
Online Courses

Currently showing 135 courses.
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Sale thru 1/31/25

$44.00 USD

$35.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Incorporating the Social Model of Diversity in Our Therapy Frameworks with People Who Stutter #e312

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

Participants will differentiate between a medical model of treatment, one that focuses on fixing or curing the individual’s impairment to accommodate society’s norms and values, and a social model lens of treatment for people who stutter, one that acknowledges human diversity. Participants will identify ways to prioritize the speaker’s experience of stuttering and the impact stuttering has on their lives, as well as their crucial role in educating and advocating for change within the existing physical, attitudinal, communication, and social environment.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$49.00 USD

$39.00 USD

92% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Building Social And Emotional Skills Competencies Using The Conversation Path Technique #e262

Presenter: Rosslyn Delmonico, MA, RSLP, CCC-SLP

Learn strategies to teach children the language skills needed for face-to-face conversations. Provides evidence-based teaching methods and ‘hands-on’ learning activities that can effectively support the acquisition of three conversation skills:  greetings, chitchat, and long conversations with embedded topics. The lesson activities can be implemented within a variety of therapy settings and are primarily intended for children ages 5-14 years. ... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$39.00 USD

$31.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Let’s Talk Today! A Calendar Of 365 Daily Activities For Teaching Language Skills At Home #e256

Presenter: Jean Blosser, EdD, CCC-SLP

Let's Talk Today! is a practical resource SLPs can use to engage parents in their child's language development or improvement. This course includes a 12-month, dateless calendar with over 400 fun and interactive activities. Simple explanations of proven language intervention techniques are incorporated. Use the activities to build language skills needed for school success.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$49.00 USD

$39.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Human Trafficking:  How It Occurs, What It Looks Like, And How To Respond #e221

Presenter: Amy Rouleau, MPA

The heinous crime of human trafficking has reached epidemic levels, not just around the world but in every state in the United States. This course is intended to teach professionals how to identify and respond to human trafficking. It provides an in-depth view of human trafficking, how it occurs, what it looks like, and how to respond.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$44.00 USD

$35.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Connecting Language Intervention And The Classroom #e195

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

This course is designed to help speech-language pathologists collaborate with classroom teachers with greater ease and effectiveness. It also provides SLPs a bridge between learning standards and language intervention goals. Key foundational language skills are explained and creative ideas are offered... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$39.00 USD

$31.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

SLPs Working With Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations #e194

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

This course is designed to enable SLPs to incorporate a new working knowledge as it relates to bilingualism in the assessment and treatment of CLD populations. The material presented will allow participants to make appropriate decisions with greater confidence and expertise when working with toddlers, preschool, and school-age children.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$74.00 USD

$59.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.35 ASHA CEUs

Accessible Strategies And RTI For Speech Intervention #e193

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

Explaining to students how to change the way they move their tongue, lip and jaw muscles to improve speech intelligibility has always been challenging. This course uses a multi-sensory approach with video demonstrations to make it easier for students to understand, remember, self-monitor, and use evidence-based strategies for the remediation of R, S, Z, L, F, V, TH, SH, CH sounds. Includes numerous downloadable reproducibles for use in your therapy sessions.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$29.00 USD

$23.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Introduction To Telepractice – How To Get Started And Other Considerations #e146

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

This course is an introduction to telepractice – how to get started, what is required from both the professional and the client, the pros and cons of telepractice, as well as other considerations to make telepractice a viable and successful medium for speech-language assessment and treatment.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$39.00 USD

$31.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

High Intensity, High Repetition Articulation Therapy #e99

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

Learn to maximize articulation therapy through creative drill activities that yield a high number of repetitions per session. This course focuses on effective high-intensity, high-repetition drill practice activities that can be implemented easily and immediately. Participants will also learn various practical therapy ideas that promote quicker carryover of learned skills.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$44.00 USD

$35.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Developing A Home Articulation Program For Parents #e91

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

This course will aid SLPs in developing home articulation programs. It provides simple home activities for parents working on articulation and identifies 3 things parents should know to facilitate the proper articulation of sounds at home. Includes website links and other resources which contain good sources for therapy materials.... more+

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Sale thru 1/31/25

$29.00 USD

$23.00 USD

95% rating - reviews


Increasing Frequency And Intensity Of Language Intervention Through Parent Training And Involvement #e80

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

When parents and caregivers are trained to become integral parts of intervention, SLPs are able to increase the frequency and intensity of language intervention. This course details the when, why, and how to get parents and caregivers involved in the speech & language intervention process. Includes considerations of individual backgrounds, experiences, culture, and education.... more+

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$29.00 USD

$23.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Trilled R Made Easy: A Direct No-Nonsense Approach To Trilled R #e319

Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP

In this course, participants will differentiate between the alveolar tap R and the voiced alveolar trilled R sound. SLPs will learn a practical and systematic method for eliciting, practicing, and refining trilled R productions, with a focus on Spanish articulation.... more+

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$99.00 USD

Brand new course


Current Perspectives and Best Practice for Childhood Apraxia of Speech #e329

Presenters: Laura Baskall-Smith, MA, CCC-SLP & Stacey Landberg, MS, CCC-SLP

This course offers SLPs a comprehensive perspective on Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). It covers the latest research on CAS, presents strategies for effective home practice, and provides guidance on addressing comorbid conditions. Through a series of talks recorded with parents who have firsthand experience navigating CAS, participants will gain a holistic understanding of how to better support children of all ages and their families.... more+

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$44.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Speech-Language Pathologists in Public Schools  #e328

Presenter: Gina Gabel Hurst, MS, CCC-SLP

The purpose of this course is to equip speech-language pathologists in public schools with the tools to embrace our students from diverse backgrounds and cultures to maximize their communication abilities. Our changing demographics will be explored along with various expressions of neurodiversity.... more+

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$149.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Babble Boot Camp© Basic Training #e321

Presenters: Nancy Potter, PhD, CCC-SLP & Victoria Heinlen, MS, CCC-SLP

Babble Boot Camp© (BBC) is an evidence-based and proactive intervention approach designed to build resilience against speech and language difficulties that are predictable at birth based on known risk factors. This training offers a review of early communication skills, real-life examples of BBC implementation, and hands-on practice. On course completion, early intervention SLPs and early childhood specialists will be equipped to implement BBC in any therapy environment including a virtual one.... more+

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$49.00 USD

97% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Ethics For School-Based Practitioners #e316

Presenter: Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP

This course will provide SLPs and SLPAs with the tools needed to maintain ethical practice in the school setting. Ethical codes, procedures for ethical decision-making, and specific examples of how ethical codes guide decision-making will be shared.... more+

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$149.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Emerging Language and Literacy Intervention for Preschoolers #e315

Presenters: Shirley Patterson, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow & Eva Trumbower, MS, CCC-SLP

This course will address practices for language and pre-literacy intervention for 3-5 year old children. Four evidence-based instructional priorities (oral language, phonological awareness, print awareness and letter knowledge) for early literacy will be the framework for this course. Each instructional priority can be infused into the SLP’s routine interventions.... more+

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$625.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


BaByVFSImP™ For Videofluoroscopic Assessment Of Swallowing Impairment In Bottle-Fed Babies #e002

Presenters: Maureen Lefton-Greif, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow & Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors

BaByVFSImP™ establishes a standardized swallowing assessment protocol for bottle-fed babies. Course participants will learn to apply a standardized scoring metric to profile and quantify physiologic swallow impairment in bottle-fed babies. The training format provides ample opportunity for interactive practice in interpreting videofluoroscopic swallow studies. Participants may work at their own pace and have unlimited time to complete this training.... more+

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$44.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Means for Equity and Inclusion for Individuals with Communication Disorders #e320

Presenter: Veronica Contreras, MS, CCC-SLP

This presentation will cover ideas to promote diversity and inclusion in the field of speech-language pathology in an effort to create equity for individuals with disabilities. This course discusses specific ways in which SLPs can utilize AAC to be more inclusive of all our client’s needs by considering AAC as a viable approach in our evaluations and therapy planning. Content is appropriate for both pediatric and adult clients. ... more+

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$29.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Balancing Ethics and Technology: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Speech-Language Pathology #e317

Presenters: Kellyn Dailey Hall, PhD, CCC-SLP & Leslie Johnson, PhD, CCC-SLP

This course provides SLPs with an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI), emphasizing its ethical applications in the field. It explores the practical uses and challenges of AI, along with crucial ethical considerations such as privacy, consent, and bias mitigation. This course guides SLPs in effectively leveraging AI to enhance efficiency and productivity in their daily operations, all while upholding ethical standards. ... more+

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$129.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.45 ASHA CEUs

Dysphagia Intervention for the Esophageal Zone (DIEZ): A Therapeutic Respiratory Technique for Non-Pathologic Esophageal Stasis and Globus #e314

Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow

DIEZ is a respiratory-based therapeutic technique for improving esophageal clearance thus helping to eliminate the sensation of food sticking, regurgitation of undigested food, and non-pathologic globus sensation. This course will fully describe how to determine who is appropriate for this therapy, how to evaluate these patients, provide instructions in how to teach the DIEZ technique to adults and children, and offer tips for making the technique habitual. ... more+

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$79.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Food Chaining Therapy “New Without No” – Overcoming Aversion, Sensory Challenges and Fear #e313

Presenters: Cheri Fraker, CCC-SLP, CLC & Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC

This treatment course demonstrates the how-to’s of PreChaining and Food Chaining over time. Learn fun and creative strategies for successfully implementing PreChaining and/or Food Chaining therapy for the child with severe to extreme feeding aversion. Detailed case studies are used to demonstrate from week to week how to help the child and their family make rapid and lasting gains, eat safely, lower anxiety, expand the diet, improve nutritional status, and eat with joy.... more+

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$29.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Ethics In Telepractice #e311

Presenter: Marissa Rocheleau, MA, CCC-SLP

This course outlines ethical ramifications of providing online service delivery to clients. Includes a discussion of the legal and ethical guidelines for providing online delivery of services, and a discussion of guidelines for determining if clients are appropriate for telepractice. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric client populations.... more+

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$189.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Competencies In Using Alternative And Augmentative Communication (AAC) For Language Development #e310

Presenters: Megan Brazas, MA, CCC-SLP, QOM & Beth Speaker-Christensen, MA, CCC-SLP/L, ATP

This comprehensive online training provides a step-by-step process to conduct dynamic and collaborative AAC assessment, select optimal AAC systems for your learners, effectively coach communication partners, understand and use AAC prompt hierarchies, and expand vocabulary using AAC treatment principles. Case studies will be presented to facilitate the AAC evaluation and assessment process and to aid in treatment planning. Downloadable bonus resources allow you to get started with assessment and therapy with your current caseload.... more+

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$79.00 USD

66% rating - reviews


Understanding Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) #e308

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis to the medical community. This course will discuss the definition and symptoms of ARFID, additional diagnoses that can occur with a diagnosis of ARFID, and describe several screening and assessment tools that have been utilized and studied for diagnosing. Possible therapeutic, medical, and pharmacological interventions are discussed. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric client populations.... more+

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$39.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

SLP Therapy Essentials For Older Students: A Model For Treatment Planning, Intervention, And Family Education #e303

Presenter: Claudia Doan, MS, CCC-SLP

This fun, interactive, and evidence-based course is designed to help school-age children internalize lessons taught in speech therapy and generalize them to real-life communication situations. Learn treatment approaches to meet the needs of older students in the areas of articulation, vocabulary and written expression. Presented in detail will be highly engaging and easy-to-implement experiential, speech-language therapy lessons.... more+

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$29.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Ethics And Burnout #e302

Presenter: Teresa Roberts, EdD, CCC-SLP

This course will provide an overview of ethical decision-making models in relation to cultural factors, compassion fatigue and burnout related to work stressors. Ethical decision-making will be examined through the lens of self-reflective practices. Resources for navigating compassion fatigue and burnout will be provided. Content is applicable for SLPs working with both adult and pediatric populations.... more+

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$149.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Learning Style Profile© Part IV: LSP Questionnaire - A Protocol For Identifying Social-Communication-Behavioral Breakdowns Between Children With ASD And Partners In The Classroom And Therapy #e301

Presenter: Patrick Rydell, Ed.D., CCC-SLP

In spite of best efforts during therapy sessions, social-communication-behavioral breakdowns may still occur when working with children with ASD. Our interpersonal interactions may unintentionally trigger, or at least contribute to these breakdowns. This course identifies common scenarios in which breakdowns occur, and explains the sources of interactional breakdowns specific to each of the 10 LSP components.... more+

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$49.00 USD

96% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Breathing Protocols For Speech-Language Pathology Practice #e300

Presenter: Kaitlyn Shrum, MA, CCC-SLP, QOM

This course will provide a review of the anatomy of respiration, define functional versus dysfunctional breathing, and describe best practices for implementing breathwork into clinical practice. Participants will be able to successfully evaluate clients for dysfunctional breathing and develop a plan of care to improve total health through functional nasal breathing. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric populations.... more+

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$139.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Pediatric Dysphagia: Interpretation Of VFSS, Management And Treatment Planning #e296

Presenter: Joan Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-NCD, BCS-S, ASHA Honors & Fellow

Presented by pediatric dysphagia expert, Dr. Joan Arvedson, this course provides comprehensive coverage of assessment and treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia in infants and children. Participants will learn to describe findings on VFSS, to interpret findings related to underlying physiology, and to make management decisions for intervention strategies. Course includes 20 patient VFSS cases of varied ages and underlying etiologies.... more+

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$400.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Competencies In The Treatment Of Children With Apraxia Of Speech: The Kaufman Speech To Language Protocol (K-SLP) #e295

Presenter: Nancy Kaufman, M.A. CCC-SLP

The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) is one of the most commonly used treatment approaches for childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). This comprehensive training offers participants the opportunity to demonstrate competencies in the implementation of the K-SLP for treatment of CAS. Gain a deeper understanding of the essential components of this approach. Learn strategies for using phonological processes to select treatment stimuli, and learn methods to help children progress from unintelligible speakers to functional verbal communicators.... more+

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$44.00 USD

89% rating - reviews


Hop On The Multi-Tiered System Of Supports Train (MTSS) #e291

Presenters: Jean Blosser, EdD, CCC-SLP & Nancy Robinson, PhD, CCC-SLP

This course explores MTSS and implications for SLP practice. Working within the MTSS framework offers a new paradigm for service delivery that can help SLPs address everyday challenges such as: 1) integrating intervention strategies into classroom instruction, 2) determining dosage for services, 3) balancing high caseloads/heavy workloads, 4) collaborating with resistant colleagues, 5) identifying priorities, and 6) managing limited resources.... more+

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$99.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


How To Start Your Own Telepractice Business #e287

Presenter: Marissa Rocheleau, MA, CCC-SLP

This comprehensive course outlines how to start or expand your own telepractice business as a therapist. It will cover issues related to company formulation and licensing, taxes and liability, advertising strategies, resources for online business owners, hiring and supervising therapists, how to write contracts, and much more.... more+

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$197.00 USD

93% rating - reviews

1.05 ASHA CEUs

Natural Language Acquisition In Autism: Echolalia To Self-Generated Language, Level 3 #e286

Presenter: Marge Blanc, MA, CCC-SLP

This NLA Level 3 Course presents an all-new look at NLA treatment. Discussed are strategies for individualizing treatment for gestalt language processors of any age: 18 months to 28 years. This course covers every aspect of supporting gestalt language development, including physical supports for self-regulation. Extensive videos, language samples, and goal-writing are included.... more+

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$69.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


School-Age Stuttering Therapy: Practical Activities #e285

Presenter: J. Scott Yaruss, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-F, F-ASHA

This course will help SLPs apply fundamental knowledge about stuttering therapy in order to reduce the adverse impact of stuttering for school-age children and adolescents. Presentation discusses treatment goals and practical therapy activities that can be applied immediately in your therapy sessions.... more+

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$49.00 USD

91% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Building Resilience In Our Young Clients #e284

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

An increasing number of children have difficulty coping with 21st century everyday life. This course provides a working definition of resilience and descriptions of the characteristics that may be associated with better outcomes for children who confront adversity in their lives. It also identifies particular groups of children – most notably those with developmental challenges and learning disabilities – who are most likely to benefit from resilience training.... more+

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$69.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Strategies And Techniques For Helping Children Develop A Growth Mindset #e283

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

This course describes various challenges that can sidetrack children in their developmental and educational processes, leaving them with a sense of discouragement and helplessness. Participants in this course will learn strategies to help children become aware of and use their own strengths to develop a growth mindset and overcome academic challenges.... more+

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$69.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Communication Techniques That Work: Build Rapport, Connect And Motivate #e282

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

This course will teach clinicians and parents effective communication and conversational skills to use in the classroom, in one-on-one situations, and at home with children and their families. Course participants will learn strategies for addressing children’s negative feelings, reducing frustration and power struggles, managing meltdowns, encouraging cooperation, improving motivation, building self-esteem and more... more+

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$29.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Ethics For SLPA Supervision #e281

Presenter: Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP

This course will introduce SLPs to the ASHA Assistants Code of Conduct. It is important for supervising SLPs to know the content of this code and to use it along with the ASHA Code of Ethics to navigate ethical issues when working with SLPAs. A framework is provided to analyze ethical concerns and to implement solutions to maintain ethical practice when supervising SLPAs.... more+

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$79.00 USD

92% rating - reviews


Creating Complex Sentence Competence: Evidence-Based Treatment To Improve Receptive And Expressive Language Skills #e279

Presenter: Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP

In this course, participants will be provided with the background needed to identify and form complex sentence stimuli for therapy. Tools and techniques for assessment to identify client strengths and needs will be shared. Evidence-based implicit and explicit treatment techniques to address complex sentence comprehension and expression will be demonstrated. This course includes downloadable, reproducible therapy resources.... more+

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$44.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Communication Foundations For SLPA Supervision #e278

Presenter: Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP

Increasingly, SLPs are supervising SLP assistants (SLPAs). The competencies and skills needed for a successful long-term supervisor/supervisee relationship are different from those required for supervision of students and clinical fellows. This course will introduce two important factors in maintaining a successful long-term supervisor/supervisee relationship: psychological safety and receiving feedback. Course participants will learn... more+

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$39.00 USD

95% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Telepractice Treatment For Early Intervention And School-Age Children #e277

Presenter: Marissa Rocheleau, MA, CCC-SLP

This course is designed for SLPs to learn more about treating children in early intervention (ages 0-2) and in school settings (ages 3-22) using a telepractice based model. Content will include research foundations supporting the use of telepractice, valuable resources and materials to implement in treatment, collaboration strategies, real videos of treatment, and case studies.... more+

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$39.00 USD

92% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Subordinate Conjunctions? Relative Clauses? Help! Explore Strategies For Syntax Intervention #e276

Presenter: Cathy Alexander, MA, CCC-SLP

This course will help SLPs to support children’s syntax development. Key features of syntax will be reviewed. Strategies, contexts, and toys & books that can facilitate production of complex syntax in language samples will be highlighted. Learn a myriad of evidence-based “Go To” strategies for teaching syntax both orally and in the written language. This course includes downloadable, reproducible therapy resources.... more+

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$159.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


The Power And Principles Of Narrative Intervention #e275

Presenter: Trina Spencer, PhD, BCBA-D

This course presents 10 principles of effective narrative intervention. Learn what's special about oral language and what's special about stories. Learn deficits that oral storytelling can help solve. Learn how oral storytelling instruction can effectively address the cluster of skills that are at the core of everything literacy related. Stories are everywhere. Why not harness their power?... more+

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$39.00 USD

100% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Academic Language And How To Teach It #e274

Presenter: Trina Spencer, PhD, BCBA-D

This course takes a deep dive into academic language and how to teach it in meaningful contexts. Only 12% of students with language disabilities meet grade level expectations in reading and writing. When SLPs concentrate their language intervention on the dimensions of academic language—namely vocabulary, discourse structures, complex sentences, morphology, and inferencing—more students achieve academic expectations. ... more+