypersensitivity vs normalizing." C.G. (Jul. 2023)
"Learning ways to approach slowly and indirectly to build trust were beneficial. This course was simple, easy to follow." J.D. (Jul. 2023)
"Really liked all the information. Great info. Great for new therapists to learn." R.V. (Jul. 2023)
"Oral Care as a tool for sensory normalization and the need to target the hyperresponsive gag reflex in order to advance the diet were beneficial topics. I also loved the focus on social interactions, as this can be so motivating to the child." D.L. (Jun. 2023)
"I appreciated the topic of hyper-responsiveness vs. hyper-sensitivity to support the collection of data and documentation. I appreciated the detailed information provided within each section and the course organization." B.K. (Jun. 2023)
"Different than other courses I have taken. Hypersensitivity vs. hyperresponsiveness was beneficial to discuss." E.E. (Jun. 2023)
"Assessment considerations to therapy considerations was a beneficial topic. Self-paced; good speed." R.M. (Jun. 2023)
"The presenter did a good job keeping the topic relevant. Discussing how hyper-responsive gags affect children socially as they develop was beneficial." A.M. (Mar. 2023)
"Love the case examples. Clear, concise information. Lots of examples." W.S. (Feb. 2023)
"Gaining a better understanding of the importance of discussing and considering social interactions with individuals struggling with hyper-responsive gag reflex. Understanding the causes of hyper-responsive gag reflex was very helpful." A.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Quick and informative. I liked how speaker covered sensory needs of the child." E.B. (Dec. 2022)
"I learned how to implement strategies and how it plays into sensory needs." M.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Material was presented in a way which was easily understood." L.R. (Nov. 2022)
"The presenter was clear and easy to understand." E.J. (Nov. 2022)
"Ease of access and self-directed." E.T. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the case studies. And progression of therapeutic interventions to normalize hyper-responsive gag reflex." S.A. (Oct. 2022)
"The case studies were helpful." L.G. (Sept. 2022)
"This course was organized well." C.Z. (Aug. 2022)
"I found the case histories to be beneficial." H.W. (July 2022)
"The presenter was very knowledgeable." M.M. (July 2022)
"I enjoyed the case studies." M.S. (June 2022)
"The discussion about working with a gag reflex in eating therapy was beneficial." P.H. (June 2022)
"The breakdown of steps to include during treatment was very helpful to my practice." S.M. (June 2022)
"I liked the applicability to my caseload." D.Z. (June 2022)
"Good examples and case study discussion. Learning the importance of working in small steps toward larger goals." H.L. (June 2022)
"Hyper-Responsiveness vs Hyper-Sensitivity. This was a very helpful discussion! Informative, concise, and included several case study questions! Very applicable to clinical practice." K.B. (Mar. 2022)
"Her explanation of hyper responsiveness versus hyper sensitivity was great! I will be using that from now on. Also her therapy ideas were awesome! Great information I hadn't heard before!" E.S. (July 2022)
"I liked the ease of accessing the course. Reinforced some of the sensory techniques I was familiar with." K.W. (Feb. 2022)
"I didn't know much about a gag reflex at all or why some people gag more easily than others. The most interesting part that I learned was about the sense of taste and how bitter is sensed at the back of the tongue near the throat, and that poisons have a bitter taste. So it is as if we were innately made to safeguard against swallowing unsafe things like poison by reacting to the bitter taste and then gagging or spitting it out. So amazing! My daughters and husband seem to easily gag on certain food textures, but I don't have that problem, so I never really knew why. Now I have a better understanding of why they might have an aversion to certain foods/textures. Very interesting!" A.H.
Presenter: Kimberly Morris, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, IBCLC
This presentation will focus on assessment and treatment techniques to reduce aspiration risk at the breast and will highlight how to overcome obstacles to breastfeeding in special populations including children with congenital heart disease, botulism and cleft lip/palate. Videos and case studies will be included.... more+
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked that the content was easily accessible." S.P. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the therapy strategies and the ideas to implement right away in therapy." T.W. (Dec. 2024)
"How to incorporate breastfeeding goals when a child isn't safe at the breast yet was beneficial to discuss. I liked the treatment suggestions given." J.R. (Dec. 2024)
"Assessing all the different steps of breastfeeding, such as positioning, milk transfer, babies latch. I loved the different videos of breastfeeding and the pictures of the different feeding positions of the babies." L.H. (Dec. 2024)
"I really liked this course overall and will share with my staff of SLPs and OTs." M.S. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the variety of baby steps to breastfeeding. She dove right into the course info instead of spending a lot of time on review." K.B. (Nov. 2024)
"Beneficial considerations for breastfeeding with medically complicated clients." C.B. (Nov. 2024)
"A beneficial topic was that breastfeeding goals are a possibility for any family who wants to try. I liked the content." L.F. (Oct. 2024)
"I was especially interested in the topic of different encouragement and family-centered care plans. I was very appreciative of the videos to review of what breast feeding might look like between different babies and Moms." A.B. (Oct. 2024)
"Tips on breastfeeding positioning to impact flow and case studies on patients with CHD and infant botulism were beneficial. I liked the videos and case studies." K.O. (Oct. 2024)
"Treatment strategies were helpful. I liked the case studies." W.J. (Oct. 2024)
"Importance of developing a non nutritive motor plan at the breast with having mother empty breast. Teaching mother immediately how to be expert with her Infant. Excellent feeding assessment with breastfeeding. Helpful feeding positions and techniques for cleft palate infants. I enjoyed the case studies, and the entire presentation was full of good information on how to build trust and success with the mother and the infant for optimal breastfeeding." G.H. (Sep. 2024)
"Helpful considerations for how to support BF in infants who may not be safe at the moment. I liked the examples that followed the course of a patient as their status changes." K.W. (Sep. 2024)
"Latch considerations with aspiration was a beneficial topic. Thoroughly addressed aspects of swallowing and breastfeeding that would be important to the parent as well." K.D. (Sep. 2024)
"The information was helpful. I enjoyed the various tech." B.P. (Aug. 2024)
"I enjoyed the case studies at the end of the course." A.M. (Aug. 2024)
"Specific strategies for breastfeeding were beneficial. I liked the charts." E.S. (Aug. 2024)
"Breastfeeding with more medically complex cases was beneficial. Great topic, availability of handouts, lots of good case studies and examples/videos." M.T. (Jul. 2024)
"The idea of love, lick, latch, learn, leave was beneficial. I liked the case studies." C.H. (Jul. 2024)
"Format of this course was great. Excellent use of videos and specific examples by the speaker. Excellent resources provided.” K.M. (Jul. 2024)
"Positional adjustments, pacing with breastfeeding, alternative options for bonding, and progressing toward breastfeeding before feeding is viable. I liked the specific examples of what to consider when evaluating a feeding client." L.R. (Jun. 2024)
"Beneficial application of dysphagia intervention to the breastfeeding baby. This course was extremely organized with relevant and applicable information and strategies." P.D. (Jun. 2024)
"All was very beneficial for me as I am new to breastfeeding. Great slides and important reminders, I liked the alliterations, eg. Love, Lick Latch Learn Leave." P.Z. (May. 2024)
"I enjoyed the detailed outline of this course." A.H. (Mar. 2024)
"I really enjoyed this course and considering the role SLPs play among the medical team and family. Kimberly consistently reiterated the importance of customizing the plan based on family goals, infant skills, mother, etc. It is an important concept to keep in mind." A.I. (Mar. 2024)
"Discussing positional changes to help with latch and flow rate was helpful. I liked the thoroughness of slides and case studies." A.P. (Mar. 2024)
"Treatment strategies and making parents a part of goal making were beneficial topics." H.B. (Feb. 2024)
"The strategies to use at the breast to reduce flow rate if s/s of aspiration are present were beneficial. I really enjoyed the case studies at the end to critically apply the information learned. The video examples were helpful as well." S.M. (Jan. 2024)
"Milk transfer measurements were beneficial to discuss. I liked the handout." K.H. (Dec. 2023)
"Differences in breast v bottle feeds, especially positioning. I liked the videos." J.M. (Dec. 2023)
"The interventions and case studies were helpful." L.A. (Nov. 2023)
"Positioning info and the info about cleft palate/lip were beneficial topics. I liked the real videos of the babies." J.R. (Nov. 2023)
"Easy to follow with good information. I enjoyed the case studies and going over specific populations." K.H. (Nov. 2023)
"Very clear and concise course. The case studies helped me understand how to apply aspects of breastfeeding to functional situations." U.P. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked that the emphasis was placed on the SLP's role in breastfeeding with infants. Positional implications on swallowing at the breast; modifications to try in the presence of dysphagia. Case studies at the end were very comprehensive." L.C. (Oct. 2023)
"I am an SLP currently working on my IBCLC. Most of my families are told to stop breastfeeding when their baby is in NICU. Or they have no support on how to progress with breastfeeding once they leave the hospital. This course really provided information to support me. I love the presenter's background and the considerations she made throughout the course with all of her hats with swallowing, SLP and IBCLC." J.G. (Sep. 2023)
"Discussed breastfeeding techniques with specific populations (e.g., Cleft Lip/Palate, Heart Disease, etc.)." A.V. (Aug. 2023)
"Learning different treatment strategies for breastfeeding moms. I enjoyed being able to finish course at my own pace." L.G. (Aug. 2023)
"Provided a clearer perspective of my role as a feeding therapist. I liked the video examples!" D.F. (Jun. 2023)
"How to feed infants safely if they are aspirating. I liked that this course talked about SLP and IBCLC roles and how we both play roles in a patient's feeding progression." A.S. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the comprehensive information, the different types of positioning, and therapeutic strategies." S.W. (Jun. 2023)
"Treatment goals were beneficial, and I liked the examples of assessment and treatment procedures." A.B. (May 2023)
"Practical suggestions and strategies." R.W. (Apr. 2023)
"I liked the video examples with explanations. I am a graduate SLP student and am trying to learn more specific things about pediatric feeding." C.F. (Apr. 2023)
"Learning about different diagnosis and how it affects the breastfeeding/swallow experience. Video and articles related to topic were beneficial." P.C. (Jan. 2023)
"Positioning strategies were helpful. I liked the pace and the videos." S.S. (Jan. 2023)
"Liked the techniques for safe breastfeeding such as starting with small goals. I liked the case studies." R.D. (Dec. 2022)
"Assessing readiness for feeding, positioning, flow rate, etc was helpful." J.P. (Dec. 2022)
"This course is practical and well organized. I liked the case studies." N.D. (Nov. 2022)
"This topic gave me more information to use in conjunction with our lactation consultants. I especially appreciated the specific case studies and the progression of the baby's feeding progress." S.B. (Oct. 2022)
"Great, concise information. Videos were really beneficial." P.M. (Oct. 2022)
"The video examples were very helpful, specifically the holds. This was not just a basic course, this went in depth." E.M. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the treatment methods and goals. The course was well organized." E.B. (Sept. 2022)
"This entire course was so very beneficial and not just a basic feeding course - it actually addressed higher level issues. It will be beneficial for every infant feeding kiddo I serve." K.B. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the ability to take it whenever I had the chance." D.M. (Aug. 2022)
"The content in this course was excellent." M.F. (July 2022)
"Very practical applications. Information on cleft palate was beneficial." E.J. (June 2022)
"Good slides. Liked the info on positioning." V.V. (June 2022)
"I liked all of the content. A lot of practical information was provided." E.E. (May 2022)
"Good strategies to support breastfeeding in infants experiencing dysphagia – well organized and thorough course." A.G. (May 2022)
"Discussing breastfeeding readiness and goals including physiology, parent ed, prefeeding readiness, ssb, and physiology of swallow." S.C. (May 2022)
"Concrete examples of follow-up with patients was helpful. I liked the videos." E.F. (May 2022)
"Liked the therapy strategies. Liked the slower pace." C.M. (Mar. 2022)
"Liked that it was online and I could take it on my own timeline and could stop and restart anytime." E.E. (Mar. 2022)
"Assessing swallowing function and safety at the breast – Interventions to improve efficiency and safety at the breast – Videos and images." S.D. (Mar. 2022)
"Good take away information on positioning, treatment ideas, etc." K.N. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked how the presenter broke down the content and gave specific examples with goal writing, collaborating with caregivers, case studies, etc." C.M. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the case studies on specific breastfeeding scenarios; use of clinical examples and problem solving." E.G. (Feb. 2022)
"I have an increased number of breast feeding or attempting to increase breast over bottle feeds. Topic related to my patient caseload." L.C. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the case studies, treatment planning, and short term goal examples." K.P. (Jan. 2022)
“I enjoyed learning how to emotionally support mothers during the breastfeeding journey. The treatment strategies and positions that were demonstrated.” K.L. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
This course is the third in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It covers swallowing disorders and medically-based feeding problems. Presents case studies and therapeutic interventions to address GERD, constipation, cleft lip/palate, tube feedings, prematurity, autism, attention, and oral intake of medication.... more+
"I liked the topic on GERD. Lots of good info." S.M. (Feb. 2025)
"All the info on premature infants was beneficial. I liked the examples and videos." C.H. (Jan. 2025)
"Signs and symptoms of GERD and strategies to help introduce new foods to children with Autism. Presenter appears to have extensive clinical experience and gives good examples in case studies." D.B. (Jan. 2025)
"I will benefit from all topics. I liked that I could view the content at my own pace." V.H. (Jan. 2025)
"Loved the patient videos. I completed all 3 parts - they were great. Presented in a way you can follow easily and take at your own pace." K.S. (Dec. 2024)
"The discussion on cranial nerves was beneficial. I liked the case studies." J.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Cleft lip and palate were helpful to discuss. I liked the strategies listed." M.C. (Nov. 2024)
"Information about newborns was beneficial. Course covers a variety of topics." M.B. (Nov. 2024)
"Very thorough and well-paced! I liked the sensory based feeding difficulties." L.K. (Nov. 2024)
"The breakdown of how various medical diagnoses could affect swallowing in specific ways was beneficial." A.W. (Oct. 2024)
"Many children with medical-based feeding problems attend our clinic and this information is not only a good review, but the details in the presentation will assist me in thinking through all the parts when diagnosing and making an effective therapy plan. In addition, the information is presented in a way that will assist with caregiver education. I enjoyed the organization of information." B.J. (Oct. 2024)
"Most beneficial was the discussion about the premature babies. I liked the accompanying handouts." B.H. (Oct. 2024)
"I liked that this course covered a broad base of medically complicated cases." J.G. (Sep. 2024)
"The NG tube feedings were helpful. I liked the case studies." A.H. (Sep. 2024)
"Feeding difficulties in autism was a beneficial topic. I liked the therapeutic strategies for swallowing deficit." C.J. (Sep. 2024)
"Strategies were helpful. I enjoyed the visual and auditory presentation." C.S. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked the discussions involving varied medical conditions and how to target feeding therapy." C.F. (Jul. 2024)
"It was beneficial looking at whole child....neuro issues along with rigidities." N.R. (Jul. 2024)
"Swallowing treatment was beneficial. I enjoyed the clear images and descriptions." K.W. (Jul. 2024)
"Specific tips on therapy techniques were helpful. I liked the case history questions/application questions." H.S. (Jun. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss using different strategies with restrictive or rigid food intake and information for premature infants and children. I liked the interactive videos and labs." A.A. (Apr. 2024)
"The anatomy and physiology portions were helpful. The course was easy to follow along with. Loved the case studies and examples." H.L. (Mar. 2024)
"The feeding strategies were beneficial. I enjoyed all topics." R.D. (Dec. 2023)
"All very valuable. Excellent presentation." M.B. (Sep. 2023)
"Assessment & treatment discussions were beneficial. I liked problem-solving what is being seen." L.T. (Aug. 2023)
"Research and premature babies section was beneficial. I liked the flow of the presentation - building from Part 1 and 2." V.A. (Jul. 2023)
"I will use the information about treating premature infants in therapy, as my hospital has a NICU. I liked that it was one video and not broken up constantly by tests like other courses. I could focus well. I also loved the case study questions." K.A. (Jun. 2023)
"Support with taking medications (never come across this before in a training). Plenty of time to watch it - I like that my course access didn’t expire." E.B. (Apr. 2023)
"Learning interventions for children with medical complexities was beneficial." A.H. (Mar. 2023)
"Adapting adult strategies I am familiar with, and targeting peds appropriately." M.M. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the strategies. This course was easy to navigate." C.S. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the discussion regarding babies and children with ADHD. The examples of therapy techniques were beneficial." C.B. (Jan. 2023)
"This content was well presented. I liked the discussion of premature infants and feeding difficulty." N.L. (Dec. 2022)
"All discussions were beneficial - information on tube feed weening, information on premature infants and bottle feeding, information on cleft lip/palate and bottle feeding, information on attention deficits and feeding." C.L. (Nov. 2022)
"The review of the cranial nerves and swallowing function was good. I liked being able to go back and repeat topics again to make sure I understood." A.S. (Nov. 2022)
"I really enjoyed the structure and pacing of this course. It was helpful to build upon the previous content, and to engage in more clinical problem solving. I enjoyed that I was able to self-pace, and that the information was presented in a clear and concise way." K.W. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the videos, application questions, and lab exercises." J.S. (Jun. 2022)
"I am new to working with patients with feeding/swallowing deficits, so all of this information will be beneficial to my daily practice. Great information." M.W. (May 2022)
"Organized, easy to follow. I liked that I could complete it at my own pace." E.E. (May 2022)
"I liked the varying medical diagnoses and the treatment plans for each - the treatment sections with real-life examples." B.S. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the case studies and tx approaches." G.P. (Feb. 2022)
"All of the different practices (exercises) offered to understand better what our patients with feeding difficulties go through, along with such a detailed and great explanation of how our oral structure works, muscle by muscle, motor abilities, etc. The presenter's way of explaining all information is such an easy way to digest! THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK!" C.R. (Jan. 2022)
"I was pleasantly surprised to learn how complicated the impact of ADHD on feeding can be; I have many kids on my caseload with ADHD and plan to dig deeper into their specific feeding issues. I also appreciate the tips on encouraging/eliciting tongue elevation as well as improving bottle/breastfeeding with cleft lip. The complex case studies and suggestions for therapeutic interventions to address specific areas of need/impairments were the most helpful." N.C. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
This course is the second in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It covers oral sensory feeding disorders and mealtime management. Discusses deficits and corresponding treatment strategies related to bolus cohesion, bolus propulsion, oral holding, oral pocketing, oral clearing, palatal packing, and oral stuffing.... more+
"All of the information was beneficial, including the toothbrushing strategies." K.W. (Feb. 2025)
"All the practical information regarding real life feeding therapy challenges and solutions that are appropriate for their treatment was beneficial. I enjoyed the scope and breadth of topics covered." E.S. (Feb. 2025)
"The hyper-responsive gag reflex was a helpful topic. I liked all the examples." C.H. (Jan. 2025)
"I enjoyed the therapy techniques and videos." S.K. (Jan. 2025)
"Review of chewing development and nerve involvement was beneficial. I liked the videos for the examples." A.G. (Dec. 2024)
"The therapeutic activities were helpful." T.C. (Dec. 2024)
"Very organized course. I liked the tips for pocketing." E.M. (Dec. 2024)
"Therapeutic strategies for oral pocketing were beneficial. I liked the video examples, the course was well paced and very well organized." A.P. (Dec. 2024)
"The therapy techniques to help with bolus cohesion and propulsion were helpful. I liked the clarity of which Jennifer presented the information." M.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Differentiating the difference between deficits and what strategies are best for each was beneficial. I liked the separation of each deficit and providing signs/symptoms, deficits, and therapy strategies." A.W. (Oct. 2024)
"I have experience with oral feeding and see a variety of clients for oral and pharyngeal dysphagia. The organization and content of this course will allow me to ensure that all therapeutic strategies have been trialed for each individual child's needs. I liked the amount of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies provided." B.J. (Oct. 2024)
"Sensory Aspect and the treatment techniques were beneficial. All the topics were informative." C.J. (Sep. 2024)
"Helpful discussion of eating patterns related to hyperresponsiveness. Good videos, lab practice." L.G. (Aug. 2024)
"I found the case studies helpful, especially the videos where you could see the techniques being used. It paired well with Course 1." K.S. (Aug. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked the description on fixing issues." C.S. (Aug. 2024)
"Oral pocketing techniques were helpful. Very clearly explained." K.W. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked the use of video's/case studies." C.F. (Jul. 2024)
"Discussing pocketing was beneficial. The information was very clear." S.M. (Jun. 2024)
"Strategies for targeting deficits were helpful. I liked the course's thoroughness! Wonderful content." J.O. (May. 2024)
"Reviewing therapeutic strategies for each deficit area was beneficial. I liked the video examples of real-life kiddos." H.S. (May. 2024)
"Treatment strategies for each feeding difficulty. I liked the video demonstrations and case discussions." M.K. (May. 2024)
"Discussing hypo sensitivity was beneficial because I work a lot with children with low tone. I really appreciated the outline of deficits and the direct follow-up on what strategies to use within therapy." J.J. (Feb. 2024)
"Discussing Hypo-responsive oral cavity and Hyper-responsive oral cavity was beneficial. I liked the teaching style and extensive info." J.C. (Jan. 2024)
"The cranial nerve examination and application were helpful. I liked the therapy techniques to improve oral motor control." P.T. (Dec. 2023)
"The scenarios and test questions allow for more to observe and think about during an evaluation, especially with my ASD non-verbal population. This course covered many topics related to oral sensory feeding that apply to many of my students." N.R. (Dec. 2023)
"Good continuation of course Part 1. Beneficial techniques for bolus transfer for a patient with hypo sensory oral cavities." J.E. (Dec. 2023)
"Strategies for addressing the various problems. I liked the use of a variety of material, including case study questions, practical labs, and video models." E.R. (Nov. 2023)
"The discussion around mealtime management was helpful. I enjoyed the interactive lab activities." A.A. (Nov. 2023)
"The techniques for each deficit area and the video case studies presented were beneficial. The importance of sensory aspects of food and how they translate to motor feeding skills will be something I use in my daily practice. The lab work was extremely helpful in increasing understanding of the material." R.A. (Oct. 2023)
"Oral pocketing, clearing, etc were helpful topics. I think the reminder to be aware of sensory and motor components is very important. Liked I could go at my own pace." M.V. (Sep. 2023)
"The intervention methods for bolus cohesion were beneficial. I liked the lab practice." K.A. (Sep. 2023)
"Pediatric feeding strategies were helpful. I liked the practical lab exercises." A.A. (Sep. 2023)
"Good videos. I liked all content." E.W. (Sep. 2023)
"I see a lot of pocketing, oral residue, and oral holding, and these therapeutic techniques will be very useful. All of the video demonstrations and lab practices were amazingly helpful in grasping the content." R.R. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked the specific therapy techniques and strategies. And that I can take course on my own time, start/stop as needed." K.B. (Jul. 2023)
"Thorough content. I liked the mealtime management techniques - to help parents know what to do at mealtimes." E.K. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the therapy strategies and techniques. And the research and videos." V.A. (Jun. 2023)
"Food pocketing was a beneficial discussion. Course was easily followed and understood." R.G. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the approaches to managing hyposensitivity. Good lab exercises to reinforce information." T.L. (May 2023)
"Therapeutic techniques and video examples were beneficial." K.L. (May 2023)
"Topic on bolus propulsion was beneficial. I liked the labs." M.S. (May 2023)
"The case studies are helpful to compare/contrast. I liked the examples." L.W. (May 2023)
"I liked the oral sensory issues and alternative techniques to manage feeding problems." B.Z. (Feb. 2023)
"Oral-motor exercises were beneficial. I liked the video examples and case studies." A.H. (Jan. 2023)
"All of the topics are relevant to me on a daily basis. Easy to complete at home over the course of a few sessions." D.B. (Dec. 2022)
"Well presented and thorough. I liked the oral pocketing treatment strategies." A.P. (Dec. 2022)
"Learned new strategies and approaches to assist with transition from pureed foods to table foods. I liked the examples and practice activities." D.V. (Nov. 2022)
"All information can be directly applied to my daily practice - oral stuffing and reduced sensory awareness, reduced bolus cohesion and gagging, reduced buccal tone and pocketing." C.L. (Nov. 2022)
"The labs and video examples were good." A.M. (Oct. 2022)
"I enjoyed the pairing of cranial nerve knowledge with practical applications." C.S. (Sept. 2022)
"The presenter was very thorough and video presentations were helpful." S.R. (Sept. 2022)
"Very specific techniques and strategies. All of it was beneficial. I have multiple kids on my caseload with feeding issues." A.W. (Sept. 2022)
"I loved all the videos and examples." E.N. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked that I could stop and return as time allowed." V.D. (Aug. 2022)
"Great examples with specific tx guidelines." E.D. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the video demonstrations and all the feeding therapy techniques!" L.B. (Jul. 2022)
"I liked the signs/symptoms of sensory issues and specific therapy strategies to address these issues - ways to transition to a cup, overall discussion of hyper/hypo responsiveness related to swallowing for improving feeding." C.B. (Jun. 2022)
"Easy to follow, good presentation." V.V. (Jun. 2022)
"I really enjoyed the case studies and questions throughout. They helped to keep me engaged throughout." L.P. (Jun. 2022)
"All of the course was beneficial, as I am a recent SLP grad working with feeding clients. I liked the video clips, lab exercises, and application questions." J.S. (May 2022)
"Liked the videos explaining the techniques used on actual clients." I.C. (May 2022)
"I liked the different techniques and therapy models for improving bolus cohesion and using realistic examples of multiple swallow cases, bolus holding, etc. This is pediatric swallowing based therapy that I can apply to my work!" J.S. (May 2022)
"The examples were very practical for working with patients with complex needs." E.S. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the therapy strategies and the video examples and lab examples – all very helpful for understanding how our patients might be feeling." J.B. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the research presented." F.P. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked the treatment procedures specifically pocketing, and the lab practice." A.R. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the therapy strategies, and that I can stop and start so I don't miss things when I have unexpected interruptions." K.S. (Jan. 2022)
"It was good to get a great review of what and why problems occur; the practicums and videos were really useful to use what we learned; the identification of the various problems and the therapy activities were all so helpful! I am putting tabs on each of the "problem areas" so I can refer to them often!! The instructor had a great format for teaching, and had so much information and experiences to share!" K.S. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
This course is the first in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It presents detailed information on techniques and strategies for addressing oral motor feeding disorders. Discusses therapy techniques to address deficits of the lip, cheek, tongue lateralization, tongue elevation, biting, and chewing. Course includes video examples, case studies, lab practice and application activities. ... more+
"The discussion on different techniques to help my clients was helpful. I liked the relevance to my practices and the presenter's way of explaining the information with examples." F.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Therapy activities based on area of concern were helpful and I liked that she broke down each section into different topics. The course was easy to follow and she provided labs and example videos." E.C. (Jan. 2025)
"Beneficial use of tethering for chewing and tongue lateralization versus only using chewy tubes. I enjoyed the wealth of information of the breakdown of the why behind tongue movement, lip movement, jaw movement, and so forth." H.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Assessment, practice, and therapeutic application were all great. I liked the video examples." C.M. (Jan. 2025)
"All of the information was beneficial. The course was well structured. Easy to follow, and my notes will be easy to navigate in the future." S.K. (Jan. 2025)
"Specific treatment techniques aimed at varying structures needed for swallowing. I liked the powerpoint to follow along with." H.M. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked everything! This course helped me better identify feeding issues, and paired well with treatment strategies!! VERY thorough!" A.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Excellent review on oral-motor structure and mechanics as well as techniques to improve deficits." B.B. (Dec. 2024)
"I work with kids with feeding issues so all the strategies and techniques are going to help me to provide a better intervention. I liked the way presenter approached each part. What are the symptoms, causes, functional practice, and the intervention." L.V. (Dec. 2024)
"I enjoyed all of this course. The information was very easy to follow." D.J. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the specifics throughout the course and organized presentation." P.W. (Dec. 2024)
"All the information was just amazing. I especially liked the details about the connection between physiology and difficulties." V.C. (Dec. 2024)
"Beneficial emphasis on integrating skills of all oral structures. I enjoyed the literature review citations." C.J. (Nov. 2024)
"Therapy practices and application were beneficial. I liked the application slides and video examples." A.G. (Nov. 2024)
"The therapeutic techniques in particular were helpful. I liked how in-depth the course went." O.M. (Nov. 2024)
"Discussing signs and symptoms was beneficial." L.R. (Nov. 2024)
"It was all so helpful. I work with birth to 3 and this course helped put swallowing skills into perspective." K.W. (Nov. 2024)
"How to apply specific interventions for each area of deficit, especially interventions directly related to tone. The organization of the materials was very easy to follow." T.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Therapy strategies provided were beneficial. Helpful information." E.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the video demonstration and self-eating analysis." A.P. (Oct. 2024)
"Therapy techniques to progress textures were beneficial. I liked the handouts." H.B. (Oct. 2024)
"The examples helped with the comprehension of information." C.H. (Oct. 2024)
"I appreciated how the course was organized, going through the different structures in detail. I will be reviewing the course again and taking more detailed notes after becoming familiar with the content this time around. I appreciated the structure of the course and the videos." B.J. (Oct. 2024)
"Identifying deficits and how to address them. The level of breakdown for each structure involved in swallowing was beneficial." A.W. (Oct. 2024)
"Therapy techniques were helpful. I liked the lab practice and video demonstrations." E.L. (Oct. 2024)
"Great background on the tongue and oral motor exercises, how to use what exercise when. The course was clear, easy to listen to." S.P. (Sep. 2024)
"The discussion on chewing was helpful. I liked that I could watch the course content when I wanted." K.K. (Sep. 2024)
"Practical therapeutic strategies. I liked the videos and explanations." E.R. (Aug. 2024)
"The therapeutic strategies were helpful. Very detailed course." M.J. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked the examples that were given and being able to practice." C.J. (Aug. 2024)
"Information about therapy techniques for types of oral phase movements is something I needed more of and feel all of this was very insightful. I also enjoyed the videos showing therapy techniques." S.M. (Aug. 2024)
"All the information was beneficial, and I liked the labs." C.S. (Jul. 2024)
"Oral motor exercises to use with clients were beneficial." T.C. (Jul. 2024)
"I think this course was a very comprehensive overview of the oral motor component of pediatric dysphagia. I liked that the speaker gave practical examples and frequently referenced research." L.P. (Jul. 2024)
"I appreciated the detailed list of considerations for a child with dysphagia. I liked that all the information was on the slides for reference later." B.C. (Jul. 2024)
"Assessment of chewing and massage of tongue base was helpful. The course was very thorough." K.W. (Jul. 2024)
"The lab activities and the therapy strategies were most beneficial. I liked the therapy strategies that I can use both in therapy and in dynamic assessments." E.H. (Jun. 2024)
"The specific exercises to target for each deficit area were helpful. Great case example videos and lab practice activities for a more engaging learning experience." M.B. (Jun. 2024)
"Specific therapeutic oral motor activities. I liked the video demonstrations." J.R. (Jun. 2024)
"The videos to pair with case study questions were very helpful. I also enjoyed learning more about tethering, as I was not very familiar with that prior to this course. I liked the practice assignments, which really helped to instill the topic being covered at that time. It really helped to put me in the mind of some of my patients and the difficulties they encounter with basic skills I take for granted." S.F. (Jun. 2024)
"ALL of the information was beneficial since I work with children with oral feeding disorders. I liked the interactive videos/pictures." B.H. (Jun. 2024)
"Beneficial breakdown of the areas of the oral motor musculature involved in the phases of the swallow. I liked the accessibility of the course as well as the test preview and the slides." B.T. (May. 2024)
"How and what to evaluate and treatment suggestions were beneficial. The course was very informative and well organized." V.H. (Apr. 2024)
"Discussing treatment was helpful. I liked the labs." C.M. (Apr. 2024)
"The portion with tongue and jaw strength was beneficial. I enjoyed the video examples." K.M. (Apr. 2024)
"Specific examples of medical diagnoses and how these things relate to that population helped me make better connections. I enjoyed the videos of treatment modalities in action." C.H. (Mar. 2024)
"I liked the practical intervention strategies. Great organization." A.F. (Mar. 2024)
"Beneficial examples of therapy to explain what to do if these deficits are noted! I enjoyed the videos of actual patients." H.S. (Mar. 2024)
"Labs, videos, and discussion using the case studies were helpful. I liked that I could go at my own speed." K.U. (Mar. 2024)
"I really appreciated the specific treatment strategies for each area. The patient videos were really helpful to reinforce the discussion." J.H. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing the signs and symptoms of chewing disorders was beneficial. I liked having notes as well as the video." H.S. (Dec. 2023)
"Discussing the massage techniques and how they are effective was helpful. The presentation was clear and practical." M.N. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the specific examples of deficits and how to provide therapy for them." A.V. (Dec. 2023)
"Therapeutic strategies were helpful. I liked the use of real-life videos of patients." S.P. (Nov. 2023)
"The use of tethering and clinical swallow techniques to support children with difficulties in these areas was beneficial. I liked the ability to go at my own pace." J.C. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the intervention strategies and the interactive lab practice and video examples." A.A. (Nov. 2023)
"Biting/chewing deficits were beneficial to discuss. I liked the breakdown of different categories." J.J. (Nov. 2023)
"Strategies for therapy. I liked the use of video modeling." E.R. (Nov. 2023)
"The course was organized in a manner that made sense, and I feel like everything was covered, from background to assessment to treatment. The information on tongue tie was particularly helpful for my daily practice." K.S. (Oct. 2023)
"Very informative course. It made me think about some of my current patients and why I am seeing some of the behaviors I am seeing. Discussing postural stability was beneficial because it really emphasized that safe feeding is not isolated to the oral motor system and that the core needs to be addressed as well." C.C. (Oct. 2023)
"I am starting to work with more feeding clients, and this course will improve my therapy techniques. I liked that I could pause and replay sections." A.A. (Oct. 2023)
"I liked the therapeutic exercises. And the applications to daily practice." J.B. (Oct. 2023)
"Providing sensory input to elicit motor response! Presenter did a great job of pacing course, and the order of info was great." J.J. (Oct. 2023)
"Relevant to my caseload." R.R. (Sep. 2023)
"Chewing therapy was beneficial. I liked the videos and lab exercises." R.A. (Sep. 2023)
"The therapeutic strategies were helpful. The presentation was clear and concise. The presenter had great visual slides and examples. I also appreciated the case study scenarios - they were very functional." A.A. (Aug. 2023)
"Helpful information about therapy techniques and how to assess." T.M. (Aug. 2023)
"Jaw section and chewing were beneficial topics. I liked all the different therapy techniques mentioned." M.V. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked the treatment applications and the examples." K.M. (Aug. 2023)
"The exercises were very helpful. Applicability to my practice." A.W. (Aug. 2023)
"The specific information on biting and chewing was beneficial, and I liked the video examples." J.F. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked how presenter broke down all components of the oral phase and described treatment techniques for each area of weakness. I liked the flexibility of completing course on my own time." K.B. (Jul. 2023)
"Chewing and progression of food textures were beneficial topics. I liked all of the information." A.J. (Jul. 2023)
"Buccal tightness and weakness was very interesting. I enjoyed the video inserts. I also enjoyed the research articles." A.S. (Jul. 2023)
"Tongue lateralization was a beneficial topic. I have a student who has very low tone and decreased tongue movement, and I've been struggling to help her increase lateralization/ROM. I appreciated all of the therapeutic techniques discussed - many courses spend a lot of time on background information but don't provide enough info for putting strategies into practice." J.R. (Jul. 2023)
"The therapy recommendations for oral motor exercises were beneficial. I liked that I could take course at my own pace. It was a lot of information to digest. I liked that I could go back and listen to some sections twice to fully comprehend the material." J.M. (Jul. 2023)
"Very clear explanations and instructions with real case video examples. Types of exercises that benefit different problems and how to complete them." G.L. (Jun. 2023)
"Strategies for all areas of deficits. The video examples were helpful to visualize the material being presented." M.R. (Jun. 2023)
"Review of neuromuscular underpinnings was beneficial. I liked the lab activities and video examples." T.L. (May 2023)
"This is the course I needed to understand what to look for and how to improve different deficits for all structures involved with feeding and positioning! I liked the video demonstrations." H.B. (May 2023)
"All of this content was beneficial. I liked the demonstration with real-life clients." H.H. (May 2023)
"Therapeutic approaches to OME and feeding were beneficial. I liked the videos and demonstrations." V.A. (Apr. 2023)
"All topics discussed were beneficial beginning with anatomy and connecting all of the body. I liked the techniques and anatomy." K.G. (Mar. 2023)
"The presenter was very knowledgeable. This course thoroughly reviewed the connection between postural stability and oral motor/feeding deficits with applications that could be used right away with my clients." L.M. (Jan. 2023)
"I enjoyed the practical applications of each activity to demonstrate examples of feeding difficulties among children and how they might benefit from therapeutic techniques." C.C. (Jan. 2023)
"I enjoyed the structure in terms of areas of deficit, followed by signs and symptoms, then the ways in which it can be treated." C.C. (Jan. 2023)
"Function of muscles and how it is applicable to children's development was beneficial. I liked the layout of the course." C.A. (Jan. 2023)
"Good demonstrations and research." K.W. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked all of it. Therapy techniques were beneficial." A.W. (Jan. 2023)
"Practical application and things to look for in order to determine what intervention to apply." M.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Postural stability specifically trunk stability and mobility was beneficial. The examples and video demonstrations were helpful." M.A. (Dec. 2022)
"Each section's practice questions/clinical application questions were helpful to see how the information learned could be used to assess and treat "real-life" patients. I liked the suggested therapeutic activities/strategies included in each section." E.K. (Dec. 2022)
"Therapeutic exercises were beneficial. I liked the course organization." A.R. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the oral motor treatment strategies, and in-depth discussion about each oral motor structure." A.J. (Dec. 2022)
"Wealth of information. I liked the assessment and therapy strategies looking at different skills in feeding." A.M. (Dec. 2022)
"Oral motor deficits broken down and discussed by anatomical structures." L.H. (Nov. 2022)
"Videos and the way info was broken down was helpful. The presenter's knowledge was great!" K.L. (Nov. 2022)
"The step by step information of all the parts of the mouth involved in eating was good." D.S. (Oct. 2022)
"I loved the thoroughness of explanations for each aspect of oral structure and function and therapeutic interventions for each deficit area." L.G. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the videos and intervention examples provided. And the information about Buccal and lingual deficits and therapeutic strategies to improve them." K.O. (Sept. 2022)
"Speaker provided multiple examples and the videos were quite good. I got a new perspective on approaches I have been using." D.V. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the layout and how it moved from one area of concern to the next and ended with chewing. It helped show that there is a lot to consider during feeding other than chewing and swallowing." C.J. (Sept. 2022)
"Gave deficits then specific ways to help remediate. I liked the strategies for tongue lateralization and chewing." A.W. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the ability to stop and start." E.P. (Aug. 2022)
"I enjoyed the review of the cranial nerves and the therapy techniques presented." M.K. (Jul. 2022)
"Learning exact exercise techniques for lips, cheeks, tongue, jaw to process food textures was beneficial. Also, identifying weaknesses. I liked that the course is online and you can go at your own pace." M.M. (Jun. 2022)
"I liked how intensive the course was regarding recognizing red flag signs. Liked the specific exercises that address each area of concern. The importance of each movement per structure and the clinical signs and symptoms of problems in each area." M.L. (Jun. 2022)
"Practical material. Liked the therapeutic strategies." L.H. (Jun. 2022)
"I liked that the course covered therapy techniques in great detail." S.C. (Jun. 2022)
"The course was very thorough." D.W. (Jun. 2022)
"Wealth of information! And I liked that you could go at your own pace, pausing and giving yourself breaks as needed." L.P. (May 2022)
"All of the course was great, as I am a new SLP going into a clinic with feeding clients. Liked the lab exercises and videos to get a feel and a visual of the information." J.S. (May 2022)
"I found the whole course to be beneficial because I am new to feeding therapy. The demonstration videos were especially helpful." L.B. (May 2022)
"I loved the progression of oral motor skills and exercises from front to back. It was very comprehensive and thorough." H.D. (May 2022)
"I liked the strategies and therapy techniques for chewing as chewing deficits are what I most commonly see." C.B. (May 2022)
"She was very thorough and organized in her content." K.W. (May 2022)
"This entire course was beneficial, as I am beginning my training in order to work with children with feeding and swallowing deficits." M.W. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the ease of video streaming and testing formats. Also loved the discount to buy all portions of course!" A.S. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the specific tx techniques & strategies (e.g. lollipop pull for lip closure). Course provided very practical info." O.S. (Apr. 2022)
"Practical therapeutic strategies. I liked that the videos and examples were of actual patients/clients." E.S. (Mar. 2022)
"The exercises were very helpful. I liked the demonstration of exercises and laboratory to demonstrate the deficits and strategies." F.D. (Mar. 2022)
"Videos of actual swallowing therapy were beneficial." S.P. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the strategies for therapy. The instructor did an excellent job explaining material as well as providing lab work." C.A. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the discussion of how things interconnect and ways to work on one area while supporting another – how everything was discussed in relation to one another." A.M. (Jan. 2022)
"I am trying to build my base knowledge for pediatric swallowing disorders and this was a great introduction to therapy techniques, with concrete and thorough information about clinical signs, symptoms and impressions. It was extremely informative and I look forward to taking the subsequent parts of the course series!" E.H. (Jan. 2022)
"Very detailed and thorough. I definitely need to take parts 2 and 3 to feel that I have the best base possible for the topic. Use of videos were very helpful to learn the topics, and more would be even better." N.N. (Jan. 2022)
"It was very thoughtfully constructed with the application sections and lab practices. Well organized for immediate clinical use." A.M. (Jan. 2022)
"I am trying to build my base knowledge for pediatric swallowing disorders and this was a great introduction to therapy techniques, with concrete and thorough information about clinical signs, symptoms and impressions. It was extremely informative and I look forward to taking the subsequent parts of the course!" E.H. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM
This course presents an overview of the specialty area of Orofacial Myology and its relationship to the field of Speech-language Pathology. Discussed are the procedures involved in examining various orofacial structures and functions. Learn which barriers interfere with successful treatment, and receive instruction for improving your client's lingual, labial and mandibular coordination skills.... more+
"I liked the exercises listed that help a client learn the correct home base at the alveolar ridge, especially for those kiddos with interdental lisp. The explanation of the "home base" and how incorrect placement of the jaw, tongue or lips can affect everything speech and swallowing wise." H.E. (Feb. 2025)
"Just knowing where to start and having concrete specific exercises to put into practice makes me excited to get going with a few kids currently on my caseload that have somewhat stalled. Very straightforward!" P.F. (Feb. 2025)
"Tethered oral tissues specifically and how it pertains to "tongue thrust pattern" and a maladaptive swallow pattern. I liked the ease of access and the content. I like that it is easy to put into practice the exercises and tasks immediately." L.H. (Jan. 2025)
"Working with kids with articulation issues and needs increased understanding of articulatory movement. VERY detailed and gave so much applicable information. 10 out of 10. Would recommend." S.C. (Jan. 2025)
"Relating lingual criteria to correcting speech production was helpful. Very informative and easy to follow." M.W. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the terminology, reviewing each oral structure and correct positioning/movement, etc. The presentation was understandable and had good slides and descriptions." S.R. (Jan. 2025)
"Orofacial Myology information and tongue resting position were beneficial to discuss. This was a good introductory course to help me make informative decisions as an SLP as well as use appropriate terminology as a professional." A.G. (Jan. 2025)
"Beneficial techniques to correct resting tongue posture and tongue placement for sound productions. Easy format to follow." B.M. (Jan. 2025)
"The exercises and tools to facilitate tongue differentiation were beneficial. The videos were extremely helpful!" S.G. (Dec. 2024)
"The steps of assessment and treatment were helpful. I liked the outlining of specific steps to guide treatment, with suggestions for variations, because "one size does not fit all"." M.K. (Dec. 2024)
"The impact of oral resting postures on articulation was beneficial to discuss. I liked the video demonstrations of techniques." G.S. (Dec. 2024)
"A helpful topic was making sure to target airways and negative oral habits first and keeping in mind that thumb sucking elimination shouldn't start until age 4 or after. I had previously been told to stop thumb sucking ASAP. I liked the videos and pictures that were used." R.J. (Dec. 2024)
"Integrating myofacial with speech remediation was beneficial. I liked the video examples." S.C. (Dec. 2024)
"All of this course was amazing. I liked everything." T.R. (Dec. 2024)
"All the information was helpful. This course helped reinforce many things I already knew and taught me some new techniques and terminology." S.P. (Dec. 2024)
"The connections between myofunctional disorders and speech production were beneficial to discuss. The information was well-organized and easy to follow. The video demonstrations were extremely helpful." D.D. (Dec. 2024)
"The steps to work through for Lingual Basics and examples of how to target these skills were beneficial. I liked the education about terminology to use and avoid." M.M. (Nov. 2024)
"OMD/OMT as it relates to speech production was a helpful topic. Practical tips to elicit correct/desired tongue movements." K.C. (Nov. 2024)
"Spot awareness methods to accomplish were beneficial. I liked the picture examples the best." K.G. (Nov. 2024)
"The exercises and treatments of ankyloglossia were beneficial. The videos and pictures of the mouth, teeth, tongue, and treatments were very helpful." L.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I found the information about negative oral habits and concrete steps for treatment to be beneficial. Concrete and easily applicable content." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"The course was great for beginners like me to gain a general understanding of the field." C.C. (Nov. 2024)
"Loved getting to learn about the tools used for these problem areas. I had not been introduced to these prior to this course. Great breakdown of all the phases with visuals to help see various issues we may see in the therapy world." C.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the explanations of oral resting posture and implications for speech." C.S. (Nov. 2024)
"Very informative! I liked the clearly outlined video examples of treatment strategies for achieving correct oral movements for speech production. The video examples helped me to understand the targeted oral movement patterns." B.Z. (Nov. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. I liked all the detail and ideas for testing and treatment." N.W. (Nov. 2024)
"Clear, organized presentation. How anterior resting posture makes it impossible for a student to reach independence in production of /s/ and /z/ and open lip resting posture makes it impossible for a student to habituate production of /f/ and /v/ because they will not be able to move to and from their resting posture and sound production fast enough for conversational speech. It is important to address the correct resting posture before working on sound production. I liked the illustrative photos, videos, and diagrams." A.G. (Oct. 2024)
"It was extremely useful to understand how tongue resting posture impacts a client's ability to produce speech sounds with the speed and precision required to maintain articulatory accuracy at the conversational level. It was also very useful to learn how to help clients who are failing to generalize to conversational speech even after receiving prolonged speech therapy. Each topic introduced was clearly explained, and areas for further study were mentioned to avoid confusion." A.H. (Oct. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss proper oral resting posture." S.K. (Oct. 2024)
"The exercises to help the patient were beneficial! Very informative and presenter was very down-to-earth and realistic. The exercises were very descriptive and included issues that she has come across in her years of doing this." L.P. (Oct. 2024)
"The habitual lingual rest posture should be one of the things I need to consider before any speech therapy session with my patients. I liked the detailed information and it was presented explicitly." T.C. (Oct. 2024)
"Connecting articulation errors to oral function was helpful. I liked that I could listen to sections again for clarity. The presenter provided a good general overview of things in an introduction course." H.W. (Oct. 2024)
"Noxious oral habits and how they relate to lisps was a beneficial topic. I enjoyed the different methods to use when looking at function and also the different props that are suggested to use when working with clients." J.Y. (Sep. 2024)
"The treatment techniques that were included in relation to orofacial myology were helpful. I found that the sippy cup video was very helpful because it is something that could be shared with parents." M.F. (Sep. 2024)
"The focus on habitual resting posture and how to assess and improve it was beneficial. The photos and videos were helpful to understand the descriptions." M.Z. (Sep. 2024)
"Normal function and structures were beneficial to discuss." J.G. (Sep. 2024)
"The proficiency testing will be something I can use with many of my patients! Seeing videos of the exercises in practice and the breadth of your knowledge were both incredibly helpful." T.A. (Sep. 2024)
"Wonderful intro to Orofacial Myology. Lots of wonderful therapy to improve proper resting posture, proper position for swallowing and speech production. I enjoyed the entire course. Sandra was an excellent presenter. Her course covered Orofacial Myology exceptionally." G.H. (Sep. 2024)
"This is the first orofacial course that I have taken and it's opened a whole new world to me. This is the tip of the iceberg in my understanding of the difference between NSOMEs and orofacial myology. The presenter was very clear and I loved that we actually received instruction in TREATMENT. Awesome course." H.K. (Sep. 2024)
"Always looking for ways to improve tongue jaw disassociation, and I will use the exercises described. The information was in-depth and very detailed. All usable information in an organized format." E.G. (Sep. 2024)
"Parents ask me about thumb sucking and drooling often so it was helpful to learn more about developmental appropriate practice and how to inform parents related to these skills as well as how to most effectively provide services. I liked the introduction to orofacial myology terminology and quick reference sheet for terms. The connection to dentition was very useful as well." K.D. (Sep. 2024)
"Discussing how resting posture impacts articulation was helpful. I enjoyed the content." V.C. (Aug. 2024)
"Exercises were helpful. I liked the in-depth breakdown of exercises to accomplish each skill." K.P. (Aug. 2024)
"Methods for working on individual criteria were helpful. The information was presented in an organized manner with good connections drawn which is the key to this specific type of treatment." R.E. (Aug. 2024)
"The importance of oral resting posture was beneficial to discuss. I liked the information to help /s/ production." A.O. (Aug. 2024)
"The necessity of correcting resting postures before speech therapy will be effective. The presenter was clear and effective." H.M. (Aug. 2024)
"Identifying/addressing oral posture and negative oral habits before targeting sound placement and production was beneficial. I liked that I can apply to my current caseload and the reminder about underlying factors negatively impacting speech." H.S. (Aug. 2024)
"Treatment considerations and strategies were helpful. I liked that I was able to take the course on my own time." M.E. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussing the importance of correct lip and tongue position for speech production was beneficial." Y.I. (Aug. 2024)
"The course was broken down very clearly." L.P. (Aug. 2024)
"Description of tongue ties was helpful. I liked the therapy for correct oral placement. Excellent handout." R.S. (Aug. 2024)
"Specific activities for assessment and treatment were helpful. Knowledgeable presenter and clear visuals. Enjoyed her sense of humor." R.C. (Jul. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial." N.T. (Jul. 2024)
"General knowledge of the beginning stages of orofacial myology, who can benefit. The information was clear and concise. I feel like I can implement my knowledge right away." M.D. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked the videos of treatment and the treatment methods/terminology overview." D.M. (Jul. 2024)
"Treatment techniques were beneficial. I liked the video presentations." M.T. (Jun. 2024)
"Exercises to help work on areas of need mentioned in the presentation were helpful. Information was to the point and easy to follow." A.S. (Jun. 2024)
"All of the information was helpful! I loved the practical information. I can assess and know specifically what to look for." M.R. (Jun. 2024)
"Connection of OMT to general speech therapy was a helpful topic. I liked that the courses was self-paced and I could complete at any time and start and stop as needed." L.K. (Jun. 2024)
"I found the full course interesting and well presented. Best course I have taken in a long time." C.K. (Jun. 2024)
"Review of the importance of resting posture for efficient oral function/speech production. The videos were very helpful." K.G. (May. 2024)
"Exercises and strategies to improve function were beneficial. I liked the videos of patients performing exercises." R.W. (May. 2024)
"I feel Myofunctional therapy is on the rise, and this course gives me a whole new set of things to look for in my pediatric caseload. Very informative." C.P. (May. 2024)
"Knowing when to refer and the roles that fall in my scope of practice considering my level of training. I liked that this course is self-paced." S.M. (May. 2024)
"Discussing the importance of resting position of the tongue was helpful." M.H. (Apr. 2024)
"Descriptions of the Oromyo dysfunctions and the noxious habits were beneficial. I liked the oromyo facial definitions." T.H. (Apr. 2024)
"Open-mouth postures and measurement tools were helpful. I enjoyed the topic." L.H. (Apr. 2024)
"Discussing the impact of changes caused by noxious habits on speech due to reshaping palate was beneficial. I find this present in many of my students. I am very interested in Orofacial Myology and this was helpful introductory information!" N.A. (Apr. 2024)
"Very organized and clear explanation." S.K. (Apr. 2024)
"All of the course was beneficial! I enjoyed Sandra's depth and breadth of knowledge." T.C. (Mar. 2024)
"Taking into account the barriers first was helpful. I liked the topic on how to work on exercises and what to try if the client has difficulty." M.C. (Mar. 2024)
"It was helpful to discuss that thumb-sucking elimination should not be introduced under the age of four years and that was a surprise to me. The course was thorough." D.I. (Mar. 2024)
"The relationship of oral rest posture to speech production was helpful to discuss. I liked the assessment procedures overview and video inclusion of pacifier / bottle considerations." E.L. (Mar. 2024)
"Specific exercises to help with orofacial issues. The pictures and videos were very helpful. I liked that I could pause and replay the course." L.R. (Mar. 2024)
"I enjoyed the level of depth and knowledge. Beneficial discussion of the proficiency exam." J.J. (Mar. 2024)
"Lots of very interesting information. Tongue and lip movements related to speech production once resting postures had been achieved." M.W. (Mar. 2024)
"I appreciated the practical application and examples provided." M.S. (Mar. 2024)
"Clarifications of terms- especially ones that are nonspecific were beneficial." S.W. (Feb. 2024)
"I enjoyed everything ... the course was incredible. I had no idea of all the parts of the puzzle I was missing. I appreciated that the course was recorded so I could relisten to many of the slides to ensure I got what Sandra was saying." D.D. (Feb. 2024)
"The methods to accomplish the exercises were helpful. I enjoyed the video examples." S.W. (Feb. 2024)
"The techniques were beneficial." P.F. (Feb. 2024)
"I liked the theory and examples w/step-by-step instructions, criteria of passing, and some videos." M.O. (Feb. 2024)
"All of this course was beneficial." R.K. (Feb. 2024)
"The presenter showed specific exercises that need to be done before working on the /s/, which explained why children are not able to habituate their speech. I liked the videos." K.H. (Feb. 2024)
"Discussing oral resting postures and how it can impact dental eruption was beneficial. Comprehensive course with links to resources." A.S. (Feb. 2024)
"This course was a good starting point for pts with orofacial concerns. The videos/examples were helpful." L.Y. (Jan. 2024)
"The relation of resting mouth posture to speech and language development was a helpful topic. I liked the ability to watch as time permitted in my schedule." A.C. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing tongue resting position related to sound production was beneficial. I like that I can view the course over time at my convenience." K.P. (Jan. 2024)
"It was helpful to discuss how oral resting position impacts speech and tongue tie information." M.H. (Jan. 2024)
"I have so many ideas to try now! Specific methods to elicit different tongue positions, using the Mouth Prop. I plan to order some Mouth Props very soon! The information was very specific on how to treat clients/students." M.K. (Jan. 2024)
"The course was thorough, interesting, added to my existing knowledge, and gave me a way to measure baseline skills, progress, and success." T.H. (Jan. 2024)
"Good examples, relevant to everyday practice. It was helpful to discuss oral resting posture and its relation to speech production." S.B. (Jan. 2024)
"Beneficial review of the swallow, in addition to the elimination of negative oral habits. I enjoyed how easy course was to follow along and take notes." E.S. (Jan. 2024)
"This overview provided the basic knowledge to better understand orofacial myology, especially related to the topic of negative oral habits. This was new information I had not heard before, providing greater insight into areas I can now explore." A.H. (Jan. 2024)
"Very thorough course and had specific examples for how to implement this in therapy." E.G. (Jan. 2024)
"The importance of the oral examination and looking at oral functioning was helpful. This information has been very enlightening. The oral examination, oral habits, and oral exercises were all very helpful information." K.T. (Jan. 2024)
"All of this course was beneficial. Very good explanations." A.P. (Jan. 2024)
"Very informative course. Good review of terms, especially ones that are misused often in our profession. Good review of dental occlusions and the function of the teeth. I liked the visual assistance on occlusions, tongue ties, etc." A.H. (Jan. 2024)
"I liked the updated research. Clear visual examples of oral structures." K.M. (Dec. 2023)
"As an SLP, we must know if we are asking a client to do something that he is not capable of, it is our responsibility. I was not aware of "the spot" incisive papilla's role as a starting point for speech production." M.O. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial discussion on oral rest posture and how it affects speech disorders. I liked the instructions provided at the end." L.G. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the information on different types of malocclusions." C.D. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the info about open bites." C.W. (Dec. 2023)
"The actual exercises were beneficial. Sandra's presentation was so organized and clear to understand. I loved it!" L.K. (Dec. 2023)
"This course was thorough. The sequence of exercises/targets was helpful." A.M. (Dec. 2023)
"Comprehensive presentation of relevant information in both the assessment and therapy of orofacial myology problems." E.N. (Dec. 2023)
"This course was excellent. As a provider already several years into doing orofacial myofunctional therapy, this course reinforced many things. It gave some new suggestions for vocabulary use and phrasing in reports and with parents, as well as some additional ways to implement exercises toward a goal. I plan on recommending this course to my colleagues." A.R. (Nov. 2023)
"Exercises to improve the function of oromotor structures were helpful. I enjoyed the knowledge of the presenter and the ease of access to this course." K.P. (Nov. 2023)
"Clear, organized presentation. The discussion that it is important to address the correct resting posture before working on sound production was beneficial. I enjoyed the illustrative photos, videos, and diagrams." A.G. (Nov. 2023)
"Demonstration videos were helpful, and I liked the detail in exercises." A.C. (Nov. 2023)
"The methods for corrections were helpful, and I enjoyed the visuals." L.E. (Nov. 2023)
"Explanation of practical therapy techniques." J.H. (Nov. 2023)
"Definitions of malocclusions, considerations, and mechanics of swallowing were all helpful. Ms. Holtzman is a great speaker/presenter." C.P. (Nov. 2023)
"Determination of when and how to address ankyloglossia was beneficial. I liked the organization and concise presentation of information." M.B. (Oct. 2023)
"All of this information presented was helpful and relevant. The presenter did a really good job of balancing modes (e.g. videos, powerpoint, spoken information, photos, etc.), included good stories and information to hold my attention, and set a good pace that let me follow along without my attention wandering." L.F. (Oct. 2023)
"The section on ankyloglossia, emphasis on function, and a more descriptive means of describing various ties was beneficial. I liked the ability to go at my own pace." L.C. (Oct. 2023)
"Many ideas provided for direct treatment. It was helpful to learn about methods to accomplish bowling of the tongue." S.C. (Oct. 2023)
"Learning different ways to assess tongue movement. I liked the graphics and pictures." J.C. (Oct. 2023)
"I liked the discussion of dentition and types of bites. The correlation between Orofacial Myology and speech was helpful." R.A. (Sep. 2023)
"The discussion of ankyloglossia was particularly helpful. Assessment tools are always beneficial as well." D.R. (Sep. 2023)
"I really enjoyed the refresher on malocclusions. I appreciated hearing the old terminology versus the new! I wasn't aware of some of the changes. What I learned will help me assess some of my clients and what is really going on and perhaps consider some referrals that I need to make. Great variety of ways information was presented! Loved the videos!" S.S. (Sep. 2023)
"Identification and differentiation of ankyloglossia, discussion of proper terminology, normal vs. abnormal function, and exercises that may be performed were beneficial topics. I liked the videos and pictures to help better understand normal vs abnormal and correct vs incorrect." A.K. (Sep. 2023)
"I appreciated the visuals - the pictures and videos that helped demonstrate an idea/exercise/dx." A.B. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the specific treatment goals." C.F. (Sep. 2023)
"Specific rationale for how anatomy and physiology may impact speech production. I liked the many examples!" A.S. (Aug. 2023)
"Helpful tips for therapy. Learning how to improve my evaluation methods of students with interdental lisps and how to better recognize the impact of the oral facial muscles on speech." M.D. (Aug. 2023)
"Learning how all of this relates to articulation! Very clear video." A.G. (Aug. 2023)
"The clarification of terminology and which terms are preferred, measurements to diagnose and track progress, normal occlusion, and resting posture of the face instead of just learning about the tongue were all beneficial topics. The course was not rushed, content was easily understood, good visuals and videos." C.L. (Aug. 2023)
"Understanding habitual mandible, lingual, and labial postures' effect on oral functions. I liked that the course was recorded and can be replayed for processing of more complex information." Y.S. (Jul. 2023)
"Learning how best to teach habitual spot-finding abilities to improve resting tongue position and articulation of speech sounds." J.H. (Jul. 2023)
"Easy to follow presenter & information. Topics I already had a foundation in, but needed more direction on specific exercises. I liked the assessment & exercise portion." H.L. (Jul. 2023)
"The entire presentation was very helpful in this area of orofacial myology. The course was very practical, and the presenter gave great examples throughout the course." A.K. (Jul. 2023)
"Concise and good information. I enjoyed learning about specific things to do if a deficit is observed with lingual elevation and lateralization." A.T. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the presenter's personality and way of explaining important information. All of it was beneficial." M.M. (Jun. 2023)
"The evaluation norms and therapy tools were beneficial. Presenter really knows her context and is able to explain clearly and easily!" D.S. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the therapy suggestions and the medical information." S.C. (Jun. 2023)
"This course gave me good foundational knowledge of orofacial myology as it relates to speech." K.M. (Jun. 2023)
"Sandra was knowledgeable and passionate. The last half hour was the most beneficial for my practice working with preschoolers. It reminded me of topics I can bring up during initial assessments while I have the parents there." K.L. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the practical exercises to help with more efficient tongue movement that will lead to effective speech. I appreciated the practical explanation of why the airway blockage and having a lower, forward tongue position could impact articulation and impede treatment. It solidified what I had always suspected but previously did not have the information to support." H.N. (Jun. 2023)
"This course was specific in the reason for myo, exercises, and functional assessment that I can use tomorrow. I liked the exercises in building up oral motor support and the tools that are needed to support change in function with activities." J.G. (Jun. 2023)
"Addressing tongue mobilization techniques with sounds (ta, na, da, la) was beneficial. I liked the videos." R.B. (Jun. 2023)
"Discussion on the various types of malocclusions was beneficial. I liked the tips on parental conferences." B.R. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the discussion of each movement/task that the client should be able to complete and the steps to help them get there." M.P. (May 2023)
"Very Practical. I can use this information in my therapy next week. Descriptions of the exercises and the criteria for completion of each step were beneficial." K.S. (May 2023)
"The section on ankyloglossia was beneficial. I liked the provision of functional applications." L.R. (May 2023)
"I liked the specific exercises and client examples." B.P. (May 2023)
"Activities in therapy to improve orofacial myology. I liked the course organization." L.V. (May 2023)
"I liked the sequence of exercises to address appropriate lingual resting." M.R. (May 2023)
"Very descriptive course and gave nice examples. Appreciated the real-life pictures and videos. I liked the discussion on exercises to complete to determine spot awareness." J.H. (May 2023)
"Assessment and factors in assessing orofacial myology issues were beneficial." C.S. (May 2023)
"Learning orofacial myology connection to speech production. I liked the presenter and the content." S.P. (May 2023)
"I liked the objective measurements to set goals and measure progress. Engaging instructor with good videos for demonstration." J.F. (Apr. 2023)
"The definition of malocclusions and pictures were helpful. The handouts matched the presentation well." L.G. (Apr. 2023)
"Sections related to addressing the movements and impacts on speech production were beneficial. I liked the videos and examples." J.F. (Apr. 2023)
"I loved that she gave specific exercises to do. Her presentations are very well organized and easy to understand. Very helpful information!" K.R. (Apr. 2023)
"I am so interested in myofunctional therapy. I liked how the presenter broke things down to be understood in better detail." K.W. (Apr. 2023)
"The tongue tie assessment tools and proficiency exam were beneficial." K.M. (Apr. 2023)
"Good intro to orofacial myology, and I liked the videos." T.L. (Apr. 2023)
"Learning barriers that interfere with successful treatment. I liked everything, especially learning about the correct resting postures of tongue, lips, and mandible, and barriers to successful treatment for various speech disorders." A.C. (Mar. 2023)
"Discussion of anatomy was beneficial. I liked the ease of scheduling this course into my day." J.S. (Mar. 2023)
"Very clear and concise. Treatment exercises for correction of myo dysfunction." G.F. (Mar. 2023)
"Overview of OMD in general, specifically the noxious oral habits, was beneficial. I liked the ability to pace myself." M.P. (Mar. 2023)
"I was most interested in the discussion on resting oral postures and how they impact speech, feeding, and swallowing. I really liked that you included so many video examples, as this was so helpful." H.V. (Mar. 2023)
"Lip and tongue function baseline skills are useful in assessment. The video examples of tasks were helpful." C.M. (Mar. 2023)
"Good content. Learning barriers to speech therapy such as airway and negative oral habits." M.O. (Mar. 2023)
"Detailed explanation of the basic early exercises - spot awareness, broaden and narrow tongue, lingual-mandibular differentiation, and lingual palatal seal." D.J. (Mar. 2023)
"Explanation of the terms, negative oral habits and a clear review of the proficiency exam was beneficial. I liked the videos. Discussed the proficiency test and also showed videos of methods to accomplish them." K.S. (Mar. 2023)
"Course information was extremely detailed. Treatment strategies for individuals with abnormal orofacial myology." K.G. (Mar. 2023)
"Good treatment examples. I liked the videos and demonstrations of tools to use in therapy." D.F. (Mar. 2023)
"Practical application of therapeutic techniques." D.H. (Feb. 2023)
"Ideas for assessment and treatment of oromyofacial disorders. I liked that I could do the course at my own pace." K.P. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the assessment information and background information. Well presented course with evidence included and resource references." C.G. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the exercises to address specific needs in an individual, and exercises and strategies to elicit home base." L.B. (Feb. 2023)
"Treatment strategies were beneficial. I liked the use of images and videos to increase comprehension of the topics discussed." G.A. (Feb. 2023)
"All of it!! Sandra was very easy to listen to, and she thoroughly explained things. I also liked that I could stop course and write and go back to listen again." P.S. (Feb. 2023)
"The entire course was fascinating and will change my practice. Clear explanations and videos to demonstrate technique." J.H. (Jan. 2023)
"Learning the correct positions of tongue, teeth, lips. I liked the visuals and videos to support the narration." A.B. (Jan. 2023)
"All of the information presented was beneficial to my daily practice! The link between habitual resting postures and articulation in connected speech vs. structured articulation practice will change the way I deliver articulation interventions. Clarity/organization of content, a little bit of humor, ability to go at my own pace, instructive visuals." A.S. (Jan. 2023)
"Invaluable - measuring the frenum; learning the differences between overjet, overbite, crossbite. The "live" photos of structures vs drawings were so helpful." D.O. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the functional activities that I can put into use immediately with students. The final 50 minutes of the presentation will change how I approach students and I will use the new strategies to help increase speech clarity and accurate motor planning." A.M. (Jan. 2023)
"Detailing scope of practice for Orofacial Myology and disorders it is meant to and can treat. I've been hearing of certain SLP's recommending it as a cure all and using the exercises for pretty much everything. Seems like everyone coming out of the clinic is being diagnosed with a tongue tie. I was especially taken aback when I started hearing of "posterior tongue tie." Thanks for addressing that!" X.O. (Jan. 2023)
"Practical. I liked the therapy techniques." J.D. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the introduction to terms/definitions, the breakdown of the methods, and learning that "tongue thrust" is not an actual helpful term. I liked the video examples." S.L. (Jan. 2023)
"I learned how to complete a thorough oral motor assessment that not only includes the frenum but the function of the tongue during the swallow. I liked the videos." W.H. (Jan. 2023)
"Goals, and specific steps were beneficial. I liked the application to articulation therapy." J.C. (Jan. 2023)
"Excellent and informative presenter. Assessing tongue tie and how negative oral habits can impact articulation precision was beneficial." T.H. (Jan. 2023)
"The anatomy and related physiology was very helpful. I liked the clear cut steps to determine the problem and how to decide on a treatment approach." C.S. (Dec. 2022)
"Negative oral habits and how they relate to speech production were beneficial. Liked that I could complete course at my own pace." C.M. (Dec. 2022)
"Everything in this course was well done. It answered some questions as I was thinking about some clients that exhibit some of these characteristics." A.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Explanation of habitual resting posture and its connection to speech production was beneficial. I liked the examples, pictures and methods for treatment." K.R. (Dec. 2022)
"Baseline measurements were beneficial. Course was easy to comprehend, good for an introduction course." L.R. (Dec. 2022)
"Nice sequence between observations, testing and treatment exercises." J.A. (Dec. 2022)
"The need to address oral resting posture BEFORE articulation. I liked the videos, pictures, and illustrations." A.S. (Dec. 2022)
"The steps to follow were helpful when beginning. Starting with observing habitual resting posture before proceeding with other assessments." J.A. (Dec. 2022)
"Provides information that can be immediately used." L.S. (Dec. 2022)
"Assessment of resting postures was helpful as well as the visual charts and photos." S.S. (Nov. 2022)
"I learned that the lip and tongue resting point is just as important as teaching placement of articulation sounds. I liked the videos and specific examples." T.C. (Nov. 2022)
"The dental information/terminology and lingual basics for proficiency criteria and methods to accomplish tasks were beneficial. I liked when the presenter provided pictures and videos to demonstrate." L.K. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the exercises and videos." B.J. (Nov. 2022)
"The specific treatment suggestions for improving lingual control post frenectomy were helpful." R.R. (Nov. 2022)
"The entire course was extremely relevant. Very organized." E.B. (Nov. 2022)
"Very informative course." B.A. (Nov. 2022)
"Very good audio quality." L.J. (Nov. 2022)
"Good overall review of anatomy and how to relate it into practice." B.S. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the exercises and mouth props." K.M. (Nov. 2022)
"The components of how to correct a tongue thrust and the video examples were good." L.B. (Nov. 2022)
"Discussion of specific exercises to target oral movement and resting posture were helpful to learn." M.C. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the speaker's pace and energy." R.W. (Oct. 2022)
"I found the techniques beneficial for clients with orofacial concerns. The instructor was so knowledgeable and offered slides which I found extremely helpful." M.D. (Oct. 2022)
"I enjoyed the examples and videos." L.L. (Oct. 2022)
"Great exercises and examples on how to do the exercises." K.M. (Oct. 2022)
"The discussion of obligatory errors was very interesting in the aspect of exposing the source of many common errors." D.L. (Oct. 2022)
"I found it very helpful to look at the barriers, look at resting position, and consider training oral movement or differentiation patterns PRIOR to providing training on specific sounds, such as s/z or sh/j." V.D. (Oct. 2022)
"This is a good course to include as part of my training protocol for new hires." C.L. (Oct. 2022)
"The specific exercises used at the end were very helpful. Learning what to look for in an assessment was also great!" S.N. (Sept. 2022)
"The initial introduction to this topic covered a wide enough range of ideas to allow me to research it further and hopefully take another course." C.L. (Sept. 2022)
"The presenter was very clear and concise. I learned a lot to help me feel confident in treating this client population." J.L. (Sept. 2022)
"Very detailed description of normal versus disordered and clear definitions and explanations of terms." M.V. (Sept. 2022)
"The discussion on how to begin the process for reducing tongue thrusting in regards to evaluating structures and resting/movement of tongue posture was great! I like the use of visuals to provide more information on what I would be looking for." S.M. (Sept. 2022)
"The specific exercises to help improve tongue function were beneficial." E.J. (Sept. 2022)
"The course presented very clear, concise, and applicable suggestions for assessment and intervention." P.H. (Sept. 2022)
"The step by step elicitation techniques were good to learn." R.B. (Sept. 2022)
"The in depth oral facial exam in order to identify incorrect postures that may likely affect speech production was good." C.L. (Sept. 2022)
"Identifying OMDS and providing appropriate support and referrals was good information." M.A. (Aug. 2022)
"I like how it took me through step by step the "lingual basics" and the proficiency at each step before moving on." N.H. (Aug. 2022)
"I found the specific exercises helpful as well as the steps to address prior to initiating articulation therapy." S.H. (Aug. 2022)
"I enjoyed the review of dental aspects relating to speech therapy, the connection between the tongue and lips resting postures as they impact speech." B.P. (Aug. 2022)
"Wow! there was so much more than I imagined. I will use all the tips on Finding the Spot that she mentioned. I do some now but she gave so many helpful suggestions to expand upon stabilizing the tongue and mandible. There was a lot of good and practical information. I took it because I evaluated many kindergarteners with interdental lisps at the end of last year and now I will have new eyes to look at them with as first graders." D.M. (Aug. 2022)
"Liked how functional and relevant it is. And specific exercises to incorporate that will serve as an important foundation for articulation therapy." L.H. (Jul. 2022)
"The descriptions of the negative oral habits and the barriers to successful treatment as well as how habitual lingual and/or labial resting posture affect speech production and nasality were beneficial. I like when the presenter gave examples or showed videos of actual therapy." C.H. (Jul. 2022)
"I liked the videos and the pace and comprehensiveness of the course, and the exercises that were discussed." J.T. (Jul. 2022)
"Importance of tongue rest position related to speech production. I liked all the visuals." N.S. (Jul. 2022)
"Learning how to assess the child was helpful, and how to treat the child." J.M. (Jul. 2022)
"The whole topic was interesting as I had information from when I was a child in oral facial myology therapy, and how it has also changed since I was in college. I liked her understanding of the topic and her clarity in explaining the topic." J.D. (Jun. 2022)
"Very clear talk, and the presentation was at a good pace. I liked the whole course." J.M. (Jun. 2022)
"I liked the demonstrations and learning about how feeding can be impacted with prolonged thumb sucking or sippy cup use." C.M. (Jun. 2022)
"Learning steps to decrease tongue thrust. I liked the patient videos." M.A. (Jun. 2022)
"Great course. Gave me a lot of information that I can use for my oral motor evaluations." N.R. (Jun. 2022)
"I liked the videos and connecting the swallowing process to speech production." C.G. (Jun. 2022)
"I liked learning the importance of assessing airway concerns, negative oral habits, and resting tongue posture in my evaluation of speech and feeding with my current caseload. Understanding the impact of these factors helped me better understand how to help my patients. I really liked the question and answer format of her presentation. It felt more dynamic than presenters who read the slides." J.D. (Apr. 2022)
"The course is easy to understand given the number of pictures, diagrams, and descriptions." H.M. (Apr. 2022)
"The entire course is relevant for assessment and treatment. Clear presentation of information, pictures, and video examples." D.H. (Apr. 2022)
"The way it was presented was good – from background information to therapy techniques." K.E. (Mar. 2022)
"I found the detailed description of various tongue-ties and related disorders to be especially enlightening. I also appreciated the explicit descriptions and examples of positioning and production." S.S. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked the videos and visuals; without these it would have been hard to understand the content. Also, the specificity with some of the treatment measures." M.B. (Feb. 2022)
"Quality content and good use of example videos." V.J. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the review of therapy orders for any child who may have concomitant issues or issues not primarily based on strictly speech sound errors, (i.e., not just /s/ errors)." J.M. (Feb. 2022)
“The presenter is knowledgeable, engaging, and clearly enjoys her work. The techniques were clearly explained.” V.P. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked treat the barriers first. Informative, video and picture examples, practical applications." C.M. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the review of normal and disordered structures, assessment tools, treatment videos. Also the ability to stop and start, review." M.D. (Jan. 2022)
Presenters: Donna Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Lisa Rai Mabry-Price, MS, CCC-SLP
Ethical issues that arise in SLP practice may be far reaching, but proactive utilization of resources, education, professional supports and collaborative efforts help resolve conflict in a professional manner. This course reinforces the support of our professional role to serve children with feeding and swallowing disorders across settings and to advocate for those children and families for best outcomes. Includes case studies to facilitate learning.... more+
"Roles of medical and school-based SLPs were helpful to discuss. Good review of roles of all involved and the reminder of the importance of feeding/swallowing services in schools." A.B. (Jan. 2025)
"It was beneficial learning each code of ethics and the role of each dysphagia SLP. I liked the ease of following the information." N.W. (Jan. 2025)
"SLP roles for medical and school-based sites were helpful. The information was easy to understand." O.A. (Jan. 2025)
"I enjoyed the discussion connecting the ASHA code of ethics to feeding and swallowing practice. The course was informative and easily digestible." E.E. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the review of ethics for feeding and swallowing." J.H. (Dec. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss what the school-based SLP role is in regard to students with feeding and swallowing disorders. I enjoyed the information about how school-based SLPs and medical SLPs should work together to best support students with feeding and swallowing disorders." S.M. (Dec. 2024)
"Case studies were beneficial. Good overview of the topic." H.D. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked discussing how feeding and swallowing disorders impact children in the school setting. The course was straight forward and easy to follow along." M.H. (Nov. 2024)
"It was helpful to discuss how feeding is supported in schools. I liked the pace the information was delivered." M.F. (Nov. 2024)
"Beneficial considerations for medical SLPs when discharging a child whose diet has been modified. I liked the case studies at the end of the course." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"A helpful topic discussed was the collaboration between inpatient and outpatient therapist." C.S. (Nov. 2024)
"Cooperation between school and medical SLPs was beneficial to discuss. I liked the case studies." E.M. (Oct. 2024)
"The breakdown of medical and school-based SLPs in regards to swallowing disorders was helpful." A.W. (Oct. 2024)
"The case studies and role and responsibilities of school SLP with feeding. I liked that the examples were real world." K.G. (Oct. 2024)
"The need and requirement for school children to have adequate hydration and nutrition was beneficial to discuss. The course was clear, concise, and easy to follow." D.B. (Sep. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss how to collaborate with medical SLPs to implement into my school-based setting. I liked the case studies." S.C. (Sep. 2024)
"Responsibilities related to feeding/swallowing in the school setting were beneficial to discuss. I liked the resources." K.T. (Sep. 2024)
"I liked the case studies. They provided an opportunity to think about possible scenarios and how to respond to different situations." S.B. (Aug. 2024)
"Outpatient swallowing was a helpful topic. I enjoyed learning how to ethically practice feeding and swallowing." K.K. (Jul. 2024)
"The importance of feeding therapy within the school setting was beneficial to discuss. I liked that the course was easy to access and inexpensive." N.M. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked the collaboration with school and inpatient medical SLP. Clear and concise course." J.H. (Jun. 2024)
"All the information was helpful. I liked the simple and good resources." J.R. (Jun. 2024)
"It was beneficial to refresh myself on the ethics of serving my clients. I liked the accessibility and ease of watching the course." T.Q. (Apr. 2024)
"I appreciated the depth and detail in which the presenters spoke about school-based issues in dysphagia treatment: the legal basis for providing dysphagia services, ethical issues related to feeding and swallowing therapy, how to go about building competency in this area, etc. The course was informative, and the case studies were insightful." M.N. (Mar. 2024)
"I liked the discussion on the roles and responsibilities of school-based SLPs." R.G. (Feb. 2024)
"All the information about school SLPs and feeding was beneficial. It was nice to see the laws and justifications for why feeding services should and can be provided in schools." M.B. (Jan. 2024)
"How IDEA pertains to feeding/swallowing disorders in school-based settings. Clear, concise course." C.G. (Dec. 2023)
"The role of the SLP in feeding and swallowing in schools. I enjoyed the case studies and the online format." A.C. (Dec. 2023)
"The steps were presented for the Medical and Educational Setting SLPs. Also, the resources and research were in the slides to refer to later. I liked that course made me think about swallowing in a more holistic way." P.M. (Dec. 2023)
"The clarification of the code of ethics and responsibilities was helpful. I liked the handouts and presentation." B.A. (Dec. 2023)
"Defining roles of slps across settings, such as medical SLP vs. educational SLP. I liked the case studies that gave examples of issues and resolutions." L.H. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial review of ASHA Code of Ethics and application within the area of Pediatric Dysphagia. Discussion of responsibility of the school systems to provide treatment and feeding management plans under the law. I liked the flexibility to view this course." H.L. (Dec. 2023)
"Discussing Feeding/Swallowing in a school setting was beneficial. I liked the case studies." M.W. (Dec. 2023)
"The impact of malnutrition and/or dehydration on development and education was beneficial to discuss. The course was succinct, informative, and applicable." H.S. (Dec. 2023)
"Feeding disorders in the medical field vs school-based feeding. I liked that the course was online and easily accessible." A.J. (Dec. 2023)
"I work in a school, so this course was very helpful in gaining knowledge about collaborating with outpatient and inpatient medical SLPs. The information was very organized and complete and useful." A.H. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked all topics. And connections to school." E.H. (Dec. 2023)
"The case studies for special circumstances were helpful. I liked the accessibility and affordability of the course." E.F. (Nov. 2023)
"I enjoyed the discussion of the school-based SLPs role with feeding patients/students. Easy to understand information that was relevant." J.E. (Nov. 2023)
"As an SLP who works in an outpatient pediatric clinic, the info on the laws for school SLPs and the requirement to provide services for feedings and swallowing were beneficial. I liked the case studies." C.I. (Oct. 2023)
"Liked discussion of feeding and swallowing in schools." L.P. (Oct. 2023)
"Case studies were helpful. The presenters were very clear and followed handouts well." J.W. (Sep. 2023)
"Content was presented in a straight forward manner. I liked the case studies." S.P. (Sep. 2023)
"This course was thorough and provided many appropriate guidelines for dealing with feeding issues in the schools. And how to address feeding issues with speech assistants that have been trained by other professionals." P.E. (Aug. 2023)
"The discussion of the ways that medical SLPs can collaborate with educational SLPs was helpful." E.H. (Aug. 2023)
"Learning roles of specific SLPs. I liked the variety of case studies." B.A. (Aug. 2023)
"Very informative, great amount of information and resources. Ethics and responsibility related to school based SLP." G.M. (Aug. 2023)
"Suggestions for collaboration between professionals in different settings and families. This course addressed the ethical issues surrounding therapy for children with feeding and swallowing disorders in a variety of settings." S.P. (Aug. 2023)
"Information was presented in an easy-to-understand format. Resources mentioned at the end of the presentation for ASHA's pediatric dysphagia practice portal were beneficial." H.M. (Jun. 2023)
"The case studies that were presented were useful." R.C. (Jun. 2023)
"Communication with other disciplines was beneficial. I liked the focus on feeding and swallowing." R.D. (May 2023)
"I liked the clarity and organization of this course." L.I. (May 2023)
"Easy to understand the course content. I liked discussion of IPP and the reasoning behind providing feeding therapy in the schools." R.G. (Apr. 2023)
"The reminder that IDEA affects students with swallowing issues was beneficial. I liked the course format." K.M. (Apr. 2023)
"Code of ethics was beneficial. I liked the ease of presentation." A.J. (Apr. 2023)
"The code of ethics was beneficial and really relevant to daily practice. I liked the pace of this course and the option of the online version of it." K.Y. (Apr. 2023)
"I found this information very informative and interesting." G.L. (Apr. 2023)
"The case studies and background information were beneficial." A.G. (Mar. 2023)
"I enjoyed the discussion regarding the SLP's role in various settings. This course was easy to access." B.V. (Mar. 2023)
"The case studies were extremely helpful. All the information was relevant and presented well." A.P. (Mar. 2023)
"Learning the importance of communication between the medical SLP and the school SLP to ensure safe oral intake during the school day was beneficial. The case studies were helpful." E.L. (Mar. 2023)
"Relevant content. Learning the risks for students and the laws and codes that require us to serve them." K.A. (Feb. 2023)
"Rationale for a pediatric patient's right to have feeding needs met. As a hospital-based SLP, I am encouraged to see advocacy for school SLPs to be encouraged, if not employed with the necessary tools to correspond with the medical team to advocate for these patients. Also, to feel supported in establishing requirements for best practice assurance." H.W. (Feb. 2023)
"Feeding and swallowing disorders in pediatrics. The course was convenient." L.R. (Jan. 2023)
"The importance of advocating for feeding/swallowing supports in the school setting. I liked the case studies." L.H. (Jan. 2023)
"I enjoyed the case study reviews." A.E. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the course layout. Learning what the school SLP is responsible for regarding a child with feeding/swallowing disorders." W.D. (Dec. 2022)
"Educational relevance of feeding and swallowing issues in schools. Outlined a plan of action for coordination of medical SLP and educational SLP." M.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Going through all principles of ethics as well as the role of the medical and school SLP was beneficial. I liked the ease of course access and the flexibility of when I take the course." J.M. (Dec. 2022)
"The medical SLP section was my favorite part, very well done. It broke down responsibilities by setting." B.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Case studies were good to put all information together." S.B. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the topic on implementing supports for children with feeding and swallowing disorders at school. The case studies were very helpful as well." M.E. (Dec. 2022)
"The review of the code of ethics and the case studies were great. This course had knowledgeable presenters." L.M. (Dec. 2022)
"Very straightforward, and to the point. Understanding the role of the medical SLP vs school SLP with feeding/swallowing." M.H. (Dec. 2022)
"What I found beneficial was the update on use of acronyms, incidence of swallowing disorders in schools, and presence or absence of swallowing services within the schools. Courses like this are a great overview to encourage school based SLPs for competency in this area and thusly increasing the importance of SLPs in the schools." A.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Course was clear, well organized, and professionally presented. I found it objective in presentation and factual in content. The presenters' discussion on available resources was excellent." A.H. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the case study examples." M.L. (Dec. 2022)
"Helped me to understand that swallowing work is being done and should be done in the schools. The material was well presented with great graphics to help keep my attention. I love the darling student that was featured!!" A.W. (Nov. 2022)
"I appreciated the case studies and the next steps associated with said case studies and the list of resources at the conclusion of the presentation. I also appreciated that it covered a wide swath of concepts." M.B. (Nov. 2022)
"The course was very to the point." K.G. (Nov. 2022)
"Commonly occurring and efficiently presented case studies." M.G. (Nov. 2022)
"Review of roles for the inpatient and outpatient SLPs were good. I liked the format and delivery." A.G. (Nov. 2022)
"The resources were beneficial." J.G. (Nov. 2022)
"The organization of material was good." T.R. (Nov. 2022)
"All information was relevant." S.S. (Oct. 2022)
"I like that I could do this at my own pace and am able to stop and go as needed." A.G. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked having different presenters." L.T. (Oct. 2022)
"Easy to listen to presenters." S.R. (Oct. 2022)
"It was very thorough and provided good examples." L.G. (Oct. 2022)
"Expectations for Dysphagia in the school setting and how I use a team to determine services appropriate for the student was great information." T.H. (Oct. 2022)
"The course Increased awareness of feeding and swallowing issues for my students." J.S. (Sept. 2022)
"I like that the course gave further resources at the end." J.S. (Sept. 2022)
"The course was very informative. I liked the case studies to help connect with present clients." M.M. (Sept. 2022)
"The course covered a lot of material." S.S. (Sept. 2022)
"The course is simple to follow." T.L. (Sept. 2022)
"This course gave a better understanding on what the child and family should be receiving and how to advocate for the child. Course was easy to follow and very interesting and informative information." A.C. (Sept. 2022)
"I like the PowerPoint presentation followed along with the discourse." A.G. (Sept. 2022)
"I like the presentation and the flow." M.S. (Sept. 2022)
"Straightforward and thorough information." A.L. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked that the course was brief but thorough." J.R. (Aug. 2022)
"I like the review of code of ethics." S.H. (Aug. 2022)
"I felt the case studies were beneficial." H.W. (July 2022)
"I work in a school with children who have severe disabilities. There are many students on my caseload who have feeding issues. It was beneficial to hear steps in collaboration with family and medical speech pathologist. I liked how the course emphasized how it is a team approach which we are trying to do currently within the school. I enjoyed the case studies that were shared." C.W. (July 2022)
"Very informative with links to the medical aspects." C.P. (July 2022)
"It was clear, concise and to the point. Highlighted new information that I was unaware of." W.J. (July 2022)
"The collaboration model between SLPs in different settings was helpful. I liked the format of the course and the concise content." A.S. (July 2022)
"I liked that both presenters had varied backgrounds. I liked the discussion regarding competency in this area." R.G. (July 2022)
"The case study of ethical dilemmas and how to potentially approach them are beneficial." E.S. (June 2022)
"The case studies were very helpful and relevant to ascertaining professional practice to address the issues. The format was cohesive." C.R. (June 2022)
"Interesting that so many states work on feeding and swallowing in the public schools. Course was easy to follow with the outline and the case studies were interesting." L.S. (May 2022)
"Course was well organized and had good flow." A.G. (May 2022)
"I liked the case studies. The course was a helpful resource to support the role of school SLP in feeding and swallowing." J.T. (Apr. 2022)
"Presenters were knowledgeable and easy to listen to." H.L. (Mar. 2022)
"The roles of medical and educational SLPs - I found the discussion on appropriate communication and treatment to be especially helpful. The case history reviews were a great way to solidify my understanding of topics." K.B. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the overview of why feeding and swallowing should be addressed by school SLPs. It was clear and efficiently presented." N.H. (Feb. 2022)
"That the school systems are recognizing that management of Dysphagia and Feeding Difficulties is necessary. Content was organized well and supports multidisciplinary approach." G.Q. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the collaboration between medical and school SLP and the discussion about how schools should support children with dysphagia." L.K. (Jan. 2022)
"The case studies which specifically addressed practical implementation of swallowing therapy/diagnostics in the school setting were very helpful." K.F. (Jan. 2022)
"I appreciated the case studies and the format in which issues were addressed and next steps were mentioned." A.S. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI
This course presents strategies to help establish solid foundations for the development of normal speech and feeding behavior for young children ages birth to 2 years. Participants will learn how to keep babies and young children on track to prevent or reduce life-long feeding, speech, and mouth development problems.... more+
"I really enjoyed the instruction on using the bite blocks and incorporating them in the younger population. Also, the demonstration that was given for progressing through the grading of the jaw." K.S. (Feb. 2025)
"Feeding milestones. Interactive nature." N.D. (Feb. 2025)
"I liked the topic on how to introduce cup drinking and when/which ones to use, in what order. Loved all of it." B.M. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked all the topics!! So much about early intervention development for a baby 2 years of life. Clear, visuals, speaker has a voice that was professional but also socially likable." J.B. (Dec. 2024)
"There was so much helpful information it's hard to pick. I'd like to watch this again so that it will better sink in. I liked that there were so many practical ideas and applications with thorough background information." B.H. (Dec. 2024)
"This course was an excellent overview and combination of several courses that I have taken - with all those techniques rolled into one! Reminding me that I can use more than one "protocol" at a time. The pace was excellent and it was a great balance of development and intervention!" M.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Beneficial discussion of otolaryngological management, oral massage, jaw strengthening. Clear presentation, interesting, useful, practical material." E.N. (Dec. 2024)
"Great examples, visuals, and breakdown of every phase and sequence. As a visual learner, I loved being able to follow along with the visuals to see examples of what Mrs. Bahr was talking about on each slide." C.M. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked when the presenter modeled the feeding therapy with therapy tools (bite sticks, tubes). Feeding/cup and straw drinking were beneficial." D.L. (Nov. 2024)
"Since I work in Early Intervention and mostly with 2 years, the majority of the course was beneficial. The review of feeding was very helpful. I appreciated that I could pause and come back to the course." S.M. (Nov. 2024)
"Helpful strategies to facilitate straw and cup drinking and chewing development. I liked the video demonstration." K.O. (Oct. 2024)
"Feeding stages and tech were helpful to discuss. I enjoyed the variety of information." B.M. (Oct. 2024)
"Beneficial knowledge of the specific milestones of movement, nutritive sucking/non-nutritive sucking, and what feeding materials and sensory materials likely fit the oral cavity best throughout the baby's development. I appreciate how available the presenter made herself to answer any questions and providing handouts to better educate therapists and parents." A.B. (Oct. 2024)
"Family education was beneficial to discuss. I enjoyed the videos." K.A. (Oct. 2024)
"Learning more about feeding in general was helpful." K.L. (Oct. 2024)
"The section regarding intelligibility was beneficial, vowel sounds and CAS, as this is the population I see the most. Well organized course and easy to follow. The demonstrations at the end of each section were very helpful." J.L. (Sep. 2024)
"I found all of the information to be helpful and was very interested in the developmental monthly progressions of skills. Her information was well presented, supported by pictures and videos, so that a novice could still follow along." L.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Developmental information that will help me in best supporting my own children's speech and feeding development as well as information I can share with parents who want to see their child thrive. I liked the emphasis on prevention and education." K.D. (Sep. 2024)
"Feeding and swallowing for the normally developing child was a beneficial topic. I liked the balance of info as related to the normally developing and the delayed child." Y.E. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked discussing oral motor for jaw facilitation. Thorough details in all areas." E.S. (Aug. 2024)
"Oral motor exercises were helpful as well as the infant massage." L.K. (Jul. 2024)
"It was helpful to discuss the impacts that early difficulties with feeding/swallowing can go on to have with speech and language development. This course was easy to follow, the information was clear, and can easily be carried over to the clinical setting." K.C. (Jul. 2024)
"How all of feeding and speech development are integrated together was a helpful topic. Loved the massage demonstrations. I liked the videos of the therapy techniques to facilitate good oral movements, feeding, massage, and speech development. Photos of normal and abnormal facial structures of newborns were also helpful." J.A. (Jul. 2024)
"It was beneficial discussing the development of feeding, milestone development in the anatomy of the mouth and types of textures babies can have." H.B. (May. 2024)
"Feeding and oral motor development were beneficial topics. I liked the video examples of treatments." K.G. (May. 2024)
"All information was applicable and beneficial and I enjoyed the video demonstrations." N.A. (May. 2024)
"Spoon feeding, cup drinking, and CAS Information were beneficial. I liked the examples of therapeutic techniques." P.L. (May. 2024)
"How to appropriately use the chewy tubes was helpful. I enjoyed the hands-on examples." M.L. (Apr. 2024)
"The demonstrations were beneficial." S.G. (Apr. 2024)
"Things to watch for when assessing feeding was beneficial. Set a good foundation for early feeding." A.G. (Apr. 2024)
"Hands-on strategies and product recommendations were helpful. The content was very applicable to my work with the 0-3 population." B.H. (Mar. 2024)
"All topics and discussions were very beneficial, either as a review, validation of treatment, or new information for me. The references were very helpful. The course was very informative and comprehensive." D.I. (Mar. 2024)
"How to diagnose whether a child has a high palate was beneficial. I liked that I was able to watch course in sections as opposed to all at once." K.S. (Mar. 2024)
"All information was relevant in working in birth to 3. I liked the review of the development of oral structures." P.B. (Mar. 2024)
"The stages of development for feeding were beneficial. Good content and helpful." T.C. (Feb. 2024)
"The milestones for feeding and demonstrations/suggestions on how to use maroon spoons and various cups were helpful. I liked the clear layout of milestones and what to look for and then the time to "apply" with practicing what was reviewed." K.T. (Feb. 2024)
"Tongue tie and oral movement were helpful. I enjoyed all the strategies provided." J.H. (Jan. 2024)
"Overall review of development and feeding strategies will be beneficial in my daily practice with EI clients. I liked the ability to complete this on my own, and the tongue tie information." M.O. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing how to begin oral feeds with infants was beneficial. I liked all of the information the presenter shared, plus she demonstrated the use of specific items beneficial for intervention." H.M. (Jan. 2024)
"I loved all of the course, and I can use it for my own kids." K.L. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial discussion of vowel production. I enjoyed the demonstration video." S.B. (Dec. 2023)
"Ideas to facilitate good mouth development in infancy. The importance of preventative measures of prolonged speech/feeding." C.B. (Dec. 2023)
"It was helpful to discuss the areas to be aware of during feeding. Easy to follow course." K.S. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial overview of appropriate mouth and feeding development. I enjoyed the thorough discussion, pictures, and video practice exercises." H.L. (Dec. 2023)
"I found the entire course to be beneficial. I appreciated the information regarding typical mouth development. I see how my clients with severe speech sound disorders and feeding clients had disturbances in oral motor development. This course fits nicely into my treatment paradigms and philosophies. Integrating OT and PT perspectives and typical development norms." J.W. (Dec. 2023)
"Terrific review of development and intervention. I liked the intervention methods and tools." C.S. (Dec. 2023)
"Feeding milestones and tools for development were helpful. I liked the pictures of tools and visuals of stages." G.A. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial information regarding the importance of vowel production and suggestions to achieve better vowel production. The drooling management was helpful as well. I enjoyed the video presentation with the bite blocks/jaw closure tubes feeding/drinking techniques to use with infants and toddlers." A.R. (Nov. 2023)
"The different activities that can be done to support mouth development were most beneficial for my daily practice. I liked the demonstrations." A.A. (Nov. 2023)
"Clear communication and established therapy goals when working with children for feeding and speech purposes. Developmental information regarding feeding skills and food appropriate for different ages was beneficial." M.P. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the fact that I could go at my own pace. I also enjoyed the video presentation examples." L.D. (Nov. 2023)
"Understanding the tools that can be used early on for jaw development. I liked the pictures and videos, so I was able to visualize in real-time." T.K. (Oct. 2023)
"Various treatment strategies to improve jaw grading for speech and feeding. The interactive videos of how to perform treatment strategies were very helpful." R.A. (Oct. 2023)
"Much of this was new to me as applicable for children under two years of age as I've never worked with this age group, but have wanted to be able to do something early on in an effort to minimize or prevent later speech deficits." C.B. (Oct. 2023)
"The entire section about feeding was new to me and I will watch it again as there's so much I need to learn." K.T. (Oct. 2023)
"The presenter was incredible. Thank you, Diane! I liked the videos of the oral massage, and all the review of the normal development which is important for me to explain to parents in EI. I liked that I could log on when I had time." A.C. (Sep. 2023)
"I will use the feeding milestones. I liked the information regarding cup, spoon and straws." S.G. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the integration of facial and oral massage into jaw work and introduction of speech sounds." A.O. (Sep. 2023)
"The use of various therapy tools to target different areas of biting, chewing, speech and drinking were beneficial. I liked the activities to practice learned skills and knowledge." M.S. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked all of it. Learning how to help families prevent open mouth breathing in infants." H.G. (Sep. 2023)
"The Feeding and Jaw topics were helpful. Concise information and helpful pictures." T.B. (Aug. 2023)
"Very thorough course. Oral development relating to speech sounds was beneficial." C.F. (Aug. 2023)
"The presenter was highly knowledgeable and experienced in both research and clinical practices. Jaw grading necessary for eliciting a good swallow pattern was beneficial to discuss." E.N. (Aug. 2023)
"Recommendations for straw drinking, ways to achieve back molar chewing, and the information on jaw grading for vowels were beneficial. As an Early Intervention SLP, I feel that the information I learned in this seminar will be very beneficial to help our parents with children with feeding challenges. I particularly liked the focus on prevention of mouth problems before they begin by implementing strategies from infancy on." J.A. (Aug. 2023)
"The introduction of new ways to improve oral development in babies and toddlers was beneficial. I liked the strategies to improve oral development." E.D. (Aug. 2023)
"I thought the overview of infant feeding reflexes, as well as specific examples of cups, straws, and spoons to use were very helpful. I liked the practical ideas and images to guide future therapy sessions." H.G. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked all of the treatment strategies." B.M. (Jul. 2023)
"The reminders of oral development, how to work towards straw drinking, the association of jaw development to lingual movement, and how early to work on jaw development for chewing. The explanations were concrete, and the visuals and demonstrations complemented the explanations well." C.L. (Jul. 2023)
"Beneficial information on drooling and pacifier use, which I can share with parents. I liked the interactive video demos." S.F. (Jul. 2023)
"The use of materials to elicit vowel sounds and feeding development was beneficial. I liked the practical strategies. Also, the video demonstrations with the use of the tools." B.S. (Jul. 2023)
"Learning impact of postural stability on feeding. I liked the information about the different tools. I also really enjoyed the mouth model." A.S. (Jul. 2023)
"I liked that this course was Early Intervention based. Discriminative mouthing-teethers, starting at arms, shoulders, cheeks, lips, mouth vs. directly going for the mouth. Spoon feeding/straw drinking, pacing boards, longer vowels, and increase speech intelligibility." H.E. (Jun. 2023)
"Jaw work, straw drinking, and chewing were beneficial topics. This course had a lot of good information. I liked the demonstrations." K.R. (Jun. 2023)
"The oral-motor and feeding strategies really help with specific areas for the families that I am working with. I liked that this course was self-paced, and the slides were helpful." S.B. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the oral motor assessment of the infant. How to help mouth development from day 1." P.D. (Jun. 2023)
"This course was organized. The information was relevant and accurate. I liked the useful videos to illustrate oral massage and feeding intervention." L.H. (Jun. 2023)
"The hands-on practice! I liked that I could take notes on the handout provided and the content was discussed clearly." M.S. (May 2023)
"Very thorough. I liked the oral motor stimulation techniques." V.S. (May 2023)
"I found all the feeding assessment and treatment techniques very valuable. I appreciated all the references to use for further learning. This course was very well organized and very comprehensive." W.D. (May 2023)
"Great content! Jaw grading and learning how the body influences the mouth was beneficial." K.V. (May 2023)
"Working on vowels and ways to elicit vowel sounds was beneficial. I liked the presenter's style of teaching." B.D. (Apr. 2023)
"Infant oral development and feeding was beneficial. Good visuals, videos, and product recommendations." M.O. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked the instruction within the videos; modeling using tools; feeding infants." A.G. (Mar. 2023)
"Excellent course. I liked all of the content." C.R. (Feb. 2023)
"Engaging how-to videos. I liked the jaw grading, straw drinking, feeding development." A.B. (Feb. 2023)
"Course was detailed. The topics about feeding and jaw grading were beneficial." L.L. (Feb. 2023)
"Interesting, functional, and applicable to practice as well as daily living. Mouth development, mgt of drooling, biting, etc. was beneficial." J.A. (Feb. 2023)
"Each section was of interest, and the video teaching was great. Comments and discussion on 'past' interventions were interesting. The topic of jaw height, movement, etc. was an area I had not received any training." S.R. (Feb. 2023)
"Detailed explanation with great examples." Y.G. (Feb. 2023)
"Good review of techniques and strategies. I liked the charts and sequence." M.B. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the specific treatment ideas. I've taken individual courses on feeding, myofunctional therapy, articulation, etc...It was nice to bring it all together from a speech and language point of view." S.B. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the introduction of solid foods, and the online format of course." J.A. (Jan. 2023)
"Learning proper feeding development. I liked the teaching strategies offered." S.R. (Dec. 2022)
"All content was good." S.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Very thorough and a lot of great information. Discussion of bottle, straw, cup drinking and different stages of food and chewing was beneficial." D.H. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the steps of introduction to each general stage of oral motor development with foods." E.S. (Dec. 2022)
"Very informative course and self-paced. Jaw exercises for pre-feeding and drooling management were helpful." S.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Direct explanation of how to implement therapy techniques. Very specific on the why and the how." M.V. (Nov. 2022)
"Learning appropriate use of mouth toys and activities. I liked the wide breadth of information. The instructor was clearly knowledgeable." L.R. (Nov. 2022)
"I found the jaw work and anatomical development norms to be very beneficial. I liked how the presenter gave you a detailed overview of typical development. I also loved the treatment approaches with each section addressed." J.M. (Nov. 2022)
"I found the entire course very informative! The presenter was very knowledgeable!" J.A. (Nov. 2022)
"How to introduce solids, straw drinking and open-cup drinking was very beneficial. I loved the content of this course." H.A. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the ability to watch on my own time and learn the interplay between mouth and hand development." H.W. (Nov. 2022)
"I found every topic to be beneficial. I liked learning how to provide jaw exercises and how to use bite blocks and teach vowels. I liked watching how the presenter modeled the facial massage and how to present cups and straws." V.N. (Nov. 2022)
"The feeding topics were the most beneficial for me." A.S. (Oct. 2022)
"All of the course was very useful. I liked so much how to teach baby to drink liquids and eat first solid food." R.P. (Oct. 2022)
"Loved it all! Practical, good review." R.W. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the feeding portion of the course." R.M. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the feeding section of the course and the flexibility of taking it." N.G. (Sept. 2022)
"I really enjoyed the videos of how to work with different tools such as chewy tubes and bite blocks for jaw grading. It was helpful to see how these would be implemented into therapy. I also liked how comprehensive it was and that it included not only oral motor information but how that related to sound development." F.G. (Aug. 2022)
"I would recommend this course." G.P. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the materials, the interactive exercises, and the visuals (pictures of babies faces, oral structures, etc)." T.M. (July 2022)
"The recommendations for tools to use in therapy were good. Liked the discussion of feeding milestones." M.N. (July 2022)
"The demonstrations were helpful." L.G. (July 2022)
"I liked the chewing and feeding activities and the way course was divided into sections." S.D. (June 2022)
"Lots of good examples and helpful images." V.M. (June 2022)
"Great therapy suggestions and demonstrations." H.M. (June 2022)
"Course was very helpful and can be applied to everyday practice." A.C. (May 2022)
"I liked the speech sound development, therapy techniques, review of anatomy, as well as all the practical applications." A.D. (May 2022)
"I liked the examples of recommended resources/tools and the how-to sections with Diane." S.H. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the section on feeding, and the concrete examples given by the presenter." E.F. (Apr. 2022)
"All the information she provided will be extremely beneficial! I liked her presentation manner, her visuals, and her hands on activities." E.C (Apr. 2022)
"The developmental norms and expectations were beneficial. I liked the demonstrations." M.F. (Mar. 2022)
"The content was easily understood - birth to 12 month feeding - good demonstrations." H.B. (Mar. 2022)
"Early mouth development, recommended activities for different ages and stages, review of reflexes. All very beneficial!" M.G. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked how she broke out the strategies and research by specific areas at a time, and all the video examples of how to complete the items discussed in the course." K.K. (Feb. 2022)
"I liked the feeding developmental checklist. Very thorough information." A.D. (Feb. 2022)
"Comparisons of oral motor and development of speech and language was helpful. And I liked use of the typically developing case study." A.B. (Jan. 2022)
"I liked the tools used for feeding and speech development and connection made between motor patterns for feeding and speech development." L.K. (Jan. 2022)
"I found the sections on oral massage and jaw work helpful to add into my feeding treatment sessions. I liked the videos and all the hands on practice." B.C. (Jan. 2022)
"I found the information about palate structure and how to help it to not narrow very interesting. I liked the hands on examples and eating experiences." H.B. (Jan. 2022)
"I found the jaw grading topic particularly interesting. I enjoyed learning about the bite blocks and closure tubes and how to use them to improve accurate vowel production. I thought the demonstrations were a great way to review the information discussed and to see hands-on how to implement in therapy." M.B. (Jan. 2022)
Presenters: Donna Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Paula Leslie, PhD, FRCSLT, CCC-SLP
This course will help to fill the information void on ethical decision making in the pediatric setting. Participants will learn how ethical healthcare is based on evidence-based practice which requires patient and family input and respect of their values. This approach can be successfully applied to practice in order to better manage complex pediatric cases. ... more+
"I just really appreciated the definition and explanation of values, morals and ethics. Great reminder to really acknowledge own values and biases. The description of evidence based practice and appreciate that someone might have a lot of experience and "present" a does not mean they don't need to listen and be willing to be flexible and incorporate new ideas." A.B. (Jan. 2025)
"I enjoyed the discussion regarding ethical considerations and levels of evidence. The course was engaging and interesting." E.E. (Jan. 2025)
"Good questions to ask yourself when facing certain situations with patient care and patient participation. I enjoyed the case studies and how to think about the outcomes." O.A. (Jan. 2025)
"Discussion of culture and pain was a helpful reminder that not only will patients have different views of treatment but will also have differing views of the condition itself. I liked how studies were brought from other areas to discuss clinical decision-making." M.T. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the consideration of patient values in all decisions we make. It was helpful talking about how our recommendations are not necessarily what the patient may value." T.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Presentation of the Seedhouse Grid was helpful as it provided a helpful overview of the many things to consider when communicating with and treating a patient (and patient's family). I liked the clinical examples that were provided that further supported the information presented." W.W. (Dec. 2024)
"I found most beneficial the breakdown of ethics so I can make more organized decisions in how I apply research and approach my care with patients. I liked being able to take the test while I took the course." B.F. (Dec. 2024)
"Helpful review of Seedhouse Grid and its role in medical ethics. Clear communication, applicable case studies, and visual supports." K.B. (Dec. 2024)
"Beneficial discussion about patient's perspectives and beliefs. Also, the importance of clinicians being good communicators. I liked the instant access to the video presentation and notes." J.H. (Dec. 2024)
"I appreciated the importance of considering the patient's point of view, even if we believe that our recommendations are "correct". This course urged me to take into consideration the full picture of what the patient is experiencing, including their perspectives and values, which we might be ignoring." L.S. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the components of EBP and the examples and diagrams." P.D. (Nov. 2024)
"Good reminder that the family's perspective is important and the need to discuss their perspective because there may be a reason for the belief or thought." L.S. (Nov. 2024)
"Going in-depth with morals and ethics was beneficial for me. I liked how the instructors provided examples for us to explore our own thoughts and rationales." A.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the topic of ethics in general and considering family perspective. Convenience of being online." N.A. (Nov. 2024)
"All the information was beneficial. The course was short and sweet." R.G. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the Venn diagram with the considerations regarding ethics." A.M. (Oct. 2024)
"This course was thought-provoking. Beneficial discussion on including families in decision-making and problem-solving when they aren't compliant with therapy." C.H. (Oct. 2024)
"Very clear and concise course. Considering patient and family dynamics and what is best for them to manage." T.K. (Oct. 2024)
"Helpful reminders of consideration of all components of EBP." C.S. (Oct. 2024)
"All topics were beneficial. I liked how the course focused on the pediatric population." J.A. (Sep. 2024)
"The Seedhouse Grid was beneficial. Helpful definitions of values, morals and ethics. The case studies were helpful, and I liked that I could take the course based on my availability." R.S. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked discussing ways to decide if a research paper is valid and applicable to my client. A variety of resources/visual images to help think about the various components of ethical decision-making." C.L. (Jul. 2024)
"The communication piece from her previous training that the quality of communication affects the patients POV, regardless of outcome, if it went 'right or wrong' was beneficial. I liked the review of Evidence-Based Practice in Ethics." A.G. (Jul. 2024)
"I enjoyed the discussion on respecting patient values and expectations. Great recording and case study examples given." K.D. (Jul. 2024)
"The Seedhouse grid model was an interesting way to look at patient consideration and ethical considerations. I liked the focus on client perspective." M.R. (Jul. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss cultural and personal issues that may influence implementing my recommendations. Presentation of information was clear and direct." A.C. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked the explanation of ethics, morals, and values." L.M. (Jun. 2024)
"Comprehensive definition of evidence-based practice. I enjoyed Paula Leslie's manner of presentation." S.H. (May. 2024)
"I liked the easy flow of the course and evidence-based practice." C.G. (May. 2024)
"The Seedhouse Grid for health Ethics is a valuable tool. The course was well organized and the presenters made the topics of Values, Morals and Ethics relevant with examples and specific cases." S.G. (Apr. 2024)
"Seedhouse Grid was a beneficial topic. I enjoyed the ease of following along." J.W. (Apr. 2024)
"I found the Seedhouse Grid to be a very interesting visual that very clearly depicts how we must compartmentalize so many different aspects when making clinical decisions. I enjoyed that there was a downloadable powerpoint to follow along with." A.R. (Mar. 2024)
"The explanation of the three components of evidence-based practice was helpful. I really enjoyed the Thalidomide concept about research's impact." A.I. (Mar. 2024)
"The topic of family decision making was beneficial. I liked the ease of understanding." K.C. (Feb. 2024)
"I loved the parts about personal biases - it was a good reminder." M.B. (Jan. 2024)
"The Seedhouse Grid was a beneficial topic. I liked the accessibility of the course." L.H. (Dec. 2023)
"Discussing the ASHA code of ethics was helpful. Examples of ethical problems with cases." L.V. (Dec. 2023)
"Working with families more intentionally was a helpful topic." M.Z. (Dec. 2023)
"Client perspective was beneficial. I liked the way the course was broken down." A.C. (Dec. 2023)
"I enjoyed the case studies." A.R. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the description of what an informed clinical expert is. Well-organized information and well presented." A.H. (Dec. 2023)
"Examples of how our values, morals and social constructs impact our daily lives and can impact our clinical decision making." A.B. (Dec. 2023)
"Keeping personal bias out of therapy and the need to be flexible. Listen to your patients." S.N. (Dec. 2023)
"Beneficial discussion on personal religious beliefs affecting interactions with patients." E.G. (Nov. 2023)
"This course covered a broad range of topics. Discussed the effect of communication on a patient's perspective and clinician biases." L.L. (Nov. 2023)
"The importance of acknowledging/accepting the client/family's perspectives." J.W. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the patient perspective and personal bias discussion. Nice charts and bullet points." L.H. (Nov. 2023)
"All content was relevant to my daily practice." S.P. (Nov. 2023)
"Discussing ethics vs. morals. vs. values was beneficial." J.D. (Nov. 2023)
"The definition of values, morals, and ethics pertaining to clinical settings was helpful." P.R. (Nov. 2023)
"The importance of the patient and family perspective. The presenters were very easy to understand." L.J. (Oct. 2023)
"Real life application of ethics on patient examples." C.F. (Oct. 2023)
"A good reminder to take parent perspectives into consideration when they are rejecting recommendations. Well outlined topic." B.N. (Oct. 2023)
"I found the case examples and explanations to be the most helpful. I liked the analysis of the research articles that were presented." A.B. (Sep. 2023)
"Brief, concise, and covered important topics. I liked the case studies." L.L. (Sep. 2023)
"The issue of compliance and whether or not to continue treatment was beneficial to discuss. Good examples and I liked the graphics which I thought were good representations of ideas." B.D. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked the provision of distinctions regarding values, morals, and ethics. The definition of Evidence-Based Practice using 3 concentric circles and the suggestion regarding continuing education in related fields was beneficial." K.M. (Aug. 2023)
"I felt everything that was addressed in this course was important. The patient or caregiver perspective is so important. I liked the overall review of the importance of ethics." J.L. (Jul. 2023)
"The presenters kept my attention, and the content was thought-provoking and informative. The discussion around patient and clinician personal bias was beneficial." K.R. (Jul. 2023)
"Understanding the perspective of the client and using both clinical expertise and client values to make clinical decisions. I liked the examples regarding patient care." L.M. (Jul. 2023)
"Engaging presenters and examples. I liked the intro about morals and values." K.U. (May 2023)
"Informative course. I liked the emphasis on consideration of the patient's point of view in addition to evidence-based practice. I liked the specific cases discussed." L.C. (May 2023)
"Clear, simple presentation. The ethical grid was beneficial." N.F. (May 2023)
"I really enjoyed the case studies. I liked the layout of this course a lot." K.Y. (Apr. 2023)
"The importance of the patient/family perspective in decision-making was beneficial. I liked the 2 charts provided, and stressing the importance of talking with patient/family to determine why they do not want to follow therapy recommendations, and the thought re: clinician noncompliance." L.M. (Apr. 2023)
"Good case studies and discussed variables that impact my decisions." A.F. (Apr. 2023)
"The presenters were informed and used personal experiences to illustrate their points. Review of research articles was beneficial." E.O. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked and appreciated thinking about ethics in our field from a broader conceptual base. This course frames concepts around ethical decision making. And thinking about evidence-based as including clinical expertise, research, and patient perspective." R.J. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked all the content." R.J. (Mar. 2023)
"Discussion of internal bias was beneficial. I liked the course length." A.P. (Mar. 2023)
"Good review of ethics and our roles as SLPs. Good examples to incorporate ethical considerations and apply information appropriately." W.S. (Feb. 2023)
"Brief course, but helpful." S.R. (Feb. 2023)
"Covered specific and important information." J.D. (Jan. 2023)
"Evidence based practice. I liked how seamless and informative this course was." K.W. (Jan. 2023)
"Course covered the application of research interpretation. And evidence based practice as it uses research evidence, the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and the patient's preferences." J.P. (Jan. 2023)
"Consideration of families. Course dipped into related fields." E.J. (Jan. 2023)
"Patient perspective. The different subtopics and discussions were beneficial." M.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Liked how in-depth the course is. I liked the seedgrid and discussion on religion. The case studies were beneficial in helping me feel more confident in what decisions I would make." S.S. (Dec. 2022)
"The importance of the patient/family perspective and clearly communicating on this was very beneficial, especially related to cases I have right now. I liked that I could take course on my own time and stop and take extra notes." K.A. (Dec. 2022)
"Course was concrete and clear. It gave me a complete understanding of the best way to be critical when facing an ethical question. It’s important to be aware of our own bias when treating clients considering the cultural diversity that we, clinicians, face during our daily practice." A.C. (Dec. 2022)
"Being reminded of caregiver stress was very helpful. Good information and easy to follow along." K.H. (Dec. 2022)
"I thought the information was presented in an organized and clear manner. The specific breakdown of values, morals, and ethics was presented in a clear manner and helped to reinforce how and why to take these into consideration when working with patients and families. I also very much appreciated the case study related to pediatric dysphagia, as I work with pediatric feeding and swallowing and have encountered similar scenarios while working with families." L.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Evidence based practice information. Excellent slides." J.W. (Dec. 2022)
"Grading of evidence with EBP and discussion regarding differences between values, morals and ethics was beneficial. I liked the importance of communication and an understanding of the patient/caregiver perspective." D.S. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the discussion about personal bias and the recognition that there is therapist noncompliance." L.W. (Dec. 2022)
"Case study examples were beneficial." E.G. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the ethical situations presented in the case study and the powerpoint." J.F. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the case studies looking at a scenario and discussing the possible options. Course was relatively short and easy to follow along." D.S. (Nov. 2022)
"The seedhouse grid was quite good. The examples of specific situations and the issues were well presented." J.O. (Nov. 2022)
"The reminder that we all come with our own individual beliefs and bias, including families, and we have to respect that. A lot of good food for thought." N.M. (Nov. 2022)
"Clear Instruction." A.J. (Nov. 2022)
"Considering all the factors behind a family's belief in therapeutic services was good to learn. I liked the presenter's real-world examples." E.J. (Nov. 2022)
"Helpful handouts for the course." M.G. (Nov. 2022)
"Course content and delivery were good." A.G. (Nov. 2022)
"The discussion regarding differences between values, ethics, and morals and grading of evidence were beneficial." T.R. (Nov. 2022)
"The presenter of this topic provided information on both sides of clinical approach and research." P.G. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked learning about Seed Grid, learning at my own pace, and the ability to re-test." A.G. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the case studies and the format." B.C. (Oct. 2022)
"Linking ethics to evidence-based practice was beneficial." L.T. (Oct. 2022)
"I found reviewing the Code of Ethics was most beneficial to me. I liked the examples provided and how you would provide them to the ethics of ASHA." S.S. (Oct. 2022)
"The presentation was engaging and on point with direct information needed." I.F. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the discussion regarding evidence based practice and the informed clinical expert." M.M. (Oct. 2022)
"Practical real-life examples, including speech and medical field." K.L. (Oct. 2022)
"I appreciated how evidence-based practice was defined with 3 components." A.M. (Sept. 2022)
"The course is easy to understand and apply to best practice." A.P. (Sept. 2022)
"Learning the 3 components of evidence-based practice was helpful. I liked the handouts. The discussion was easy to follow and add notes from the talking points." T.H. (Sept. 2022)
"I like how it defined the differences between morals, values, and ethics." K.B. (Sept. 2022)
"The topic of working to take into account the family's perspective and how that is influenced by what is going on in their lives was beneficial." S.V. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked that it was easy to understand and was informative." A.C. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the case study examples." G.N. (Sept. 2022)
"The information on the differences and interactions between ethics, values and morals was beneficial for my practice." C.S. (Sept. 2022)
"The topic of morals verses ethics is always interesting to me." J.P. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the examples. The print outs are handy and will be easy to reference later." D.M. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the importance of better understanding the caregivers' perspectives in different situations and the importance of effective communication." K.T. (Aug. 2022)
"The Seedhouse grid is an interesting framework that I had not previously heard of." A.W. (Aug. 2022)
"Good reminder to use evidence based research to incorporate into clinical decision making. I liked the flexibility to view course on my own time." L.C. (Aug. 2022)
"The Seedhouse grid was helpful for guiding decision making. I enjoyed the information about evidence and clinical decision making." L.K. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the diagram indicating the three aspects of evidence based practice. I liked that I could watch this course at any time." C.G. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked that it talked about more than evidence based practice." N.T. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked the topic of how research is valuable and that we have to also think about clinical judgment and patient values." A.K. (Aug. 2022)
"The course is self-paced and easy to follow along with." I.T. (Aug. 2022)
"The speakers were engaging." M.S. (Aug. 2022)
"I appreciated the well-organized and effective collaboration between the presenters regarding a critically important topic." A.M. (Aug. 2022)
"The emphasis on communication with parents and family members, in order to determine families' values and stressors and how those influence plans of care, struck me as important. I liked the individual case studies and sets of choices." J.M. (July 2022)
"I enjoyed the graphics that helped visually explain how to make ethical decisions within this field. I liked that it was self-paced and included visuals." E.R. (July 2022)
"I like the inclusion of case presentations to reinforce the importance of decision making." S.D. (July 2022)
"Very applicable to everyday patient care." R.J. (June 2022)
"I found the discussion of the importance of understanding and respecting the views of patients and their families most beneficial. I liked the Venn Diagram showing the intersection of: best available evidence; informed clinical expertise; and patient’s values and expectations." S.C. (June 2022)
"Learning the importance of balancing the professional's and the patient's/family's perspectives, and discussing differences between values, morals, and ethics were all helpful." C.R. (June 2022)
"I liked the individual case studies and how to navigate those ethically. It was a nice refresher on ethical practices." L.W. (June 2022)
"The idea of taking into consideration the cultural, economic, and individual perspectives of the family before imposing own judgements about compliance to treatment - course was easy to access." J.H. (June 2022)
"I enjoyed learning about the Seedhouse grid and reviewing EBP." L.H. (May 2022)
"Discussing values, morals, and ethical considerations were very relevant to practicing as a clinician. The case studies were relevant to the outline of the course." C.R. (May 2022)
"Keeping the family's unique perspective of the problem/illness in consideration when therapy becomes difficult will be beneficial to my practice. The presentation was thoughtfully communicated." K.H. (May 2022)
"The topic of values, ethics and morals and leaving our bias at the door was beneficial. I liked being able to review information and the pace of the information presented was good." R.G. (Apr. 2022)
"Ethics in real situations – the course was informative and appropriate in length." S.R. (Apr. 2022)
"Stressed the importance of patient perspective." J.H. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the review of best practice with real-life examples, and the discussion about how caregiver/family circumstances affect how much information they can receive and how they will receive it." C.B. (Mar. 2022)
"How personal bias affects clinical practice was beneficial. I liked the ease of access to the course." H.P. (Feb 2022)
"I appreciated the thought-provoking examples to prompt me to approach some clinical situations a little differently now. I really enjoyed Dr. Leslie's real-life examples and connections she offered." G.T. (Jan. 2022)
"Listening to and understanding a patient and family's point of view and working as a team toward a common goal. I liked the breakdown of the different types of research." C.S. (Jan. 2022)
"The importance of open communication. Course was easy to connect with and to follow." J.S (Jan. 2022)
"The need to consider level of families' stress and understanding. Being aware that a family agreeing readily and going along does not always mean they have good understanding of the situation." K.L. (Jan. 2022)
"It was brief, to the point with clear explanations, good graphics and good clinical examples." K.L. (Jan. 2022)
Presenter: Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM
Ankyloglossia and the SLP – To ignore it, or not? To refer it, or not? In this course, learn information critical in advising parents regarding infant feeding issues, dental concerns, emotional and social aspects, swallowing considerations, and most importantly the speech connection. Participants will be introduced to assessments and various techniques used to release the lingual frenum.... more+
"The symptoms of tongue tie and how to define and identify a tongue tie. As well as the effects that a tongue tie has on swallowing and speech." T.B. (Feb. 2025)
"Learning more about how to assess tongue tie was helpful. I enjoyed walking through the different photos and example cases." R.R. (Feb. 2025)
"Tongue tie with breastfeeding was a beneficial topic." L.Y. (Feb. 2025)
"I found that this course overall increased my knowledge of tongue tie including how to identify and when to refer. Easy to follow. Good handouts." A.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Frenotomy versus frenectomy; commonality of ankyloglossia in infants; and assessment tests were all beneficial. I liked the practical research/knowledge shared and applicable assessments." C.C. (Jan. 2025)
"How to properly assess tongue tie. Well-organized information that was relevant." N.L. (Jan. 2025)
"The fourth section of the course about assessing, grading systems, case examples was helpful. I liked that the course was short but very specific." B.W. (Jan. 2025)
"How to identify tongue and lip ties based not only on appearance but also on function was a beneficial topic. I liked the pictures and videos to go along with the case studies that were discussed." J.J. (Jan. 2025)
"I like the QTT assessment and different degrees of ankyloglossia. I love the videos and pictures that showed different types of ankyloglossia." L.H. (Dec. 2024)
"This entire course was wonderful and so detailed! Everything!" T.R. (Dec. 2024)
"Symptoms and identification of ankyloglossia were beneficial. I liked the very relevant sub-topics with detailed information and clear explanation." B.M. (Dec. 2024)
"All of the information was very helpful! Great case examples." A.J. (Dec. 2024)
"All of the examples, pictures, and videos greatly helped me understand the material." S.L. (Dec. 2024)
"Great information about how to assess and what problems it can lead to (speech, dental, feeding, etc.). The pictures were extremely helpful in being able to identify normal vs. mild/moderate/severe ankyloglossia. Great speaker! Very informative." C.M. (Dec. 2024)
"The information on available assessment tools is most beneficial for my daily practice. I liked the format of the presentation style." L.N. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the characterization and measurement tools used to determine when surgical intervention is needed. I appreciated the presenters photos and videos to support understanding and application." J.G. (Nov. 2024)
"The course helped me to consider more difficulties a child with a tight frenum may experience. Also how to better assess the severity of the tie. I liked the research as well as the videos/pictures." K.G. (Nov. 2024)
"I loved learning the different assessment tools." K.B. (Nov. 2024)
"Impact of tongue tie on speech and the different assessment measures. Lots of examples, videos and pictures." M.O. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked all of the assessment tools and the video examples." C.P. (Nov. 2024)
"I feel more confident now identifying tongue tie and knowing when to refer. Explained so well with lots of examples." C.R. (Nov. 2024)
"Assessments to determine the severity of ankyloglossia. I liked the picture examples of the described concepts." S.A. (Oct. 2024)
"Connection of TOTs to speech concerns was beneficial. The speaker is very knowledgeable and clear. The information is validating for those of us who have done this work for a long time." D.B. (Oct. 2024)
"Global concerns for tongue-tie; the relationship between tongue-tie and drooling. Images and videos were helpful." K.B. (Oct. 2024)
"The assessment section was very helpful, as well as the post-surgical therapy. I never had specific training in this area in graduate school. There was so much practical information, resources, and great visuals." C.M. (Oct. 2024)
"It was helpful figuring out how to get baseline measurements and understanding more of the attachments of the frenulum to determine the appearance of a tongue tie." E.S. (Sep. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss that unforeseen consequences of ankyloglossia in newborns and young children can spiral outward into the quality of life, including limiting social/emotional opportunities. The course was concise and interesting information with great realistic examples." L.T. (Sep. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial, I really had limited knowledge of tongue tie." A.P. (Sep. 2024)
"All factors that go into determining function were beneficial to discuss. I liked the pictures/videos for visualization." E.G. (Sep. 2024)
"All of the topics were beneficial, especially those related to infants and young children. I enjoyed being updated with the most current best practice and research-based evidence and tools to support tongue tie." L.W. (Sep. 2024)
"It was helpful discussing the relation of tongue tie to breastfeeding, and the importance of an oral exam as a routine part of an initial evaluation for children with speech disorders. I enjoyed the videos and photo examples and discussion of terminology - all very clarifying." K.D. (Sep. 2024)
"Post Procedure therapy and assessment tools were helpful. I liked the discussion of how tongue ties have various appearances and functional impacts." K.R. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussion that appearance alone is not enough to identify tongue tie was helpful. The course was thorough." N.R. (Aug. 2024)
"Assessment of tongue ties was the most beneficial for me." M.C. (Aug. 2024)
"All of the information was helpful! She provides examples in videos and pictures to demonstrate her points. I feel I have a much better understanding of Ankyloglossia now!" C.N. (Aug. 2024)
"The classifications of tongue tie were helpful to discuss, and the assessment of these. The information was easy to learn." J.M. (Aug. 2024)
"Classification system was a good review. PowerPoint was very helpful." E.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The assessment portion was helpful. I appreciated the thorough information and the videos." L.B. (Aug. 2024)
"The practical role of the SLP was beneficial to discuss. The course touched on a lot of topics and gave a nice overview of them even as there was not enough time to go in depth." Y.E. (Aug. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss how tongue tie can affect speech even if it is not severe. Very informative and "real"." C.P. (Jul. 2024)
"The assessment tools were helpful. I liked the videos and pictures she used along with the content." C.T. (Jul. 2024)
"Real examples used (photos and videos). The course was organized and clear." C.T. (Jul. 2024)
"Assessment protocols were beneficial. I liked the self-guided platform, details about assessment protocols pictures/videos." N.F. (Jul. 2024)
"Specific photo examples and descriptions detailing them, and the videos of restrictions and without restrictions were beneficial. I liked watching the content at my own pace, and the excellent wealth of knowledge." K.O. (Jul. 2024)
"Discussing when to refer for surgery was helpful. The course was informative with practical examples." D.F. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked the video footage of both assessment tasks pre-op and post-op to better train my eye and understanding of what to look for!" H.W. (Jul. 2024)
"The detailed description of varying types of tongue tie as well as the long term implications was immensely helpful. I will be spending more time on assessing, and now have better tools to describe ankyloglossia. I liked the visuals, case studies, descriptions of various tests as well as the broad coverage of tongue tie effects." M.N. (Jul. 2024)
"The different areas that a tongue tie can affect in eating, swallowing, speech, etc. I also enjoyed the information on the level of severity. Recognizing that there are other areas that tongue ties could be affecting and that sometimes tongue ties that do not look as bad can still be significant or vice versa. You always need to ask questions and check the function of the tongue." B.L. (Jul. 2024)
"Pictures of Different Tongue /Lip Ties and Case Examples were beneficial. I was able to understand more about my son's lip and tongue tie." H.E. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked the assessment and considerations for tongue tie." A.D. (Jun. 2024)
"Identification of tongue ties was a beneficial topic. Lots of photos and videos of individuals with ankyloglossia." K.B. (Jun. 2024)
"Description of the assessment tools were helpful. I liked the pace." N.B. (Jun. 2024)
"The effects on connected speech were beneficial to discuss. I liked the course's usefulness!" A.M. (Jun. 2024)
"It was very clear and organized. The presenter was very knowledgeable and kept my interest." J.L. (Jun. 2024)
"The formal assessment recommendations were very helpful as well as education regarding non-speech related impacts of tongue tie. I enjoyed the examples shown to improve understanding of terminology and what to look for during assessments." M.S. (Jun. 2024)
"The multidimensional assessment that must be considered, overall function of the tongue on all planes-not just assessing the condition by whether or not certain sounds can be achieved or whether compensations can be achieved when a child does not have to just compensate and accept a lesser potential. The pictures and videos used to demonstrate what was being talked about were well chosen." L.C. (Jun. 2024)
"I found it most helpful to have visuals showing examples of tongue tie and the surgical procedures. It is also helpful to have information about various assessments to use." J.M. (Jun. 2024)
"Learning the different assessment techniques for tongue tie was beneficial. In depth coverage of information not shared in school training." K.G. (May. 2024)
"The information was all new to me, so very interesting. I liked the ease of when I could take the course." I.H. (May. 2024)
"The effects of ankyloglossia on speech production in conversation will directly benefit my work in the public school setting. I'm often asked about tongue tie and I now feel more confident about my skills to identify characteristics and symptoms of a tongue tie. The presenter was very knowledgeable and a good communicator." T.W. (May. 2024)
"I liked learning about types of assessment and tools to use. This course offered information that was new to me." A.H. (May. 2024)
"I liked the pictures." T.G. (Apr. 2024)
"So fantastic! I now have some sort of idea of what to look for with my articulation kids who have been on my caseload. The visuals were invaluable." L.R. (Apr. 2024)
"Learning about the differing types of surgeries was beneficial. All was excellent." T.C. (Mar. 2024)
"This topic is not taught enough in our graduate programs. It is such a common occurrence in my practice. I really needed more education on it and thought this course did just that. I enjoyed the pictures and videos." L.I. (Mar. 2024)
"Being able to assess and diagnose tongue/lip tie and refer for revision was beneficial. I liked the pictures and video case studies." H.S. (Mar. 2024)
"The different assessments that are used for tongue tie assessment and the brief overview of each one and how they help SLPs make diagnoses were beneficial. I liked how course was divided into shorter modules." A.H. (Mar. 2024)
"I appreciated knowing about the assessments that are available. I liked the videos. I liked the presenter's organization of information. I liked the information." K.H. (Feb. 2024)
"The entire course was excellent, and I plan to contact S. Holtzman with more questions. I was able to learn it at my own pace. S. Holtzman was knowledgeable, and I plan to take more of her courses that are offered through Northern Speech Services." K.B. (Feb. 2024)
"Tongue-related issues and the seriousness of tongue tie affecting patients were beneficial to discuss. The course was thorough and complete." S.W. (Feb. 2024)
"All was beneficial. The most were the videos. This was excellent information. The videos are short and understandable." R.K. (Feb. 2024)
"Beneficial protocol. I liked that I could take the course in my free time." A.G. (Feb. 2024)
"Highly recommend; the speaker was very knowledgeable; excellent content; great topic." S.D. (Feb. 2024)
"I enjoyed the video and picture examples. I had no idea that 1/3 of tongue tie releases performed in infancy may need to be done again." S.M. (Feb. 2024)
"The photos and examples were helpful. I liked learning what to use for an assessment." J.M. (Feb. 2024)
"The assessments and our roles as SLPs were helpful. I liked the thorough information." L.L. (Jan. 2024)
"I found the images very helpful in screening/assessing for tongue tie. Information was organized and comprehensive." C.L. (Jan. 2024)
"Assessing tongue tie and what is our role was beneficial. Very smooth and directed course. I liked the example with the video." Z.A. (Jan. 2024)
"Assessment tools, TAP, and learning more in-depth about our role as the SLP were beneficial. I enjoyed the visuals and ease of following along." E.S. (Jan. 2024)
"The scope and sequence of information provided was excellent. I liked discussing the criteria for identification and determination for surgery." J.B. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing SLP's role in tongue tie was helpful. I enjoyed the discussion of assessment tools." M.M. (Jan. 2024)
"The TAP was a beneficial topic. Practical and clear info." M.K. (Jan. 2024)
"Discussing how to identify a tongue tie that may need to be released was beneficial. I learned new information." B.F. (Jan. 2024)
"I liked the specific examples of what clients look like, effects on function, and assessment criteria. Clear pictures of clients and a rundown of assessment criteria." L.M. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the photo examples. The tongue tie assessment was helpful." C.W. (Dec. 2023)
"The evaluation and pictures were beneficial. I liked the diagnosis." A.C. (Dec. 2023)
"Every topic in this presentation was helpful in understanding the impact on speech and swallowing. Very thorough course." T.M. (Dec. 2023)
"This was an outstanding course. I learned so much and I am a professional with over 25 years of experience. The content is factual, appropriate, and evidence based. I appreciate the excellent citation of research and case studies." A.O. (Dec. 2023)
"This course was thorough. It was beneficial to discuss how to determine the need for surgery and exercises to do post-surgery." T.W. (Dec. 2023)
"Clear and interesting. Excellent evidence and resources for professionals. I never had this information in grad school and it is very valuable as we continue to see increasing numbers of clients with ankyloglossia." A.O. (Dec. 2023)
"The presenter was awesome and gave a clear and comprehensive overview of tongue tie. I gained new knowledge of how and what to look for as far as the tongue related to ankyloglossia. All the information, photos, and videos were great, as well as the methods used to measure tongue tie." E.V. (Dec. 2023)
"Discussing the role of the SLP in diagnosing tongue-tie was beneficial. I liked the slides and videos." M.B. (Dec. 2023)
"It was beneficial to discuss the symptoms and effects that ankyloglossia can have during a lifespan. This course was thorough on how to identify different grades of ankyloglossia." J.C. (Dec. 2023)
"The assessment of tongue tie was beneficial. I liked the videos and overall education." T.H. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the actual pictures to describe. The course organization was clear." S.G. (Nov. 2023)
"Discussing how to assess and provide data to advocate for our pts was beneficial. I liked that the course was self-paced." R.K. (Nov. 2023)
"Tongue tie surgical procedures were helpful to discuss. I liked the photos and descriptions." B.G. (Nov. 2023)
"The course was so clearly presented! I liked the specific assessment protocols and discussion of normal vs abnormal." A.H. (Oct. 2023)
"I found this course very interesting and helpful. I liked everything! Easy to listen to - great things to be aware of and to look for when assessing students." C.B. (Oct. 2023)
"Learning assessment tools and when/if to refer. I liked the segmentation of information." T.M. (Oct. 2023)
"Instructor was highly engaging. Assessment information and information on the different types of tongue tie was beneficial and how they can vary based on attachment. I liked the clinical photos and videos." K.K. (Oct. 2023)
"I loved how this course went into all of the ways that ankyloglossia can affect a person beyond just feeding in infants and speech sounds in older individuals. I needed and will benefit greatly from this information. I loved the pacing of the course, including the different sections to listen to." L.F. (Oct. 2023)
"This course helped me in making a decision about a child that I have been having a hard time making a decision about. I liked the pre-test section and the information about the TAP. Specific tools were recommended and visuals of different types of tongue ties." J.L. (Oct. 2023)
"Learning the SLP role in this area. I liked the assessment tools, videos, pictures." B.T. (Oct. 2023)
"What an amazing introduction. The information shared here made me hungry to learn more. I liked the case studies, and examples were given to support learning new terminology." L.S. (Oct. 2023)
"I appreciated learning more conversation points about complications. Excellent pace and explanation." J.C. (Oct. 2023)
"Learning prevalence in newborns. I liked the images and assessment tool review." M.F. (Oct. 2023)
"Practical information. Assessment of tongue tie was beneficial." L.V. (Oct. 2023)
"I found it all to be super helpful. I loved everything about this course." V.B. (Sep. 2023)
"It is very useful to have a sense of the meaning (or lack of meaning) of buzz words like Posterior Tongue Tie. And, most importantly, it is very useful to have more knowledge on a functional analysis for tongue tie. I liked the coverage of multiple ways to assess tongue tie. I plan to learn more about Hazelbaker's tool, since I work with small children." J.W. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the assessment tools discussed, and the visuals." R.A. (Sep. 2023)
"Well organized information and clear presentation. Learning how to evaluate patients for a tongue tie." R.M. (Sep. 2023)
"Identifying tongue tie and explaining the importance and impact to parents and follow up after surgery. I liked the photo examples and videos." C.P. (Sep. 2023)
"Beneficial assessment tools and pre/post frenectomy assessment data measures. I liked the wealth of content covered, visuals/pictures, and additional available resources." T.W. (Sep. 2023)
"Photos, videos and descriptions of what to look for when assessing tongue tie were helpful. I liked the information on consequences of tongue tie, practical information re: assessment, identification and treatment." J.B. (Sep. 2023)
"The speaker was great." C.P. (Sep. 2023)
"I feel better equipped now to educate parents regarding the impact of a potential tongue tie to feeding and speech. I liked the pictures and sequence." E.K. (Jul. 2023)
"How to measure and learning the types of tongue tie was beneficial. I was not familiar with the different types. Course was very informative, and I liked that I learned at my own pace." K.T. (Jul. 2023)
"Learning how to assess for tongue tie for both infants and toddlers as well as when to refer for release of a tie was beneficial. I liked the different assessment tools available." E.L. (Jul. 2023)
"This was an excellent seminar explaining tongue tie. It educated me on the many different problems a tongue-tied individual can experience other than difficulty with speech. This topic is not addressed sufficiently in formal graduate programs or at least when I went to school many years ago. Well done!" C.T. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the pre & post test procedures to assess tongue function. Real life pictures and videos." A.M. (Jun. 2023)
"This course was so well organized and comprehensive. It provided information that I will integrate into my therapy skills and has made me think about "tongue tie" with a whole new perspective. The extensive investigation and presentation of the variations in ankyloglossia was beneficial. Additionally, I was impressed with how the course was so clearly presented in different sections and the presenter's investment in the material. The resources provided will surely prove to be helpful." J.H. (Jun. 2023)
"Made me aware of all the different areas of life that tongue tie impacts. I liked the photos of different types of tongue ties." J.F. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the specifics of screening and associated problems that will lead me to look for tongue tie." B.L. (Jun. 2023)
"I learned information that I can apply in my practice immediately with clients across the lifespan. It was also wonderful to be provided with slides to take notes on." M.C. (Jun. 2023)
"Tongue tie variations, detail of assessments, presenter's own clinical experience with tongue tie functionally impaired individuals, rationale for SLP involvement, were all beneficial topics. I liked the detailed information provided. Good speaking rate." G.T. (Jun. 2023)
"Measurements, referrals, etc were beneficial. I liked that this course gives a timeline and protocol on how to treat tongue tie." N.E. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the visuals, descriptions, and the pictured examples provided. Both research-based and extensive experience-based information." K.W. (May 2023)
"Learning responsibility & roles of SLP in regard to tongue tie. The many pictures & examples of various tongue tie were beneficial. I liked the visuals, videos, and clear explanations." E.B. (May 2023)
"Assessment of ankyloglossia was beneficial. Good pace, well-organized course. The presenter made the material interesting." E.G. (May 2023)
"Clear examples of how a tongue tie can impact so many different areas and what to look for when performing an oral mech exam." K.W. (May 2023)
"Assessment of tongue and lip tie and impact on oral function was beneficial. I liked the pictures and functional application as well as ways to address the issue once diagnosed." K.F. (May 2023)
"The topic on tongue tie and breastfeeding was beneficial. I liked the use of research." L.S. (May 2023)
"The details of ankyloglossia were beneficial. I liked the case study videos." C.S. (May 2023)
"Learning how to determine if a person may have a tongue tie that impacted them. I liked the videos and examples." C.H. (Apr. 2023)
"Specific measurement tools. I liked the examples via slides." J.F. (Apr. 2023)
"Learning what exactly to look for in an oral motor eval. I liked the videos." K.M. (Apr. 2023)
"I liked the discussion regarding assessment. The visual examples and case studies were helpful." J.H. (Apr. 2023)
"This was all very useful information! I have a client who has been getting different advice from doctors and dentists. I am much more equipped now to give her good advice." K.R. (Apr. 2023)
"Assessing tongue tie, and the impact it has on speech. I liked the pictures with the explanations, the videos helped too. It really helps to have an analysis of the study that has guided the ASHA position on tongue tie that is currently published as a guide for SLPs to use in practice. I would hope that those with this expertise would help get more of this into the practice portal." J.F. (Apr. 2023)
"I loved the pictures, examples, and video demonstrations. I most appreciated the discussion of current ASHA statements and other SLP statements regarding tongue tie, as it often seems to me that they do not take into account the multifaceted way that tethered oral tissues might impact many different aspects of speech." H.V. (Mar. 2023)
"Treatment of Ankyloglossia was beneficial. I liked the division of the content into smaller subsets of information." E.H. (Mar. 2023)
"To the point and thorough course. I liked the tongue tie assessments and case studies." M.O. (Mar. 2023)
"Just interesting overall!" A.R. (Mar. 2023)
"The entire presentation was extremely informative and helpful. I liked the videos presented." W.S. (Feb. 2023)
"I now feel more confident to assess tongue ties. The pictures and videos were helpful." M.G. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the assessment content, pictures, and videos. The course is short and comprehensive." A.B. (Feb. 2023)
"Excellent overview of diagnosis and treatment. Included both infant and adult." J.J. (Feb. 2023)
"Learning types of surgeries and their differences for ankyloglossia. Great pictures and videos to explain everything." M.K. (Feb. 2023)
"The quick tongue tie assessment will help me when working with toddlers in their home. I liked that course was broken into sections and didn't seem too overwhelming." L.S. (Feb. 2023)
"Learning my role as an SLP. I liked everything." C.A. (Feb. 2023)
"I liked the assessment information. And that course could be completed on my timeline." L.S. (Feb. 2023)
"The sections were separated into different areas and I could easily refer back to an area if needed without having to look through an entire recording." M.F. (Feb. 2023)
"Assessment of tongue tie. I liked the photos and videos." J.C. (Feb. 2023)
"The images of tongue ties were beneficial. Different sections made it easy to watch." D.C. (Feb. 2023)
"Visual and functional assessments. I liked the many examples." C.L. (Feb. 2023)
"Good case study examples." J.W. (Feb. 2023)
"All of it! I liked the slides and videos." S.R. (Feb. 2023)
"Possible SID connection and other physiological connections was beneficial. Learning new, unknown data." M.B. (Feb. 2023)
"All of it!!! I have not had this in-depth of a training on this topic. The course was easy to take." R.S. (Jan. 2023)
"Clear guidelines of how to deal with tongue tie. Learning the importance of the frenectomy and avoiding the “wait and see approach." A.L. (Jan. 2023)
"Every word is gold." E.M. (Jan. 2023)
"The visuals showing varying levels and types of tongue tie were very helpful. Prior to this course, I was using generic "assessment" criteria to determine the presence of a tongue tie and although I have referred to ENTs for further evaluation, I was fine with the wait and see approach. Now that I understand more, I will be more diligent in advocating for patients to have correction sooner rather than later." K.R. (Jan. 2023)
"Functional assessment. I liked the photos of patients for real examples." A.H. (Jan. 2023)
"The discussion of different assessments and collaboration with the use of visuals was helpful." M.K. (Jan. 2023)
"Course was thorough but concise." Z.W. (Jan. 2023)
"Practical information. I also liked how the course was broken into short segments." J.A. (Jan. 2023)
"The emphasis that tongue tie diagnosis and subsequent treatment need not follow the wait-and-see method was beneficial....that action is warranted upon discovery. The case studies and visuals were very beneficial in tying the presentation altogether." K.W. (Dec. 2022)
"This entire presentation was fabulous. I liked the numerous examples of real clients and variations." C.S. (Dec. 2022)
"I had tons of questions about my patients that present as tongue tied and I found answers to those questions in this course." L.L. (Dec. 2022)
"How to do an assessment before and after surgery was beneficial. I liked the way all the information was organized." F.B. (Dec. 2022)
"Identifying different types of tongue tie and using assessment tools to determine need for surgery was beneficial." X.O. (Dec. 2022)
"I think resources regarding appearance and testing will be helpful for my daily practice. I liked that course was easily accessible." A.A. (Dec. 2022)
"The assessment protocols were great! This course had a great presenter who is very knowledgeable." E.S. (Dec. 2022)
"It was all relevant, well prepared and well delivered. Immediately relevant in clinical practice." J.A. (Dec. 2022)
"Very easy to understand and contrasting with a study that does not think tongue tie affects speech. Learning how to determine the different types of tongue ties was helpful." K.H. (Nov. 2022)
"Great pictures and examples! I have some children with a combination of feeding issues (chewing, forming bolus, and open mouth) and stubborn, peculiar speech errors/patterns. I have been suspicious of tongue tie for a while, and now I know more and feel more prepared at what to look for and feel more empowered to refer to the ENT." K.S. (Nov. 2022)
"All of the material was extremely helpful. I liked the videos." L.K. (Nov. 2022)
"Covered specific things to look for when diagnosing tongue tie. I liked the pictures of tongues with examples of ties." S.M. (Nov. 2022)
"Very thorough and with case study examples." A.B. (Oct. 2022)
"It was both informational and brief with good assessment and therapy recs." K.G. (Oct. 2022)
"I found it helpful to hear the benefits of eliminating tongue tie for a pt's well-being with feeding, speech, etc. I liked how the course was divided into sections so that I could complete the course at various times." S.A. (Oct. 2022)
"Clear and informative. Learning information not received elsewhere. Learning signs of possible ankyloglossia in babies." S.H. (Oct. 2022)
"I found the diagnostics the most beneficial. I now feel more confident when I get referrals for tongue tie." D.L. (Oct. 2022)
"All of the material was very helpful. The photos help give a better visual when determining tongue tie." R.M. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the case studies and pictures for examples." J.T. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the images of different presentations of tongue tie." M.C. (Sept. 2022)
"I enjoyed the entire presentation. I liked how the assessments and treatments were laid out." J.M. (Aug. 2022)
"Great information in a timely manner." C.S. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked that the presentation was sectioned off into various parts to help with the flow of information." L.G. (Aug. 2022)
"Thorough presentation." C.C. (July 2022)
"I found the case studies beneficial. And really thinking it through before using the "wait and see" approach." T.S. (July 2022)
"This was a great course to play for the student I have in clinic this semester. The background information was great for her, as she is just learning about tongue ties. The last section was most helpful for me. My student is just learning about TOTs and I wanted her to hear some of this information from someone other than myself!" A.P. (July 2022)
"It was very informative and the videos were helpful. Learning the multitude of complications (aside from speech) that can result from not having tongue tie release!" S.K. (July 2022)
"Learning some keywords to use to describe what I am seeing during assessments was good. The course was filled with content, yet highly interesting and not drawn out." V.G. (June 2022)
"It was interesting and an eye opener to learn about the different kinds of lingual attachments. Prior to this course, I hadn't seen one where the tongue tip attached to the lower mandibular. Lots of visual and examples to review! Thank you!" B.D. (June 2022)
"The whole course was extremely helpful! I will be able to reassess those articulation cases that are not generalizing and teams (including parents) have had questions about. Every detail of therapy was covered - diagnostics, treatment, programs. Liked the ease of accessing, home study, and ability to stop when needed. I really liked that the topics were broken into specific sections. The flow of information - organization - speaker's descriptions - discussion, backed by videos and pictures - and evidence based - all great." K.H. (June 2022)
"Exposure to different assessments as well as information regarding issues possibly related to tongue-tie were good." K.G. (June 2022)
"The various ways of assessing tongue ties were very useful information, as were the case studies." M.K. (May 2022)
"How it applied to infants as that is the population that I work with. I was very interested in the information that the labial frenulum should be checked when the tongue is checked as it also can affect breast feeding and production of bi-labial sounds." J.D. (May 2022)
"Information was well organized and easily applied. I liked the tests to determine severity of tongue tie." A.P. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked the different case examples, and learning how to assess tongue ties and the type of assessments that can be used." G.B. (Apr. 2022)
"The video and picture examples are very helpful." E.E. (Mar. 2022)
"All sections were extremely valuable and informative." J.L. (Mar. 2022)
"Gave a lot of information and examples of what to look for in terms of tongue tie." A.S. (Mar. 2022)
"The assessment protocols were very enlightening. Excellent examples and pictures." R.J. (Feb. 2022)
"At your own pace; broken into sections provides a break from a large amount of information at one time." S.C. (Feb. 2022)
"Great videos/photos as examples. I like the use of case studies." J.P. (Feb. 2022)
"The examples of real cases were great and I loved the overview of assessments. The course was well organized." J.C. (Jan. 2022)
"The discussion about use of standardized assessment tools to present the results to Drs (and insurance companies ) to report the degree of tongue-ties in need of Frenectomy was beneficial for my daily practice. I liked the descriptions of photos and videos of children and adults with different types of tongue-ties and lip-tie and problems they can cause." T.D.
"I have a feeding and language evaluation for a 22 month old this week. Her mother has concern for lip and tongue tie. Clearly, this course will be very beneficial in my evaluation procedures and treatment with this client, as well as others on my caseload. My graduate school professor strongly felt as though frenectomies were performed too frequently. I am thankful for this course to give me a different perspective and new considerations toward the procedures. I will definitely use my knowledge gained in this area moving forward. The presenter gave clinically relevant and research based information. The content was heavily clinically based and therefore can easily be applied in daily practice." S.F.
Presenter: Kellyn Dailey Hall, PhD, CCC-SLP
This course provides step-by-step instructions for performing and interpreting a quick, yet thorough, oral mechanism and cranial nerve exam across all ages. Includes examples and specific guidelines for interpreting the exam and translating the results into a written report.... more+
"It was beneficial to discuss how to functionally do oral mechanism exam. I liked the disproving of gag reflex during OME." C.M. (Feb. 2025)
"Beneficial review of cranial nerves and how they impact speech/swallowing." K.S. (Jan. 2025)
"The application portion was helpful - what to do during the oral mechanism exam and client responses/implications to the activities. I liked the pictures, videos, sense of humor of presenter." S.G. (Dec. 2024)
"Beneficial discussion of lesion location and how this presents in patients. I liked the ability to stop and start the course again and repeat information for clarity. Also the test at the end to check my understanding of the content." R.P. (Dec. 2024)
"This course was a good review of the cranial nerves and reinforced the importance of cranial nerve evaluation in a comprehensive speech-language evaluation. I liked the way tasks in the examination were linked to cranial nerve function." L.M. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the tools to use was beneficial. I liked the screening." C.A. (Dec. 2024)
"Cranial nerve review was helpful. Essential information was provided precisely." M.A. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the in-depth examples of how to test each cranial nerve and differences to look for." A.L. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the visuals." N.C. (Nov. 2024)
"Cranial Nerve Review and Assessment Protocol were beneficial. I liked the online format for flexibility in learning in the workplace. Detailed foundation for knowledge, as well as assessment sheet." E.C. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the pictures/videos and specific application examples. Powerpoint was clear. I liked the videos the best." N.R. (Sep. 2024)
"All of the information was beneficial. Helpful pics with descriptions." J.W. (Sep. 2024)
"The general overview of CN as well as picture/video examples of an OME were beneficial." S.K. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked the in-depth review of cranial nerves. The course was very thorough." L.R. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussing how to complete the exam was helpful. I liked the easy steps to follow and examples." S.H. (Aug. 2024)
"Cranial nerves as it relates to all movements in the mouth for speech production. Very clear and specific!" P.R. (Jul. 2024)
"Everything was great material loved the little facts provided. Everything was great and to the point." M.C. (Jul. 2024)
"This course was a great review of the cranial nerves and why an oral mech exam is important. I liked that it was a fairly short and compact review." R.V. (Jul. 2024)
"Specific tasks to perform by patient for assessment of CN function. I liked the neural diagrams and real life images." A.C. (Jun. 2024)
"Oral exam, it's critical to make referrals and can predict medical conditions for babies birth-three. I enjoyed the videos, brief explanation of CN functions, pictures, diagrams." M.B. (Jun. 2024)
"This course was a good review. Short and concise." A.V. (Jun. 2024)
"Nice review of the cranial nerves. I liked the examples provided." A.H. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked that the presenter provided several different ways that each nerve and area of the mechanism could be tested. Beneficial information provided about submucous clefts." B.E. (Jun. 2024)
"This course was simple and straightforward." A.J. (May 2024)
"Examples in daily practice were helpful. I enjoyed the illustrations and relationships to various problems or disorders." B.M. (May 2024)
"Cranial nerves that affect swallowing was a beneficial topic. The pace was nice." S.M. (May 2024)
"I really liked the speaker! The course was very clear and easy to understand. Beneficial information on cranial nerves and how to test for impairment." M.L. (Mar. 2024)
"This course was a great refresher and added additional knowledge to what I could look for during OME." N.E. (Feb. 2024)
"The course was straight to the point and had useful information." J.M. (Feb. 2024)
"The oral mech exam information was beneficial. It was easy to learn from this course." K.B. (Jan. 2024)
"All of this content was relevant. The visuals along with the verbal explanations- very helpful in supporting learning." A.P. (Jan. 2024)
"The oral motor exam was helpful. I liked the illustrations." R.P. (Dec. 2023)
"Continued review of oral motor function and CN involvement is always helpful. I liked that the course was easy to access and the cost." A.F. (Dec. 2023)
"Discussing the elements of the cranial nerve exam was helpful. The presenter was very interesting." E.A. (Dec. 2023)
"Good refresher for CN functionality. Loved the whole course. Good use of pictures and video." D.C. (Dec. 2023)
"Activities to assess. Used real life examples." K.W. (Dec. 2023)
"I liked the review of OME and the ease of use of the course." C.H. (Dec. 2023)
"The review of cranial nerves and how to perform oral mechanism exam was beneficial. All of the photos and diagrams really helped assist in understanding the material. The presentation was very well put together. The presenter explained things in a very clear and understandable way." A.C. (Nov. 2023)
"Specific examples of how to assess CN functions made it very easy to apply what was learned. Practical examples. Handout was helpful." K.W. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the video examples of how to complete each step of the exam and what to look for. The review of each of the cranial nerves and their function was beneficial." A.D. (Nov. 2023)
"The detailed descriptions of every task/test done during the exam were helpful. I liked the comprehensive and detailed description of the OME." R.L. (Nov. 2023)
"Learning how to perform a cranial nerve examination was beneficial." P.J. (Oct. 2023)
"Clear information. I liked the refresher of all the cranial nerves." M.M. (Oct. 2023)
"Cranial nerves review and the manifested deficits." C.C. (Sep. 2023)
"The review of cranial nerve functions and how to assess was beneficial. I liked the specific examples." C.F. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the thorough review of the oral mechanism examination and I will now expand my examination to include more of the tongue assessment by isolating the jaw movement, testing of facial sensation, and taste assessment." T.L. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the examples and visuals, as well as the handouts." A.R. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked revisiting which parts of the OME are testing for each/group of CN. I found the review, handouts, and OME document to be very beneficial." A.G. (Jun. 2023)
"Discussion of cranial nerves impact on different aspects of the body was beneficial. I liked the example of an oral mechanism exam with a template of how to write up results." D.S. (Jun. 2023)
"I liked the evaluation of VII, the examples and videos." C.G. (May 2023)
"Succinct course. I liked the review of cranial nerves for speech and swallowing as well as going step-by-step through the exam." K.K. (Mar. 2023)
"Very specific course. Liked the cranial nerve exam." F.B. (Feb. 2023)
"This course was well organized and a good refresher for me. The videos and pictures were very illustrative and helpful. Liked everything regarding the tongue, a very important structure. The exam/eval (questions to ask, what to make the patient do) was very interesting." N.T. (Feb. 2023)
"The review of cranial nerves was beneficial. I liked the thoroughness of content." A.S. (Jan. 2023)
"Very in-depth course. Good review of cranial nerves and how to test their function." E.G. (Dec. 2022)
"The presenter was engaging and explained things well. Learning different exercises for the oral mech eval was beneficial." E.S. (Dec. 2022)
"Good review of specifics of motor vs sensory." D.R. (Dec. 2022)
"Clear and concise course with good visuals. Going through all of the components of the OME during the second half of the course was helpful." C.S. (Nov. 2022)
"I felt the review of the cranial nerves with relation to the oral mech exam was highly beneficial. The video examples were also extremely helpful." M.R. (Nov. 2022)
"This course was thorough with the CN. Learning approaches during oral mech exam was helpful." T.P. (Nov. 2022)
"Helpful review. I liked the examples of patients." W.H. (Nov. 2022)
"Great review of cranial nerve function and oral mechanism exam. The presenter is clear and easy to understand. Kellyn is also enjoyable to listen to." D.B. (Nov. 2022)
"The speaker was thorough detailing the cranial nerve information as it pertains to the oral motor exam." L.K. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the description of the specific techniques the speaker uses to complete her exam with minimal tools to make it feasible in a work situation. The pace and direct application of how the OME can help with daily therapy knowledge were good." T.C. (Nov. 2022)
"Very clear descriptions with interpretations. A great review and pleasant presentation style of the clinically necessary info." M.Z. (Oct. 2022)
"Very thorough review of cranial nerves and testing during oral mech. Excellent lecture and support materials. Excellent handout with included oral mech examination form and sample verbiage for reporting." M.E. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the examples, photos, and clear delineation of each CN. The course is thorough and clear." L.C. (Oct. 2022)
"I thought the course was excellent. The discussion on cranial nerve assessment was beneficial." D.Z. (Sept. 2022)
"Although it was much more detailed than I expected, I appreciated the additional facts and information." H.E. (Aug. 2022)
"It was a great review, and her handout was incredibly useful." R.L. (Jul. 2022)
"The speaker was easy to listen to and follow. I appreciated the review of the cranial nerves and their functions." K.B. (Jul. 2022)
"Very clear, concise, and practical information." H.H. (Jul. 2022)
"Liked review of the cranial nerves and ways to test their integrity." K.B. (Jul. 2022)
"I liked all of it. Determining which CN was involved in the observations found will be helpful." J.M. (Jun. 2022)
"I most appreciated the various patient demonstrations. Knowledge of neuroanatomy and differentiation of upper vs. lower motor neuron involvement increase confidence in assessing patients with certain diagnoses." S.S. (Jun. 2022)
"All of the information was valuable and beneficial. The presenter was very knowledgeable." M.M. (Jun. 2022)
"I found the walk-through of the cranial nerve exam very useful. This was one of the most well-presented courses I have taken on NSS. Everything was clear and concise. The explanation of the cranial nerves and how to test their functions were well explained." M.H. (May 2022)
"Pace of the instructor was good. It was a great review of important information for me. I liked the oral exam suggestions." B.C. (May 2022)
"Clear, well-explained information without excessive detail. Beneficial to learn cranial nerves and their function." A.M. (May 2022)
"Incorporating CN knowledge into OME was beneficial." A.D. (May 2022)
"I liked the tools and process of testing the oral mechanism – the videos were very helpful." M.P. (Apr. 2022)
"The knowledge of the speaker and how information is presented was good. Valuable course! Highly recommended for SLPs." B.M. (Mar. 2022)
"Clear examples. Good review of what things I see in my exam could mean." D.D. (Mar. 2022)
"I appreciated the discussion of the actual tools/implements that Dr. Hall practically uses for all populations in an assessment. It was very well organized, structured and sequenced for optimal learning of the nerves, structure/function, and implementation. She is an excellent instructor, very concise and efficient in her methods." A.D. (Feb. 2022)
"I found the photos and live videos most helpful for applying content to clinical work." K.B. (Jan. 2022)